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Don't Egg Cars...


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That's when you pistol whip the punk and put the gun to his face.... you don't blow some 16 yr old's brains out for throwing eggs and acting hard.


seriously, you would point a gun at a kid that egged your car? I do believe if you own any weapons you you should take them to the police and turn them in you obviously have no right owning any firearm.

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seriously, you would point a gun at a kid that egged your car? I do believe if you own any weapons you you should take them to the police and turn them in you obviously have no right owning any firearm.


uhhh no... i was giving whoever shot the kid a non-death alternative if they were that "scared"

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this is an unsafe time we live in folks. especially with vigilantes carrying guns everywhere, thinking 'they're the law'. when i was in school, if someone was caught with a knife in school, it was a HUGE deal. today, i wouldn't be surprised if several kids had guns on their person at an average inner city school each day.


in the 60's, if you got into an argument with someone on the road, you pulled to the side of the road and duked it out. these days, you could get shot. you just can't fuck around with ANYONE these days for fear that they are carrying.


umm, i bet you money there were more guns in school in the 60's than there are today. Kids would take their guns to school, put them in their locker and then go to a buddies to go hunting right after school.


My dad told me that when he was 15 he would get on the bus on friday mornings and there would be about 10 shotgun cases in the front seat of the bus.


Also, how does legal conceal carry change the amount of kids who will have guns at school illegally no matter what? Oh wait, it wouldn't

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when i was in school, if someone was caught with a knife in school, it was a HUGE deal.




At my high school, having a pocket knife was considered normal. I remember using one in the middle of class to pull a splinter out of my finger, the teacher obviously saw me doing it, but kept on teaching because he didn't care.


But then again, I did go to a rural school where half the kids lived on farms, and if anyone felt the need to get into a fight they didn't use weapons anyway.

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From the looks of his picture he probably deserved to be shot for something else anyways.

Very true.


Look at it this way. Someone made the point about what if the shooter had kids or a loved one in the vehicle. Regardless of whether it was eggs or anything else the kid was throwing, I would consider that as someone trying to potentially harm someone you care about. And that deserves whatever punishment that you see fit at that particular time. And Im sure that in the heat of the moment the shooter probably didnt know it was eggs. Havent you guys heard about all the people that die from kids throwing rocks through passing cars windshields? Maybe he thought the kid was throwing rocks in which case it could have killed the guy. Although I am just a kid myself so I dont feel as bad about the whole 16 years old thing.


And the "eggs to a gun fight" comment is fucking classic!

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I've been following this in the news. Sad indeed that someone get's killed over this. However, that said, in today's world, kids have to learn that shit like this happens.


When I was little I got busted for throwing water balloons at cars. Just as dumb, but at least in the early 80's it was just some old guy who grabbed you by your ear up to your front door and had it out with your parents. Today, you get dead. :(


I was only 8 years old at the time, but I won't forget the ass whooping my dad gave me. To this day, I don't like water balloons. :o





Didn't deserve to die, but you gotta believe if he wasnt acting like a jackass he would be alive today.

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uhhh no... i was giving whoever shot the kid a non-death alternative if they were that "scared"



my bad Read it as if that is what you what have done.



Its really messed up (happened a block from my house). I sure the area buisnessies have had there video taped pulled. there are several places that have camera pointed torwards the streets that they can match up to the time line.

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I've been following this in the news. Sad indeed that someone get's killed over this. However, that said, in today's world, kids have to learn that shit like this happens.


When I was little I got busted for throwing water balloons at cars. Just as dumb, but at least in the early 80's it was just some old guy who grabbed you by your ear up to your front door and had it out with your parents. Today, you get dead. :(


I was only 8 years old at the time, but I won't forget the ass whooping my dad gave me. To this day, I don't like water balloons. :o




I had a similar situation except i was throwing rocks at cars. Some guy pulled over dragged me out of the tree and took me to my parents...I got the worst ass whooping of my life.. Times have changed people are fucking idiots now.

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No one here would be saying any of this shit if it was your little brother, or nephew, or god forbid, child. I did dumb shit when I was a kid, and Id bet most of the people in this thread have done similarly stupid things. Whether or not you learn from the stupid things you do is what is important.


As far as blaming a kids parents ... that's preposterous, no one can be watched 24/7. Im also fairly certain that you at one point disobeyed your parents teachings. You probabaly didn't die because of it. As far as my own property goes ... hell yeah Id be pissed, maybe an ass whoopin was in order, but a death sentence is a little rediculous.


There may be details Im not aware of, maybe the kid pulled a weapon or attacked the guy in which case all the above goes out the window. Outside of that the shooter needs to be dragged out into the street and shot.

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Re-thread.. talked about it before and fought over the same exact things.



Blah blah deserved to die blah blah you're ignorant blah blah bad parents


I believe this is actually a separate story though. The same thing happened basically twice a year apart. alteast, thats what i took away from it when i read it on the news.

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