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sunday dispatch

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this is the one from sunday:


Street racers set a horrible example


Sunday, July 27, 2008 3:37 AM





I read the story about the family of Monica Durban suffering because of the foolish, reckless, illegal and deadly behavior of highway racing ("After street-race tragedy, victim struggles to recover," Dispatch, last Sunday). I was infuriated to read that "After (George) Staton's death, some among the Columbus performance-car community conducted a memorial 'cruise-in' and raised money for his widow and kids," and that "The Durban family never got anything from Staton's fellow auto enthusiasts -- no call, no note, no money."


Some in the "Columbus performance-car community" have their wires reversed. These people are ignorant about the responsible way to determine the performance of their vehicles. Those of us who are not arrogant and are knowledgeable about such things go to the local racetrack to test our vehicles and compete.


Those who attended the cruise-in to support Staton's actions should be ashamed of themselves, for they condone foolishness that kills and maims many people each year. They show zero consideration for anyone. They and their friends are irresponsible, ignorant, arrogant, law-breaking dangers to everyone around them. These people are horrible examples to their own children, as well as younger drivers.








and the one from today:


Street-racing group should be charged


Monday, July 28, 2008 2:52 AM





I am the aunt of Monica Durban, who was severely injured a car crash on I-70. I've just read The Dispatch's story about the accident. The article said there was a street drag race "perhaps just concluded," then George Staton lost control of his car and slammed into Durban's car. Staton was killed. I am appalled at the wife of Staton, who said later of the other driver in the drag race, "That boy didn't have anything" -- ignorant, stupid, heartless words. I know that no one in my niece's immediate family will say it but I will: Where are these people's souls? Where are the rights of the victim?


I can't believe the hell my niece and her family, all these families, have gone through because some flipping moron wanted to get his "goat" and have a "kill." What has happened to this society that these people put money into a car instead of an education? That a "man" in his 30s with two children goes out and does something as mindless as racing an 18-year-old? What 18-year-old has an expensive, enhanced car that is obviously meant for racing?


I'm sickened by these families' priorities and wonder what is happening to the society in which we live. Why is no one being prosecuted?


What has happened is a tragedy, but we can stop the pain and help heal by crying out, every single one of us, and asking for the investigation to be reopened and for police to be investigated and the state to take over and make a full, complete, honest investigation.


The police want to play on the semantics of whether they were racing at the time of impact into my niece's car. The police are not the judge and jury. Ohio law says anyone assisting street racers shall be charged as a participant.


Mrs. Staton and the other driver were participants in illegal street racing and should be held responsible. Nowhere in the law does it stipulate "when in the act of racing" but rather it says that racing is a violation and people participating in racing will be held accountable for their actions.



Fort Wayne, Ind.

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man I feel for everyone involved. and I know it was discussed to send something to the Durbans family. but if something was sent I am sure it would have made things worse, like CR was accepting responsiblity for their actions.


There are a lot of facts that aren't mentioned in the news. I am sure the auth did everything they could to prosecute those involve, obv they didn't have enough.


And I find it VERY hard to believe Georges wife made that comments......


And why should CR be ashamed for stepping up and helping a friend in a time of need? There is a widow and two unfathered children out there, do they not matter? I think CR did the right thing.


God Bless to all that were effected by this accident.

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Was his name "Andrew Saturn"?


I saw him at Meade Saturday. I didn't know he went/worked to CSCC and Autocrossed. I was nice to him when I first met him. Then I realized one in the same by the rally insignia on his rear windows.

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anyone read letters to the editor? our car community are SOB's because we did nothing for the victim or her family?


anyone else catch that?



For the record, I called this. When Sam was raising money for George's wife, I said repeatedly we should split whatever was raised and give have to the young lady along with some flowers. I posted saying this was going to happen if we didn't. I said it would look like we don't care. Guess what folks, it really looks like nobody here cares.

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Revenge is not the right way to heal. I guess these people don't get that.


"Let's make others hurt because we had to. Monica is still alive but, we should make George's wife hurt even more because of what happened. Not only should she have lost her husband but, she should also lose her kids (hard to keep them in jail). Fuck everyone but us, we're the only one's who lost anything."


That's how I read the second one. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong. Some shitty stuff happened but, these people are just trying to make things worse.

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Revenge is not the right way to heal. I guess these people don't get that.


"Let's make others hurt because we had to. Monica is still alive but, we should make George's wife hurt even more because of what happened. Not only should she have lost her husband but, she should also lose her kids (hard to keep them in jail). Fuck everyone but us, we're the only one's who lost anything."


That's how I read the second one. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong. Some shitty stuff happened but, these people are just trying to make things worse.


I agree with you on this one. The girl, albeit going through hell, has survived and is making strides to become as she once was living a normal life. But the fact is, she is still alive.


George's wife has lost her husband and the father of her children right in front of her eyes. The pain of that daily is going to be much worse than any judicial system can do. The girl's family at this point should rejoice in the fact that she is alive and making strides in recovery, not calling for revenge. It makes me sick.

