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has cr gone down hill


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Not really, people just still insist on posting tech shit and race shit in the wrong section. I move at least three topics a day just in the wrong sections.

Maybe that is a good bit of it.

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Ive noticed half the board doesnt have anything that they race...whether it be drag,autox,road course....etc. Thats what I dont get.


It should be a requirement.


1. You must race something

2. You must be an active part of the community

3. You must have refferals from senior members.

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What happened to that whole CR chat thing?

















And Mr.Forky?


I had it back for a little bit last year at night. A few of us used it. I used to enjoy that shit. We need the onel iner like ohioriders has. Itw ould cutdown on the bullshit posts

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Thank you Anthony for using me as an example. Im sorry that i post (yes a shocker) alot but do i come to every meet right? Every track day? Support cr anytime, sorry we had a discussion about this at a dinner meet (i attended) tonight that there is more to CR then just the website. CR used to be a community that met together did crap together. I heard anthony talkin of a trash pick up day years ago.... soooo many people post on here yet never show up to any of the organized events. I understand busy life blah blah its the same 15 people at meets... how many regular posters on here daily? IF you belive CR has gone down then come to a meet, participate in a post and bring it back to how you want it then.
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Thanks Eric for bringing up my name for resposts. :). I think you did that because I called a repost on one thread one time . ;).


Anthony is right. There are just way too many people on here post whoring useless retarded shit (this goes for a lot of people not just one person).


It's not just going out to meets every week. It's about how you act on this forum that carries to other places. Sure you may be cool as hell at the meets, but on the board if you're a douche bag, I'm going to label you as one.

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Thank you Anthony for using me as an example. Im sorry that i post (yes a shocker) alot but do i come to every meet right? Every track day? Support cr anytime, sorry we had a discussion about this at a dinner meet (i attended) tonight that there is more to CR then just the website. CR used to be a community that met together did crap together. I heard anthony talkin of a trash pick up day years ago.... soooo many people post on here yet never show up to any of the organized events. I understand busy life blah blah its the same 15 people at meets... how many regular posters on here daily? IF you belive CR has gone down then come to a meet, participate in a post and bring it back to how you want it then.


Paul, if you posted more like this, I'd have no issues with your online persona.


It's not only legible and makes sense, but it's thoughful. This is what I wanna see outta people, and yes, you participate in real life quite a bit. I'm happy with like that as well.

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The automotive part of this board has been lacking a bit lately. The BS part has been booming.

plus 1 on that...most days you could see 40 posts a day from me in the tech section. now people are tryying to run garage's out of there, and i refuse to help someone else make money with me not getting no benifit's from it. :(


im to busy at work and at home in the garage to worrie about this shit :)

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Thank you Anthony for using me as an example. Im sorry that i post (yes a shocker) alot but do i come to every meet right? Every track day? Support cr anytime, sorry we had a discussion about this at a dinner meet (i attended) tonight that there is more to CR then just the website. CR used to be a community that met together did crap together. I heard anthony talkin of a trash pick up day years ago.... soooo many people post on here yet never show up to any of the organized events. I understand busy life blah blah its the same 15 people at meets... how many regular posters on here daily? IF you belive CR has gone down then come to a meet, participate in a post and bring it back to how you want it then.


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Well Eric, I tell you what, I will retire (for now) from being a dick. I'll be interested to see if one person can really change much in such a large community.

:bs: :bs: :bs:

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It should be a requirement.


1. You must race something

2. You must be an active part of the community

3. You must have refferals from senior members.

Bill, that's not the point of CR (at least from what I gathered over the past years).


1. Why does someone need to race something? If I sold the Cobra tomorrow, would I no longer be a welcome member?


2. I agree a lot of people should be more active in "real" life. That being said, is posting on here, not being being an active part?


3. I did not know any senior member when I joined. Speaking for myself only, I think that would be an unfair rule.

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Bill, that's not the point of CR (at least from what I gathered over the past years).


1. Why does someone need to race something? If I sold the Cobra tomorrow, would I no longer be a welcome member?


2. I agree a lot of people should be more active in "real" life. That being said, is posting on here, not being being an active part?


3. I did not know any senior member when I joined. Speaking for myself only, I think that would be an unfair rule.


1. No because your part of the community I'm refering to joe blow ricer who had a matrix and thought they were ultra tight.

2. Active part of the bored would mean hobbz was cool to. I think you should be active in a postive manner , Post articles links and be invovled. Hal your always out your very active

3. We did not always have senior members so some people are oldskewl enough for that one. But I think being out and active would be enough.



I enjoy CR I've made allot of good friends that i hang out with on a regular basis from cr.



CR has not went down hill persay WE've had a bad run lately with the negative press.



1. Street racing death

2. Street racing bust

3. noobs trying to get on because of it

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I can't afford a car to bring to the track or I would be there often. If I had a car worthy enough I would try to make the meets more. Even so my work and life schedule does not work with meet times. After I have my wedding (end of the month) and win money in vegas to pay off bills I will buy a better car.


And don't even tell me I can autox in my beater because I can not. ABS engages more often then it should and it pulls hard when braking.

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Trowa, half the time I roll out in a dented half functioning '98 Malibu.



That is fine. Driving a 2 tone car and one with half altezza lights and 1 normal light doesn't make me feel happy though. In all seriousness I paid $500 for my car and have driven it for almost a year with minimal repair to it. I will make it to a eating meeting soon in my POS. I just need to not be busy on the weekends...

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That is fine. Driving a 2 tone car and one with half altezza lights and 1 normal light doesn't make me feel happy though. In all seriousness I paid $500 for my car and have driven it for almost a year with minimal repair to it. I will make it to a eating meeting soon in my POS. I just need to not be busy on the weekends...


You make it sound like its a requirement. It would be fun to have you there, but life is life. If you cant make it we will just have boat loads of fun and post inside jokes that make absolutely no sense to you :p


It's rant time!!!!

I do wish people would go to more of the track meets. Putting in hours of charity work on a car forum and only having 20 people sign up makes one feel unappreciated.


I need a hug damnit!.


/ crybabyrant

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I wish I could make it out to more "track" events and less 10pm style, parking lot meets, but with my job and my family, my time is squeezed pretty thin already. The only reason I can even make it out to the parking lot meets is because they are late, and all my other responsibilities are taken care of.



EDIT: I also appreciate you !!! GROUP HUG !!!

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