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"Pushing Russia Into the Cold"


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well one, cartoonists should stick to cartoons. two, the cold war never ended and we apparently made the mistake of helping our enemy when they were at their lowest, it just got them back into it faster instead of making them like us anymore. This article compares a lot of things that were completely different than what is happening in Georgia, and they don't make sense.
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In the same right, if we do nothing, Putin wins and basically tells Russia and their allies Putin can defeat the west. If we do something, we get ourselves into another "cold war" type pissing match. The patriot missle thing is a bit undermining, but Poland and former Warsaw countries are no longer under mother Russia's strong arm. Russia sells to our enemies, we'll help out those opposed to Russia. It's like Russia helping Vietnam against us, and the United States helping the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan against Russia. I think one way or another it leads to another mutual distaste for one another. But I do think we could "encourage" Georgian forces a bit, and lend them some weapons.
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This is the dumbest shit ever, because the people running Georgia are just as big'a cunts as anyone in Russia.

"Mikheil Saakashvili started this war with his barrage attack and occupation of South Ossetia." This is true. In point of fact, they began their assault during the Olympic opening cerimonies, because they knew the world would be largely distracted.


We're bitching and moaning about protecting Georga's liberties because Big Bad Russia is attacking them, what about South Ossetia? The South Ossetians didn't tickle our assholes like Georgia does, that's what'a'bout'm.

In the same right, if we do nothing, Putin wins and basically tells Russia and their allies Putin can defeat the west.

Only because we put our face in it. Georgia attacked a country that fought for and declared independence from them. When Russia put the smack down on them for it, we should have stayed the hell out of it. But no, Saakashvili said to us "I thought we was boyz?", and Bush eagerly gets involved, putting us into yet another position that we can't back out of.


This article compares a lot of things that were completely different than what is happening in Georgia.

It doesn't. Some day you'll realize that right vs wrong in this big world is all about who's doing what, not about what is actually being done. There is not good, there is no evil, there is only power, those with power get to determine what is good and evil for us.

It's vietnam all over again, Russia is helping one side, we're helping another, and it's none of our god damned buisness. No one is right in this, except for the South Ossetians yearning to be free of their Georgian attackers.


Russia must get out now, adds Bush, for South Ossetia and Abkhazia belong to a sovereign Georgia.
By that logic, Georgia still belongs to a sovereign Russia.
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This is the dumbest shit ever, because the people running Georgia are just as big'a cunts as anyone in Russia.

"Mikheil Saakashvili started this war with his barrage attack and occupation of South Ossetia." This is true. In point of fact, they began their assault during the Olympic opening cerimonies, because they knew the world would be largely distracted.


We're bitching and moaning about protecting Georga's liberties because Big Bad Russia is attacking them, what about South Ossetia? The South Ossetians didn't tickle our assholes like Georgia does, that's what'a'bout'm.


Only because we put our face in it. Georgia attacked a country that fought for and declared independence from them. When Russia put the smack down on them for it, we should have stayed the hell out of it. But no, Saakashvili said to us "I thought we was boyz?", and Bush eagerly gets involved, putting us into yet another position that we can't back out of.



It doesn't. Some day you'll realize that right vs wrong in this big world is all about who's doing what, not about what is actually being done. There is not good, there is no evil, there is only power, those with power get to determine what is good and evil for us.

It's vietnam all over again, Russia is helping one side, we're helping another, and it's none of our god damned buisness. No one is right in this, except for the South Ossetians yearning to be free of their Georgian attackers.


By that logic, Georgia still belongs to a sovereign Russia.


I completely agree. I wonder what all agreements we've actually made with Georgia. The way their leader keeps name dropping Bush and America. Almost reminds me of my little Japanese/French Canadian buddy. He was a little guy. SOmetimes, we'd go out to a club or bar and we'd make a deal. He buys drinks all night, and he can talk shit to anyone he wants. If there was a problem, he was basically allowed to "run and hide behind me", to put it mildly. So, I guess my real question is, did Saakashvili get Bush drunk while he was there last time?

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No one is right in this, except for the South Ossetians yearning to be free of their Georgian attackers.


By that logic, Georgia still belongs to a sovereign Russia.



No,georgia was part of the soviet union, it was not part of Russia. Unlss you go back to the time ofthe Russian Empire, but that makes Georgia as much a part of Russia as spain belonging to the romans.


