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We disagree than, short of a an all out riot situation, I fully expect to never see a police force marching with automatic weapons in hand.


The day I do ... is the day I join a militia and hope for a revolution. Which being a quasi-liberal, is the last thing I prefer to do.

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We disagree than, short of a an all out riot situation, I fully expect to never see a police force marching with automatic weapons in hand.


I hope they never have to, because in that instance, they've already failed at their job. They shouldn't have to, but if there is a need, by all means let them do their job.

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Terrorist acts are for the most part an inevitability. Whether foreign, or home grown.


Terrorism is a loose term though, unless you're talking about post 911 terrorism which lets face it, means "extremist Islam".

A swing and a miss.


You do realize a war on terror is impossible correct?



Hint: If you want to get that answer right, take "Terror and Terrorism" at OSU.

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^ a swing and a miss ... I was agreeing with you. Since I am no longer in school, and you are obviously insinuating an "answer", please treat us to it.

It isn't a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, just a deeper question.


It's more fun to not give answers. It forces others to think.


Hint: The War on "Terror" can never be won. Why?

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It isn't a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, just a deeper question.


It's more fun to not give answers. It forces others to think.


Hint: The War on "Terror" can never be won. Why?


*SIGH* ... I can't stand this kind of college level pontification. It's usually a little pretentious, and or didactic.


Though if you're riddling, which at this point I'm not sure if you are ...


Is it because we cannot declare war on an emotion ?


Or because when you retaliate, you are in fact "terrorizing" someone else ?


Or am I in a completely different ballpark ?


Are you talking specifically about post 911 "terrorism", or the more old school, home-grown, militia-extremist style terrorism, or both in the sense that they are mostly decentralized, and capable of operating without a specific "leader" ?


Is there is an actual answer ? Because my wife is a college professor that teaches a Terrorism class. So maybe I should ask her.


EDIT: We stray OT.

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Though if you're riddling, which at this point I'm not sure if you are ...


Is it because we cannot declare war on an emotion ?


Is there is an actual answer ? Because my wife is a college professor that teaches a Terrorism class. So maybe I should ask her.


EDIT: We stray OT.

You're getting on the right track there. It's just us shooting ourselves in the foot because of what we have named it. Why?

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Look, another idiot.


PS. You do realize a war on terror is impossible, correct?


Yeah, I sure do. I just wish the government did. Actually, the gov. knows it too, it's just that millions of gullible sheep will believe anything the government tells them.



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You're getting on the right track there. It's just us shooting ourselves in the foot because of what we have named it. Why?

I would say a war on Terrorism, since how can we wage combat on an emotion like fear/terror. We can fight terrorists, organizations, and countries that openly welcome them.


Off topic is fun

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Yeah, I sure do. I just wish the government did. Actually, the gov. knows it too, it's just that millions of gullible sheep will believe anything the government tells them.



You're just continuing to prove that you're a moron.

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someone cuts you off, you press the horn, and nothing happens. You're like, "Crap! I wish I hadn't seen Ricky on the sidewalk!"




Thank you for catching that.



And to quote "V for Vendetta"


"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."


'terrorism' is an idea. there's too many definitions, but personally I define it as an idea. It's impossible to defeat.

(this is not saying I condone it)

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It shouldnt be called, "The War on Terror".... It should be called, "The war on people that dont like us and want to hurt us so we are going to kick their ass and publicly destroy their leaders and take over everything they own and give it back to them in better shape than when they first tried to hurt us and we will not allow them to hurt our pride or make us afraid because as Americans we are too stupid to be scared of dying because we know that the government will protect us because they always have our best interest at heart and thats why I voted for Bush so now I'm going to go eat fatty foods and clog my arteries and die from a heart attack before a terrorist even has a chance to kill me."
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