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Volvo North america shutting down


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Me and the wife was at Walmart on 23 yesterday coming out and a repoter from channel 6 drove up and asked us if we knew that the Volvo plant behind there was shutting down and i said no and he said yeah its sad because 235 jobs are going to be lost and thne he wanted to know if i knew anyone that worked there to do a interview and nope dont know one either Its kinda scarey when its that close to home about job loss
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No, I think they mean these



I saw that on the news last night. They interviewed some city official from Delaware and he made some good points. That's not only going to affect the 200+ jobs that will be lossed, but the property taxes that they pay for that building are near six figures. Some of that money goes to schools in the area. They also said that the un employment in Ohio is as high as it's been since the early 90's. I'm glad I've got a soild job.

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I figured as much. I was just making light of a shitty situation. I'm very happy to have a job, and really feel for those looking for one. Wish those directly involved the best, and hope for the rest of us that the cuurent downswing of the economy finds its way back up.
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It's gonna hurt London, OH, too. BST down there has a MAJOR contract to haul from that warehouse to their warehouses in Elkridge, MD, among other places. I used to pick up there once a week.

BTW, I think they mean they're just shutting down that warehouse. I guarantee you that Volvo North America isn't shutting down as a division. I think they're getting ready to unveil their next generation of semis soon.

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