As for the S. Ossetians wanting to be free, thats fine, but what happened when the confederacy wanted to be free? The union army came in and said you're going to have to fight for it. The confederacy didn't turn around and run to Russia for help. Georgia has a right to maintain their own borders, and they shouldn't have to fight a foreign nation to do it. If the S Ossestians really wanted to be russians, they could just move to russia with the free passports Russia was handing out.

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what happened when the confederacy wanted to be free? The union army came in and said you're going to have to fight for it.

Indeed they did! And everyone else stayed the hell out of it. Rest assured that, if some other great empire of the time thought it in their best interests for one to win over the other, the civil war would have had a different outcome. In point of fact, both Brittain and France wanted to aid the south, but they risked all out war with the Union, and no one wanted that. The civil war would have a winner, and no one wanted to risk being on their bad side. The world wanted the souths resources.

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Georgia has a right to maintain their own borders, and they shouldn't have to fight a foreign nation to do it.

Werd! Either way Putin is bringing the old Russia back as we speak. They had their first May Day parade in Red square this past year. The Russian air force has been playing peek-a-boo with the US Navy from time to time, the Russian Navy is out with their boats, and the Army as you can see just got some practice. I knew we should've never thought for a second Putin would change his KGB ways.

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Tell the Russians to "bring it" and we'll just pwn them like we've crushed all their military hardware around the world since 1989. Then we can go there and bomb them into true 3rd world status.


Oh and then take the Russian bride industry for ourselves.



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Tell the Russians to "bring it" and we'll just pwn them like we've crushed all their military hardware around the world since 1989. Then we can go there and bomb them into true 3rd world status.


Oh and then take the Russian bride industry for ourselves.



I like your thought process. I wonder if we ever were to go head to head, if the cold war predictions would come true?

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maybe we should just let those retards fight each other and spend our time and money to fix up the good old USA wich is falling rapidly into disrepair


what we really need to do is just let the people who live in other parts of the world fuck up thier own shit and get back to handling our own business

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Tell the Russians to "bring it" and we'll just pwn them like we've crushed all their military hardware around the world since 1989. Then we can go there and bomb them into true 3rd world status.


Oh and then take the Russian bride industry for ourselves.




our military didn't outclass their our leaders outclassed theirs is what set us apart from them, and now boy our leaders nowdays.....


yeah this is one thing i wish we would stay the fuck out of, it also doesn't sound like russia is that out of bounds on this one, probably should side with them a little more

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I like your thought process. I wonder if we ever were to go head to head, if the cold war predictions would come true?


I'm sure it would be as inaccurate as the predictions of Allied losses in the 1991 gulf war (40% in the initial push.) For those who aren't old enough to remember we went up against the 4th largest army in the world and decimated it in hours. Our tanks took on Saddam's elite division (republican guard) and lost 1 or 2 tanks.


I'd say our idea of Apache and A-10 warthog squadrons was the right move to counter the threat of 19,000 Russian tanks storming Europe.



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I'm sure it would be as inaccurate as the predictions of Allied losses in the 1991 gulf war (40% in the initial push.) For those who aren't old enough to remember we went up against the 4th largest army in the world and decimated it in hours. Our tanks took on Saddam's elite division (republican guard) and lost 1 or 2 tanks.


I'd say our idea of Apache and A-10 warthog squadrons was the right move to counter the threat of 19,000 Russian tanks storming Europe.



Let's say in the initial push into Iraq during OIF 1, a certain special forces pushed from the north. I believe 6 trucks, maybe 20 guys max, neutralized over a battalion size element of Iraqi Armor (consider that 20+ tanks/APC's). Utilizing close air support, Javelin, and TOW2B anti tank weapons. Not bad for a bunch of cowboys :D


I think if we were to go toe to toe with mother Russia, we'd basically do what we've done since the Gulf War. Dominate in the air, then push hard and fast on the ground.

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Let's say in the initial push into Iraq during OIF 1, a certain special forces pushed from the north. I believe 6 trucks, maybe 20 guys max, neutralized over a battalion size element of Iraqi Armor (consider that 20+ tanks/APC's). Utilizing close air support, Javelin, and TOW2B anti tank weapons. Not bad for a bunch of cowboys :D


I think if we were to go toe to toe with mother Russia, we'd basically do what we've done since the Gulf War. Dominate in the air, then push hard and fast on the ground.




1..2...3 KILL!

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The technology gap is way bigger than it was in the cold war. Here's a nice intercept pic.




Lol I just remembered hearing the Russians have started flying the bear over US territory again. Sad their still using those and we got F-22's and who knows whats in the oven.



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