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Pregnant tits :(


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LOL!! My ex liked hers being played with more when she was pregnant, but everyone is different. Are they getting a good deal bigger? If so they might start bothering her back and you can just offer to hold them up for her!!
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LOL!! My ex liked hers being played with more when she was pregnant, but everyone is different. Are they getting a good deal bigger? If so they might start bothering her back and you can just offer to hold them up for her!!


They have actually increased an entire size. I just want to play with them more now :( LoL


Don't get me wrong though, I'm looking forward to being a father . . . I guess it's my punishment for not having to push it out of my penis.

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Could be worse she could spend 2 and a half months at OUS on strict bed rest. (my wife did).


congrats on the impending fatherhood. you guys know what your have yet and how many?


True enough, everything turned out okay I take it?


Thanks. We will know in 3 weeks. We are only on week 17. Only one in there. . . with a great heart beat. I'm cool with whatever though honestly.

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enjoy it during the first tri-mester when she'll likely still want it a lot. my wife was all over me in the first three months. the next three sucked ....litterally ;):p ....but still not awesome like the first....the last three were let's say.....a dry spell :( aunt Rosie showed up then. :rolleyes:


been there done that twice :)


congrats on both accounts....wedding and kid!


My wife is pregnant and her tits are always sore and sensitive. I want my fun bags back :(



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True enough, everything turned out okay I take it?


Thanks. We will know in 3 weeks. We are only on week 17. Only one in there. . . with a great heart beat. I'm cool with whatever though honestly.

:D they only had 1 heartbeat and swore it was one kid until my girlfriend was 5 months pregnant.. then bam its twins :(

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Oh just wait the fun will start soon enough. Dave and I are having our second baby in October. I'm 26 weeks pregnant now with no real issues other than being tired.


With in the next few weeks you poor guys are gonna get hit with major mood swings. Feeling run down tired complaints. Whining about how fat she thinks she is getting. Then the swelling starts...feet, legs, belly. Then finally it will be constant back pain and unable to sleep. I sleep on my stomach so it was really difficult for me sleep later in the pregnancy. Lack of sleep = grouchy+mood swings= not a happy man.


Do yourself a favor and make it a habit to do something at least once a week with the guys to get a break.


As for the boob thing it's not that bad. Do something she wants without her asking and you can get away with a little bit more without complaints.

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Oh just wait the fun will start soon enough. Dave and I are having our second baby in October. I'm 26 weeks pregnant now with no real issues other than being tired.


With in the next few weeks you poor guys are gonna get hit with major mood swings. Feeling run down tired complaints. Whining about how fat she thinks she is getting. Then the swelling starts...feet, legs, belly. Then finally it will be constant back pain and unable to sleep. I sleep on my stomach so it was really difficult for me sleep later in the pregnancy. Lack of sleep = grouchy+mood swings= not a happy man.


Do yourself a favor and make it a habit to do something at least once a week with the guys to get a break.


As for the boob thing it's not that bad. Do something she wants without her asking and you can get away with a little bit more without complaints.


Or just PIITB. /Thread

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