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Third World War?


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this sounds like 5 years ago when the ww3 retards were saying the same thing about iraq


okay now someone clarify something for me, south oss was part of georgia which seperated (which is what georgia did to the soviet block back in the day, hmm irony much?) South Oss is made up of mostly ethnic russians which says that georgia was ethnic cleansing. Russia steps in smacks Georgia in the mouth, and Georgia thinks it is the old days and they can have the US take its side against Russia? Georgia is not part of the UN so they can't ask for help their.


So I am getting the wrong impression when I think the Georgia started it thinking they would be quickly helped by the west against Russia, and Russia seems to be in the more or less right on this one?


and yes I am neglecting to mention the natural gas and oil pipeline that runs through Georgia

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Its not some top secret information that the government has people in Georgia, USAFE confirmed that on CNN, saying they where all accounted for, theres 137 I think, without counting dependants, most of them contractors, and embassy staff. Theres some in Ethiopia too (does anyone care, no), its not that big of a deal, military/contractors are everywhere.
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this sounds like 5 years ago when the ww3 retards were saying the same thing about iraq


okay now someone clarify something for me, south oss was part of georgia which seperated (which is what georgia did to the soviet block back in the day, hmm irony much?) South Oss is made up of mostly ethnic russians which says that georgia was ethnic cleansing. Russia steps in smacks Georgia in the mouth, and Georgia thinks it is the old days and they can have the US take its side against Russia? Georgia is not part of the UN so they can't ask for help their.


So I am getting the wrong impression when I think the Georgia started it thinking they would be quickly helped by the west against Russia, and Russia seems to be in the more or less right on this one?


and yes I am neglecting to mention the natural gas and oil pipeline that runs through Georgia


South Oss is in Georgia, and has an automonus government and citzens can claim citzenship to russia making them russian citzens and georgia is a break off from the cold war and Georgia was probably expecting UN backing, wether they get it or not who knows. So in short separtists from South Oss killed 10 people, Georgia says Russia backed them and launched their campaign. Thats how I understand the whole situation.

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CNN is stupid. Follow the links from Drudge Report







Georgian officials insisted that Russia has continued the bombings despite the pledge, but Russia denied that.
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Who didnt see this happening? China and Russia have been having militairy exercises together now for quite sometime! This is much larger than the Bush admin. It goes beyond our government! Its a game for the extremely rich that they play to help control population,etc.
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That site makes me laugh, so full of off the wall BS and speculation.


You're right, I mean being a soldier you should know that the U.S. Army tells you the truth...


"WMDs are in Iraq"

"After 9/11, the air at ground zero was safe to breathe"


Need I go on?


I guess I'm just a lunatic. I guess I'll just drink some flouride filled water, take the corporate media for 100% truth, and worry about the next american idol.

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and I like http://www.theonion.com the best!


And I'll be laughing when they come to confiscate your guns because the media reports so much bullshit, it masks legislation like the Patriot Act that strip you of your civil liberties.


It's ok though, they need plenty of ignorant people to listen to all the propoganda and join the black shirts...


If your such a smart ass, I'll challenge you to disprove just ONE thing on that site... with fact, not something from Yahoo news.

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You're right, I mean being a soldier you should know that the U.S. Army tells you the truth...


"WMDs are in Iraq"

"After 9/11, the air at ground zero was safe to breathe"


Need I go on?


I guess I'm just a lunatic. I guess I'll just drink some flouride filled water, take the corporate media for 100% truth, and worry about the next american idol.

I won't go into anything with you on Iraq, for what you see on the news is nothing compared to on ground line of sight. That infowars shit is complete and utter speculation. You have some anti-government nut job in his basement creating conspiracy theories. We probably have people over there, just as we do with any country we have a US Embassy in. I deffinately don't doubt us pushing weapons to help them out, for they have been part of the "coalition" in Iraq. And not to mention have their bid in for NATO. Sometimes a silent influence is better than a large on ground presence.

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And I'll be laughing when they come to confiscate your guns because the media reports so much bullshit, it masks legislation like the Patriot Act that strip you of your civil liberties.


It's ok though, they need plenty of ignorant people to listen to all the propoganda and join the black shirts...


If your such a smart ass, I'll challenge you to disprove just ONE thing on that site... with fact, not something from Yahoo news.


Only if NObama gets into office

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Thoughts on a new cold war; Our economy is not great. Russia's has been kicking ass. The world bank says, and I quote "unprecidented microeconomic stability". They are what we were in the 50's: lots of growth, therefore they have made strides in so many areas, they can outgun, and outspecialize our country, in the not so distant future. The roles have been reversed. They're an energy powerhouse more now than ever.


Oh, and they want to put missiles/nuclear bombers back in Cuba in response to our shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. Anyone remember when this happened last? A popular, young president was in office. Cyclic. Also said it might just be a refueling point instead of a base.


In essence, we are probably going to see Bert the Turtle again should this happen.


Also, I think the Georgian president is trying to be on Glenn Beck tonight for an interview and his response.

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