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Road Refills


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I don't take drinks in cups in my car. I always worry I will forget and the bottom fall out.


That fucking happened to me. A WHOLE FUCKING GLASS of RED HI-C on me. I was driving and lifted it up to take a drink, *What was i gonna do throw it at someone?*, and fuckin BOOOSH. I was pissed, no i was more than pissed, i was fucking pissed.

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dude, I feel ya. my rx8 has 2 cupholders right behind the shifter thus making me hate putting drinks in there b/c a) when you put drinks in there you take away from the middle console rest that you must slide back to use the cupholders and b) its akward having shit there while resting you're hand normal and shifting. so usually I just only use anything thats in bottles and just throw them on the pass. seat or the floor.
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It's amazing to me that such a ridiculously plush car as my Park Avenue has such lousy cupholders. Me, and my Brother can have cups or cans. Anyone else has to get bottles.

Actually, I think I'm gonna solve the cupholder dilemma in the coming weeks...time to pick up some fibreglass and plastic filler...

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Check out a 1G DSM's cup holders sometime. It's a removable insert that goes into the center console. That being said, they really hole even large cups very securely. I'd be confident to do a 6K launch with a drink in the car.


I also typically get refills. But I drink a LOT. Water and Iced tea mostly. I try to stay away from pop. And cups ALWAYS come out. I NEVER leave cups in my car. I yell at the GF when she leaves cups in hers.

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