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Park of Roses


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My 'rents came down to visit from Cleveland...and I thought it would be a great idea to go to the Park of Roses, which is by Whetstone Park off of High Street in Clintonville. I've lived in Columbus for more than 5 years and have never been there.


Weather-wise, it was hot as hell and obviously dry (this was before the storms that were having right now...) It's also late-August so I was expecting to not necessarily find a bunch of rose blossoms...little late in the season and very dry.


It was a seriously beautiful place. There were roses blooming everywhere, and you could tell that a ton of care and effort went into keeping it beautiful. The place smelled amazing, and it's on a very large piece of property. As I type this out, I realize it seems a little silly to say how many ROSES were at the Park of ROSES, but it's a staggeringly beautiful outdoor garden and, again, I didn't really expect anything to bloom with how dry it's been the last few weeks.


If you have family, a lover, kids, anyone who even remotely likes to be outdoors, bring a picnic with some wine, get a book, or do something to spend the better part of an afternoon there. I still am amazed at what a quality destination that was. I will definitely go back many more times.

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Thanks for the tip on Inniswood.


There are still a lot of parks I need to check out before the winter...one biggie is the Alum Creek dog park for my poor dog Blue...she's been a real sweetie since we moved back from Florida; no more doggie beaches...

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