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The only thing good to ever come out of Michigan


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My first reaction is " Absofrigginlutely " But, if they can do this, what is next? One step closer to govt doing our thinking for us.


If the thought is "hmm maybe i should wear a belt instead of letting my pants fall down" the gov't should be able to impress that on anyone it likes. Kids who don't understand the basics of belt wearing (apparently due to the neglect of their parents) need to learn it from somewhere, or else they will spend their whole lives pretending to be crack dealers and working second shift at mcdonalds. Sagging is yet another 'race to the bottom' where the stupidest kid of the group gets the most respect (see Idiocracy for the implications of this.) I am 27, does that make me old enough to yell at youngsters to "dress like a grown up and get a real job"?


The real problem is I don't want my chicken sandwich and fries handled by someone who stops every 5 minutes to adjust their pants.

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If the thought is "hmm maybe i should wear a belt instead of letting my pants fall down" the gov't should be able to impress that on anyone it likes. Kids who don't understand the basics of belt wearing (apparently due to the neglect of their parents) need to learn it from somewhere, or else they will spend their whole lives pretending to be crack dealers and working second shift at mcdonalds. Sagging is yet another 'race to the bottom' where the stupidest kid of the group gets the most respect (see Idiocracy for the implications of this.) I am 27, does that make me old enough to yell at youngsters to "dress like a grown up and get a real job"?


The real problem is I don't want my chicken sandwich and fries handled by someone who stops every 5 minutes to adjust their pants.


There is nothing illegal about running around in boxer shorts. As sad as it may seem, it's not a govt issue. If the govt shouldn't "legislate morality" why is this any different?



At 27 you should realize those who work hard advance. It's not your job to "yell" at or save someone who chooses to look like a schmuck.

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My first reaction is " Absofrigginlutely " But, if they can do this, what is next? One step closer to govt doing our thinking for us.


I think it's a good thing for the Gov't to think for people when they're too stupid to think for themselves.Pull your pants up,put your hat on straight and stop acting like a thug and you'll get my respect.I'm 40 years old so my age is showing.

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I think it's a good thing for the Gov't to think for people when they're too stupid to think for themselves.Pull your pants up,put your hat on straight and stop acting like a thug and you'll get my respect.I'm 40 years old so my age is showing.



I heard a nice quote today. "Freedom means that not everyone is going to agree with you and ,likewise, you with them"

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i would be embarrassed to have these people in charge of where i live


either useless legislation that we will laugh at in one of the dumbest law books


or wasting taxpayer money and police time to enforce it

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How on EARTH do you people actually believe that the govt should be able to tell you how to dress? You know who else did that?



............. wait for it..............................................


























you know, the nazis had pieces of flair they made the jews wear.



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What are they gonna do, send them to the city jail that they closed because they couldn't afford to keep it open?


This guy is a fucking joke. I don't agree with that style of dress at all, but being able to search someone because they're pants aren't at their waist is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard yet.

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