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This is a sticky situation. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.


I felt we should have made a donation but I alsoo n th oethe rhan was concerned that it would be taken as us promting what he did or supporting it.

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Just because money was raised and donated to the family that in some way was associated with us does not mean that cr as a whole condoned what caused the accident. You cant lump cr or its members in participating in any way to what may or may not have lead up to what happened. It may have at the time been a nice gesture to send condolences of sorts, but it may have in some peoples eyes, been seen as appearing that cr was involved. It remains a tragic event that has opened alot of eyes both among our members and the general public.
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How many times do we have to discuss the same damn thing in here? All of this has been covered in the past. We are a bunch of heartless thugs :rolleyes: .. do you really think donating money would change that? Or do you think they would accept the money then turn around and say us giving it is a sign of guilt? People are going to assume he was racing, and to be honest the only people that know were the ones there. People can speculate and talk shit until they are blue in the face but the truth is that they dont know what really happened. The cruise was not a way of saying street racers unite to show we condone Georges speeding ... it was simply a way of saying goodbye to a friend.


The world is fueled by ignorance and hate. Why assume he was speeding and lost control when we can assume he was racing. Racing gives us more reason to be mad and point fingers. Everyone speeds so I cant be too mad about that, but racing is only done by these punk kids. This is the angle I need to fuel my ignorance and hate. This is the angle I need to get my revenge. this is the angle I need to give myself closure... I wish we lived in a more positive world and people weighed all options before making decisions. Sometimes you just have to admit and accept that you dont know what happened. False closure is only good until common sense taps you on the shoulder....


BTW: Stop focusing on the money. Plenty of people here sent flowers, called the family etc. They didnt need a donation from us, they just wanted our prayers.


I'm going to work now.. keep it clean guys.

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Guest 614Streets

I swear to you guys anthony green made the absolute right desicision not splitting contributions of money when this happened. The family wants justice , and as awful as it is guilty by association is how this will roll forever in the minds directly affected.


This is our community of Car enthusiasts and we not be weak and stand frail amoung untruthful slander and voiced decry for wrongful blame should it come about.

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at this point, i'm surprised CR allows a continuing discussion of this crap.


It's been rehashed 800 times already

Viewpoints have been expressed


You're only giving more and more fodder for those that are looking for it


Ant would do well to delete it all....not give people a reason to come on these boards searching for fuel

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Its funny you say delete... when things are deleted people claim we are hiding things. There is no win lose, right or wrong... were're fubar either way.


They can search all they want. What they will find is that people here are empathetic of both sides involved, and we argue about giving donations.. nothing they wouldnt have already known.

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It is screwed up. I mean George lost his life and his family lost him. Weather or not he was or wasn't racing he died. And the girl Monica was just driving home and now her life is upside down along with her families. It's a no win situation, but to blame the members of CR and say "Those who attended the cruise-in to support Staton's actions should be ashamed of themselves, for they condone foolishness that kills and maims many people each year" is wrong. No one in attendance was there to support street racing or the actions of George that night. People were there to support the loss of a friend, regardless of how it happened and they have that right.

I think that everyone needs to take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences of those actions. With all this being brought back up about George and the “snitch” talk and bust on 71 people need to take a look at them selves instead of saying this or that about everyone involved. You can only control your own actions not those around you. So look at yourself first and lead by example. Be responsible for yourself and if you make a mistake take it like a man and LEARN from it. If you want to street race, fine do it, no one on here can stop you. But maybe this is one of those life lessons you don’t have to learn the hard way if you just take a look at other people’s actions…

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The problem is the readers only get one side of the story in the newspaper. We have people on here that write some great stuff and make valid point. the problem is, the only ones reading it are the people that KNOW we are not bad people. Someone here should write a proper letter to the editor describing the real car community. The one that meets at the TRACK, goes to shows(including ones at churches), and the one that tries to help out fellow members. I am not saying to direct anything towards her letter, because that would only add fuel to the fire. I am more thinking of one that would attempt to combat the flurry of recent derogatory media that is following the car scene. Call out the general public and say that they should help us get more tracks, and more legal places to keep this shit off the road.
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I kinda have a hard time being sorry for his wife though. Sorry that she lost her husband yes, but it was still moronic behavior. i mean she was just as much participating in this illegal act by being in the car behind to watch. no i wasn't there, but i agree with satan, cr should have split the donations, and no i didn't donate.
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We didn't split the donations, because as a "group", we didn't wanna have her family look at us as an outlet of hate. That's why.


Plus the bullshit of "no call, no note, no money" is bullshit. I know for a FACT a few CR members donated and visited, but were warned not to do as "as CR members". I actually planned on visiting her and was asked not to as fallout from the incident and the fact I ran CR and her family wanted nothing to do with it.


Fuck the media, and fuck the people that made threats against me and my family over someone else's actions.


That's right, this is closed and damn you people who care to make it your personal vendetta or opinion. Once your family's well-being are at stake because of public ignorance, then maybe you'll reconsider aiming your bleeding heart bullshit elsewhere. I'm not going through this again.

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