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Crazy weather tonight


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Just stepped outside for a few minutes and got some good video of all the lightening on my phone, but will have to upload when I get home. Anyone else seeing this craziness?

Yah, the rain isnt terrible but this lightening and thunder are amazing.

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The weather has been really weird lately. The storm just passed by Pickerington. It rocked us for about 20 mins. The lightning was just like the storm two weeks ago, which I'd never seen anything like it before. Thunder that rolled for over 3 mins.... the sky lit up for minutes straight.... nasty stuff.
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Guest tbutera2112
i had to drive to work in it...had to have all my lights on in my truck even the offroad lights just to see 5 feet in front of me...and my window was half way down since its off the track...is mostly fixed now though
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i always sleep through storms, but there was one lightning hit that i swear to god hit either my apartment building, or one of the buildings/garages next to me. i have never heard thunder crack so loud in my life. it actually woke me up, which has never happened.
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