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*mis-post* sorry not a mispost. I saw the fuckuscomment and got confused.


How do you know what my car sounds like. And it is a four banger its not really gonna sound all that amazing and Im pretty sure that Greddy is a real exhaust. I only thought of homosexual things because you brought it up first with the whole being below other men. And how do I ask too many questions. Im just trying to have conversations with people. And I dont believe I asked YOU anything. Is that where the real problem is? Are you upset that I didnt ask you anything? Im sorry, how are you doing? Is that better. I really dont understand what your problem is, I came on here to try and meet some more car guys and you choose to give me shit for it. And just out of curiosity, have I ever met you before or do you know me in any way? Because if not you can just leave me the fuck alone.

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An actual exhaust would help, not a fart can. Hey, when you're making ~140whp (IIRC) your exhaust note may not be containable.

Its a Strup 3 piece header (cat-deleted) and a greddy ti-c exhaust. How is that not real? and it actual made 174whp thank you very much. (and 186ft/lbs)

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Its a Strup 3 piece header (cat-deleted) and a greddy ti-c exhaust. How is that not real? and it actual made 174whp thank you very much. (and 186ft/lbs)

It's not real because it sounds like shit. I would rather eat paintballs than listen to your car.

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Oh, for good reason?


So what kind of car do you have? I see the massive snails in your avatar, it has interested me.

Yes, good reason. Have you ever heard of "guilty by association"? I don't want to be grouped in with people like you.


None of your business what I drive. I drive a car.

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Yes, good reason. Have you ever heard of "guilty by association"? I don't want to be grouped in with people like you

Well thats not very fair, Im a pretty decent guy. Well atleast I think I am. Hmm maybe your right. Maybe I am a POS. Oh bummer my life has been a lie.


Jesus, its like 2am and Im still on here.

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i dont see good thing in this kids future...

wonderboy i would just give it up. he has been here forever so basically he can be a dick. just drop it. if you dont entive it he'll leave you alone lol.

cool to see more and more nissans even if it is a sentra :p

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79mopar- is that your GT in your sig pic? If so thats fuckin sick. I really need to get something thats right-wheel-drive. All this wrong-wheel-drive shit is getting boring.


lol yes.....yes it is, an original gt coupe.....very rare

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