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8 guys busted last night on 71


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Lets be honest.



IF anyone was racing they better not say a damn thing on here as it would be admitting guilt.



The following is the story you will hear no matter what. No we were not racing.



Problem is, if even 2 cars out of the group were racing, they are going to most likely at least get them with intent.

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Lets break it down even more. If there is a video, than it isnt very hard to get. If the police have evidence your lawyer can subpoena it and get a copy. Also the judge is more than likely going to side with the police in this matter. Why would the judge listen to someone that the police clearly had probable cause to stop. Its not like they just set up a blockade and said i hope they come tonight. The judge will more than side with the police because more police officers vote for judge to be in office than a regular citizen. Unless the judge is comfortable where he is at and doesnt have to be reelected for awhile.


Also the prosecutor will stack up the charges of course, he would be stupid if he didnt. This means that he will instantly drop off some charges and make it seem like a good deal. So unless you have a shit load of money it might be hard to walk away with a slap on the wrist.


If there is a video than good, everyone that said they were not racing is fine. For the people that got away and ran, well the police will be waiting at the hang outs looking for your car. They will probably either A. watch you like a hawk to race again or 2. take you in right there and question you.

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Also for those that were just cruising, im sure you knew nothing about the people racing right infront of you. that is where they will get you. You pulled out in a pack, you watched races, you might of been speeding but not racing. (everyone speeds)


I linn didnt run than im sure he would not be the one they would hang out to dry.


Also, if no one was racing why did 11 cars run?

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the cars went left before they knew there was cops.



Wow for someone who wasnt there you seem to know a lot.


And if you were there i could care less, i just wouldnt say anything else that might put you there. ie..knowing more details than you should know.

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Wow for someone who wasnt there you seem to know a lot.


And if you were there i could care less, i just wouldnt say anything else that might put you there. ie..knowing more details than you should know.

We were up in the ROFL copter spying on the races


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I wouldn't worry too much about message board talk...we all know the internet is made up of truth and lots of BS. My wife has had cases were chat room stuff was taken in by the prosecution and she simply poked holes all in it as possible BS chatter. Anything said would have to be matched up with hard evidence.


It wouldn't paint a good picture if said facts matched up with a video though.


Lets be honest.


IF anyone was racing they better not say a damn thing on here as it would be admitting guilt.


The following is the story you will hear no matter what. No we were not racing.

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Ive done this before and than gotten back on the highway only to see sean pulled over and another friend a little bit further down.


Maybe luck was just with them that night.

haha yeah that was not a good night...we were really lucky.


yes...i was in the same situation a few years ago with a chopper and several CPD. :(

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similar situation back in college....buddy and I blasted past a Trooper in the median in Knox County......at the time we were amazed he didn't chase us down but rather he must have radio'd ahead for others and we did figure that.


we pulled off not intentionally trying to out-run but rather to to go get a burger and hide/lay low. about 20 minutes later we were greated by four troopers questioning us hard at the BK we stopped at, but both played as dumb as we were scared.


they knew it was us and we knew they knew that but nothing happened because we stuck to our story that it simply wasn't us. no plate was recorded and even if it was, they couldn't pin who was driving anyway.


IMO, they accomplished the goal of putting a scare into us which is likely what at a minimum they wanted to do.


haha yeah that was not a good night...we were really lucky.


yes...i was in the same situation a few years ago with a chopper and several CPD. :(

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This is the correct answer, however, let's break it down.


What this is basically saying is, is that they (law enforcement) would rather wait for them to do something illegal and dangerous, allowing the alleged racers to endanger themselves and others further with the possiblity of serious injury or death, so they can add a notch on their (law enforcement) on their belts.


Doesn't this make them accessories? Hmm?

this is exactly what I was thinking. If the cops are out to do the right thing and prevent a dangerous situation, their actions did not match up.

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Guest tbutera2112
the people who got away cant be nailed...fingerprints dont have anything to do with anything... wth are you talking about? if the people got away, theres no way the cops can prove they were driving the car at the time of the bust...what can they do? dust the car for fingerprints and see whos hands were on the steering wheel? that wont hold up in court because the person driving the night of the bust might have had gloves, they cannot prove that the owner was driving at that particular time unless they are caught at the scene
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