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I'm officially a McCain/Palin supporter


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1. is a whole can of worms we shouldn't open in this thread.


3. I didn't mean diplomacy per se. I was thinking more along the lines of CIA intelligence, investigative and so on so forth. Bolster our intelligence forces and use the military only when needed.

1. You have the can-opener. ;)

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First off, I don't follow any part of any religion. I don't claim name to any god. That said, anybody who denies the possibility of some sort of creator of the universe is boxed in to their own human-elite mentality. I'm extremely interested in science, technology and astronomy, and any form of "creation" fits right in with those. Evolution, the universe, cosmic scale: they all go PERFECTLY with numerous ways of being created. It is completely plausible to teach "theories" of creation on a cosmic scale without mixing in earthly religions.


We always split some odd hairs with each other, though I have to respectfully disagree that religion (faith) has any place with science (repeated test).


Faith is specifically asking the end user to overlook the impossible and just "have faith" no matter what. I respect that, but its not science. Evolution and other notable scientific theories if proven wrong, or if another theory should come along and better fit in with the things we can test and prove, the scientific community will collectively change their minds. Luminiferous aether anyone ?


1. You have the can-opener. ;)


I know, and I felt bad about it. Edited for funny.

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1. is a whole can of worms I shouldn't have opened :) .


3. I didn't mean diplomacy per se. I was thinking more along the lines of CIA intelligence, investigative and so on so forth. Bolster our intelligence forces and use the military only when needed.



Sounds like you have rational thought lol.


Its nice to talk politics with people who have rational thought. Sometimes it can turn really ugly, fast.

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We always split some odd hairs with each other, though I have to respectfully disagree that religion (faith) has any place with science (repeated test).


Faith is specifically asking the end user to overlook the impossible and just "have faith" no matter what. I respect that, but its not science. Evolution and other notable scientific theories if proven wrong, or if another theory should come along and better fit in with the things we can test and prove, the scientific community will collectively change their minds. Luminiferous aether anyone ?




I know, and I felt bad about it. Edited for funny.



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We always split some odd hairs with each other, though I have to respectfully disagree that religion (faith) has any place with science (repeated test).


Faith is specifically asking the end user to overlook the impossible and just "have faith" no matter what. I respect that, but its not science. Evolution and other notable scientific theories if proven wrong, or if another theory should come along and better fit in with the things we can test and prove, the scientific community will collectively change their minds. Luminiferous aether anyone ?

I agree about not sharing religion in school, hence why I didn't say that. String theory, alternate universes, other dimensions; these are all things with some truth to them yet still unknowns but they're still taught/explored. The notion that something created the universe, not necessarily a god or holy figure, is something that flows right with science. You can leave out the bullshit of morals, religious history and everything else and still learn what may lie beyond our universe(something that nobody on this earth absolutely knows) that is beyond our human, biologically-evolved selves can understand.


A quick searched youtube finding of what I'm talking about, in total basics:



For the record, again, I'm not speaking of any God you've heard of or read about. I'm speaking of a theoretical energy that may exist that binds the earth, universe, time and all that exists.

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It's all a quagmire of pigshit. How can anyone even trust a fuckin one of them anymore? How can you make a definitive decision that you are truly confident and believe in? I'm moving to New Zealand. It's the closest thing I'll ever get to my own island. :)
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1. War: We are in a war costing us billions of dollars a month that has arguably made us no safer than before. If anything our military is now tied up when other more threatening forces gather. Republicans put us there.


2. Taxation: If you're voting red I hope you're already rich. (personally Im for a flat tax because it just seems fair, but whatever)


3. Defense: (Ostensibly War again) Warring with other countries on a whim is not "defense". Thats stupidity. More intelligence is what this country needs, with more transparency between seperate bureaus.


4. Abortion: Im for a womans right to choose, so what ? (I am against 2nd and 3rd term abortions)


1. 7 years without a terrorist attack on United states soil, that includes embassys (sp?) 1993 world trade center bombing, we didn't do shit and then they hit a couple embasys and the USS Koll.


2. yes flat tax please!!!!! But the result of it is that lower classes will actually end up paying more and the filthy ritch get a huge tax cut. Seriously, I'm for it too . . . fair is fair.


3. jumping through multiple UN hoops is hardly a whim, but your right about investigative agencies needing to communicate better, by the way who cut tons of funding to those agencies? probibly signed it of while he was geeting his cock cleaned.


4. should go on a state by state basis, overall the country would be better sreved if the states were given more power and the federal government had less.

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1. 7 years without a terrorist attack on United states soil, that includes embassys (sp?) 1993 world trade center bombing, we didn't do shit and then they hit a couple embasys and the USS Koll.


My parents told me the same thing. I am 23, so I wasn't paying too much attention when Clinton was in office. This fact is overlooked, but will not outweigh the loss of american lives due to the war.

