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Why I hate fox tv.


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Do you even watch Fox News on a regular basis or are you just forming an opinion that you were told to have by your conformist heroes?


First, they mostly showed Hannity and Colmes, an OPINIONATED talk show. It's the same as the Hafferty File on CNN, only they invite guests. Why do you have such a problem with anyone conveying their opinions other than left-gimps? Hell, they showed Colmes in that video and he's the most arrogant, civil rights supporter on Fox News.


Second, most of the things in that video I actually watched and they were put out of context.


Third, many of the arguments were completely valid and not racist at all.


Last, ALL of the guests are invited on to those shows. They're not forced or "slaved" into it.


Thorne, you have reached the borderline of "what goes through your head?". Does your mind literally block things out or do you get off to this kind of thing? It's the same on every news station, bias and swingers.


EDIT: Some things changed so I don't seem like as much of an asshole. ;)

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HA! Do you even watch Fox News on a regular basis or are you just forming an opinion that you were told to have by your conformist heroes?


First, they mostly showed Hannity and Colmes, an OPINIONATED talk show. It's the same as the Hafferty File on CNN, only they invite guests. Why do you have such a godamn problem with anyone conveying their opinions other than left-gimps? Hell, they showed Colmes in that video and he's the most arrogant, civil rights supporter on Fox News.


Second, most of the things in that video I actually watched and they were put out of context.


Third, many of the arguments were completely valid and not racist at all.


Last, ALL of the guests are invited on to those shows. They're not forced or "slaved" into it.


Thorne, you have reached the borderline of "what the fuck goes through your head?". Does your mind literally block things out or do you get off to this kind of thing? It's the same on every news station, bias and swingers.


Spot on.

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I have watched fox I always hated how they claimed fair and balanced and I never quite seen that.

I love how "fair and balanced" the progressive website source is you posted here. Fox News claims to be "fair and balanced" in the sense that their general news just reports on current events and doesn't pick-and-choose what to report on to overwhelm the viewer in to thinking something else, like CBS for instance. That doesn't mean they can't have talk shows with hosts sharing their individual opinions. EVERY network has talk shows where they discuss opinions. I don't know why you'd want to shadow freedom of speech and harmless arguments just because you don't agree with them.


I think Hafferty and Wolf Blitzer are morons, but I don't think they should be censored.

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I think that FOX has stepped in where the big three NBC, ABC, and CBS have left off. Fox is fair and balanced because they are taking care of much of the bias that the big three have leaned to for such a long time.


I like FOX personally, nothing against them. I think they're more news oriented, rather than dramatic diatribes of how the man/W is keeping the world at bay.


MSNBC is shit.

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Do you even watch Fox News on a regular basis or are you just forming an opinion that you were told to have by your conformist heroes?


First, they mostly showed Hannity and Colmes, an OPINIONATED talk show. It's the same as the Hafferty File on CNN, only they invite guests. Why do you have such a problem with anyone conveying their opinions other than left-gimps? Hell, they showed Colmes in that video and he's the most arrogant, civil rights supporter on Fox News.


Second, most of the things in that video I actually watched and they were put out of context.


Third, many of the arguments were completely valid and not racist at all.


Last, ALL of the guests are invited on to those shows. They're not forced or "slaved" into it.


Thorne, you have reached the borderline of "what goes through your head?". Does your mind literally block things out or do you get off to this kind of thing? It's the same on every news station, bias and swingers.


EDIT: Some things changed so I don't seem like as much of an asshole. ;)


+10000 The dude only seems to say negative shit. Also seems to just ramble on ALL OF THE TIME.

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CNN Headline is halfway decent, except for 5PM ET, when that shithead gets the air.

FOX is the fucking devil. It exist for no other reason than to forward the Republican party.

CNN isn't quite as bad as FOX, but it's still atrocious.

MSNBC just sucks.


BBC is actually better for U.S. news than any U.S. based news service, but even they have their own bias.

Frankly, if you want the truth, all you can do is watch as many different sources as you can, and learn how to weed out the stupidity, bullshit, exaggerations, and outright lies that every single one of them spouts when the story is even remotely political.

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BBC is actually better for U.S. news than any U.S. based news service, but even they have their own bias.

Frankly, if you want the truth, all you can do is watch as many different sources as you can, and learn how to weed out the stupidity, bullshit, exaggerations, and outright lies that every single one of them spouts when the story is even remotely political.




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I think it's funny that you all point that I don't watch the channel. I believe you are mistaken. I did watch the channel until I was so discussed with there pro republican agenda it was just sickening.


I think its funny those who thik they are balanced. Maybe if they did not claim it they would not get picked on so much.

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CNN Headline is halfway decent, except for 5PM ET, when that shithead gets the air.

FOX is the fucking devil. It exist for no other reason than to forward the Republican party.

CNN isn't quite as bad as FOX, but it's still atrocious.

MSNBC just sucks.


BBC is actually better for U.S. news than any U.S. based news service, but even they have their own bias.

Frankly, if you want the truth, all you can do is watch as many different sources as you can, and learn how to weed out the stupidity, bullshit, exaggerations, and outright lies that every single one of them spouts when the story is even remotely political.



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CNN Headline is halfway decent, except for 5PM ET, when that shithead gets the air.

FOX is the fucking devil. It exist for no other reason than to forward the Republican party.

CNN isn't quite as bad as FOX, but it's still atrocious.

MSNBC just sucks.


BBC is actually better for U.S. news than any U.S. based news service, but even they have their own bias.


Frankly, if you want the truth, all you can do is watch as many different sources as you can, and learn how to weed out the stupidity, bullshit, exaggerations, and outright lies that every single one of them spouts when the story is even remotely political.




All you can do, read and listen to everything.. I dont trust most media, but that maybe due to the fact i am 9-11 truther.


all of the stations are there to get raings, make money, and push thier views.

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I think it's funny that you all point that I don't watch the channel. I believe you are mistaken. I did watch the channel until I was so discussed with there pro republican agenda it was just sickening.


I think its funny those who thik they are balanced. Maybe if they did not claim it they would not get picked on so much.

Than say what makes them unfair and unbalanced. The fact that you post a weblink to a site called "ThinkProgress" makes me tend to believe you aren't interested in any idea other than similar to your own. Hypocrisy.

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Nas is an idiot. His dumb ass is the one who tried titling his new album the actual racial slur beginning with the letter "n". Why would anyone do that, it's not making any kind of statement. They wouldn't let him do it and it pissed him off, so instead he is making an underground cd with the title instead. Then he goes and makes a big deal about this shit?
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Nas is an idiot. His dumb ass is the one who tried titling his new album the actual racial slur beginning with the letter "n". Why would anyone do that, it's not making any kind of statement. They wouldn't let him do it and it pissed him off, so instead he is making an underground cd with the title instead. Then he goes and makes a big deal about this shit?

He's from da hood. Nuff said.

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Nas is an idiot. His dumb ass is the one who tried titling his new album the actual racial slur beginning with the letter "n". Why would anyone do that, it's not making any kind of statement. They wouldn't let him do it and it pissed him off, so instead he is making an underground cd with the title instead. Then he goes and makes a big deal about this shit?

Interesting. I think I'll make an album of the same title. Oh wait.

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