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this is not good.


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This past weekends events have just fulled the street race fire. I would pull all vids from your photobucket, myspace, streetfire, facebook accounts.

That's what was different back in the day, you didn't have 5 billion videos of street racing. There was maybe one or so, it wasn't as public as it is now. Shit we could keep it on the DL, but anymore it's like a Circus in town.

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I feel horribly for this girl and wish her the best and a fast and full recovery.


However, this seems to be the media being trigger happy with street racing charges. I mean unless the dude jammed his breaks harder then hell I don't see how you could loose control, they didnt say anything about it being wet and since it was the e-way I highly doubt he was on gravel.


but like I said, terrible news that the girl had to be involved.

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Just great...George was legally drunk and they have witnesses to street racing. This is going to go really good with the recent arrests. Some politician is licking his chops right now to make a name for himself as the guy thats going to bring down street racing.
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Here's the article:


COLUMBUS, Ohio — Although drag racing occurred before a January crash that left one person dead and a young woman severely injured, investigators on Monday downplayed the possibility that criminal charges would be filed in the case.


George Staton, 30, was killed during the early morning hours of Jan. 27 when his car crossed the median on Interstate 70 near Hilliard-Rome Road and crashed head-on into a car driven by Monica Durban, 10TV's Glenn McEntyre reported.


SLIDESHOW: Images Of Crash, Monica Durban's Recovery


The crash left Durban, 20, in a coma and on life support.


For weeks afterward, Durban's family prayed beside her hospital bed as doctors tried to assess her injuries.


"They didn't know what her future was," said Lee Durban, Monica's father. "One time they had her hug me, as a rag doll. She was still in a coma and still no motor skills. This was probably the fifth week into this and I started to cry because I could feel my daughter. And I stood back and saw her eyes - red and tears - and it was the first time I felt there was a response."


Monica Durban continued to recover and on May 6, for the first time since the crash, she took her first steps.


"I'm like a baby," Monica Durban said. "I'm walking again."


Despite the improvement, it still takes Monica every ounce of strength to move her feet, and the simple act of opening her hand causes extreme pain. Still, she is grateful to be alive.


"God saved me," Monica said. "So I'm happy to be alive right now."


Monica said she remembers nothing of the crash, but said she needs to understand what happened.


"So I can finish it off in my head, so I know what happened to me," Monica said.


Nearly six months after the crash, police have concluded an investigation into the incident. It's a report that investigators called flawed, McEntyre reported.


According to police, not only was Staton drag racing moments before the crash, but he was also legally drunk. Police records obtained by 10TV News show there were four witnesses to the crash -- Staton's wife, his neighbor, his cousin and the driver Staton was racing.


Staton's wife and neighbor told investigators that the other man called Staton and challenged him to a race. When asked about the race the driver told police that his car "started breaking loose, so (he) let off the gas," allowing Staton to speed past him.


Staton's neighbor, who was following behind with Staton's wife, said that "after the race was over they both hit their brakes to slow down." The neighbor said it was "5 or 10 seconds later" that Staton lost control and crossed the median, McEntyre reported.


Even with those statements, investigators said they do not have enough information to charge anyone in the crash.


"We can't prove that racing going on is the cause of this particular crash; that they were actually racing when the crash occurred," said Columbus police Sgt. Shelia Wilson. "That's what we need to prove to prosecute anybody else involved in this case."


It's a finding that Lee Durban finds disturbing.


"We need to make it known that you can't do this to people. It's too dangerous," Lee Durban said. "So we have to take reasonable steps to hold people accountable."


In a surprising admission, police said that the other driver might have been held accountable if officers had conducted a more thorough investigation, McEntyre reported.


"I just think a better job could have been done on our part," Wilson said. "I do believe that."


Wilson pointed to information officers received that Stanton's wife was allegedly videotaping the race -- something that could have cleared up questions about the crash and the role racing played, McEntyre reported.


"We don't know for sure that there was one, but we have a suspicion there was a videotape," Wilson said. "That's probably destroyed at this time."


It is a tough admission for the Durban family to accept, especially as Monica rebuilds her body.


"I just want to ride my horses again and I want to act again," Monica said. "I want to run again, too. That's my main goal."


Lee Durban said he would push for a review of the investigation.


"Here's a child that was going to graduate from college in just four more quarters," Lee Durban said. "She was going to go to Hollywood to do her film study. She was going to be married. All of those plans are in jeopardy.


Whether the police feel the case is closed or not, I don't run their office," Lee Durban said. "This case will never be closed in the Durban household."


Police said the case could be reopened at any time, pending new information.


10TV attempted to contact George Staton's widow but she did not respond to requests for comment.


Watch 10TV News and refresh 10TV.com for additional information.

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Just great...George was legally drunk and they have witnesses to street racing. This is going to go really good with the recent arrests. Some politician is licking his chops right now to make a name for himself as the guy thats going to bring down street racing.


I feel sorry for both families and I am glad to see she is doing better.I agree with what you are saying.The reality is that you will NEVER stop street racing.I am 40 with 3 kids and a wife so I do take it to the track.They have street raced since cars were invented and once cars are gone they will race whatever they are replaced with.

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This past weekends events have just fulled the street race fire. I would pull all vids from your photobucket, myspace, streetfire, facebook accounts.




Shit's only going to get worse.

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Sad situation, but I am glad that we finally have an update on how Monica is doing. I find it pathetic however that it takes a "sting operation" on street racing to bring up what could be considered old news. I tried a Google search of Monica Durban a while back to see how she was doing. Nothing at all came up after January. I hope the recovery process goes well for her.
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Sad situation, but I am glad that we finally have an update on how Monica is doing. I find it pathetic however that it takes a "sting operation" on street racing to bring up what could be considered old news. I tried a Google search of Monica Durban a while back to see how she was doing. Nothing at all came up after January. I hope the recovery process goes well for her.



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