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I'm moving to New Zealand. It's the closest thing I'll ever get to my own island. :)


Ahh, a place where V8's, Rear Wheel Drive, and Manual transmissions still roam the prairies in sizable quantities.


Let me say this, I do not like Obama simply because every college student I know is trying to shove his name down my throat. Seriously.


All I hear from obama is "CHANGE, HOPE!". And from McCain: "I WAS A POW!, I AM A WAR HERO!"


For me, once the time comes, I will spend more time focusing on what their stances are on the issues/policies. Then, I will decide on who the lesser of the two evils are, and cast my vote accordingly.

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I've watched a lot from both camps. I'm a registered Republican. The bottom line I've come to, and everyone here I'm sure has already formed his or her opinions and will rightfully continue to do so, but it seems to me, if you're pretty darn rich, it will be in your benefit to vote for McCain. If you're an average citizen, making under $250k per year and a solid middle-class member, it will be in your interests to vote for Obama -- this is entirely looking at their tax policies. As far as foreign policy I'm of the belief that sound judgment is better than military experience. After doing a lot of reading, and listening to these candidates answer a host of questioning over the past months, I've come to the conclusion that Obama has far better judgment than McCain. McCain has far more experience, but like Bush, who had been a governor and had a good deal of executive experience, I feel he has flawed judgment. Again, I'm a registered Republican, and I'll be voting for Obama come November.
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She speaks well...Still don't thinks she's ready for the VP spot though.


And Barack isn't playing on his color advantage?


I've never heard him say vote for me cause i'm black....not once...anyone??


I guarantee, she will be the first female president and most likely one of the best presidents ever.


Why is this....cause she read well from a teleprompter for 50 minutes.


Seriously though, fuck that asshole. Our economy is crashing, Americans are losing their jobs and homes, and he sends another billion dollars over seas. What a fucking retard. I really can't wait until he's gone.


Interesting quote I found in another thread from you, Ben, about Bush. Yet you are "officially sold" on McCain/Palin when McCain is a Bush's clone that agrees with the majority of what Bush has done.

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I thought she sounded like ... well ... a tool. No offense to tools.


Lets see ... zero foreign policy, as in she didn't even have a passport till ... about yesterday.

---- YUP living close to russia don't count.


Wants to teach abstinence in schools and ban sex-ed (worked for her!)

---------- Worked for HER and HER DAUGHTER. Proven to never work is more accurate. Stupid Convertive Christian right


Wanted to ban books in public libraries that she deemed "amoral".

----- really you serious Hitler called just a minute ago he wants you to hit him up.


Under investigation for abuse of office.

----- Thats what makes her a MAVERICK didn't you know?


How can anyone like this woman again ? Oh ya, shes pretty and she was a pageant queen. Because all the smartest women I've ever met were wearing sashes at the time.

---- I've missed her speech but I will catch it at the office.





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I'm a registered repub who didnt' vote for McCain. I watched the speech and thought she did well. The contrast between the two conventions is huge.


The Dems would have you believe you are living in a 3rd world economy. The sky is falling! OMG, 98% of Americans pay their mortgage on time! Holy Crap! "W is the Devil!"


For example, I bought some wheels from a dude in Clintonville last week. I go to pick up the wheels and I see 3 cars in his driveway. Total value of about 80-100k bucks. However, his house is getting foreclosed on. Blame Bush cuz this guy can't see the value of a dollar? Blame Bush cuz this guy is a child and can't say "no" when it comes to buying toys and then not being able to make the rent? Personal responsibility is dead and Obama wants to do it for you.


All I ever hear from Dems is "class warfare" BS. Newsflash people, when is the last time a poor person gave you a job? Over 50% of Americans work for a small business. What happens when payroll taxes, cap gains taxes etc go up? Is that condusive to growth? Nope.


Energy is the key. Go get our OWN and inflation gets held in check. The Economy starts cranking again, and this crap goes away. 3 years ago the Economy was humming. (Damn that George Bush). When energy prices get reigned in, we will be fine. Dems want to wait 20 years for viable alternatives, and it seems other parties are open to doing EVERYTHING.


OMG, the oil companies got a tax break!!! Hell, make them tax exempt if the cost of gas goes down!

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She was, 100%, a party mouthpeice. A hood Ornement on the tour Bus. Expect her to hardline everything party related... meaning she'll put party interests before her countries interest. Par for the Republican course.


I found it amusing that "community organizer" was brought up repeatedly. this was basically his first job out of school. Are they implying that they are better than a 20something kid? Yehy, go RNC!


The speach was stupid, like all VP speaches. It had no meat, and was essentially just a pep talk full of BS. Allot of the stuff she spouted about taxes was flat.out.wrong.

No worries, though, no one called her on it because we're all sexist.


I'm an old fan of McCain, and his campaign has done nothing but dissapoint me. He's losing my vote every time he releases an attack ad or parades his VP out for the Wal Mart masses.

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Looks like I'm late to the party...err.....clusterfuck. First off, I would like to say congrats to Stillman on the wonderful trolling. I wish I would have come up with it.


The only thing I really care to contribute to this thread, is that the vast majority of science is theory. Even things that are considered to be absolutes, such as gravity, are still considered theory. Why is this? Possibly because its not something that you can shove under a microscope and poke at with some tweezers. Now then, why would it be such a big deal to allow discussion of an opposing viewpoint in schools? Sounds like a way to get kids thinking more, and coming up with some healthy debate.


The thing with Intelligent Design, is that its not actually taking a religious point of view. Its saying that we don't know where we come from, but considering how well everything in our world works together in harmony, is it not possible that we were designed, rather than forming from random cell splitting? What's the harm in teaching that, when religion isn't actually involved.


BTW, I consider myself to be Agnostic. I haven't set foot inside a church since I was 15 years old, except to attend a few weddings. I follow no faith, yet I can see the benefits of teaching this. I recommend to the people against it, to watch the documentary that Ben Stein filmed within the past year on this very topic. Its very dry, but it expounds on this subject, and it makes sense. What I don't get is how people can be so closed minded on shit they don't even understand.

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I have yet to meet a woman that likes both Hilary and Sarah. I think it is extremely sexist to assume she is nominated because of her gender. My wife, my other female family members, and every female co-worker I have talked her like Sarah; they hated Hilary.


That is not why she was nominated.


How about: she is anti-Washington politics and has the highest approval rating of any sitting governor?



100% agree


+rep for you


Hillary and Palin are opposite ends of the spectrum.

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Am I the only one who sees a problem with voting by the "whoever taxes me less" test? I know this has been hashed back and forth a dozen times but isn't it just a tad pathetic to say "well as long as *I* don't have to pay..."?


How about voting for the plan that will improve the economic output of the country while cutting waste, which is about the only thing that will truly help us out of our absurd debt situation? I'm not picking sides, but every time I hear the "well as long as he lowers MY taxes" argument, I throw up a little in my mouth.


As far as Palin goes, I am unconvinced. Tell me it's hard to govern a state of 683,000 (effectively about 2/3 the responsibility of Mayor Coleman.) Tell me it's hard to manage a budget that's made up of huge oil company tax revenues.


She is good at giving a speech, no doubt. But, isn't that the same thing they are attacking Obama for? Being a 'rhetoric spewing pop-star'? I hear a lot of shallow insults on the Republican side, and not enough of what they are going to do to change the course of the current, tragic Republican administration. If they can provide evidence that this is part of their plan, they may attract my vote.

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I agree about not sharing religion in school, hence why I didn't say that. String theory, alternate universes, other dimensions; these are all things with some truth to them yet still unknowns but they're still taught/explored. The notion that something created the universe, not necessarily a god or holy figure, is something that flows right with science. You can leave out the bullshit of morals, religious history and everything else and still learn what may lie beyond our universe(something that nobody on this earth absolutely knows) that is beyond our human, biologically-evolved selves can understand.


A quick searched youtube finding of what I'm talking about, in total basics:



For the record, again, I'm not speaking of any God you've heard of or read about. I'm speaking of a theoretical energy that may exist that binds the earth, universe, time and all that exists.


An interesting point of view, and one I wouldn't argue against. The only possible downfall I see is a possible slippery slope to the standard, dogmatic, rhetoric so common amongst the fiercely religious. In so far as our would be 'second lady' prefering ID being the only curriculum. Well maybe that, and "How to look pretty in evening wear" 101.

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Yeah, he didn't play the race card.


Well it's a fact, People are saying that even as I type, He is telling the truth. I was Listening to Bubba on Sirius on Tuesday, and he had a caller on that said he is a racist, He said:


"I'm a racist, I say the N word, I have a Confederate flag on my left arm, I wore a Confederate uniform to a school dance, I'm a racist, but I'm voting for Obama because this Sarah chic cannot be president if McCain Croaks.."


Sucks that the color of his skin is a factor but it is to some people, deal with it...


BTW her (Sarah Palin) Speech last night was pretty good. It's hard not to get sucked in with these great speeches written by professionals. I still don't even know if I am going to vote, but I am kinda scared to see this woman so close to the presidency. I am waiting to hear the Biden-Palin Debate in 30 days.


I am beginning to hate our system, I hate the hypocrisy of the competition of becoming the parties leader, talking shit about ones opponent and then at the end when you don't win, you make a speech that you are behind this person now like Rudi did last night. WTF, whatever. I feel it is so stupid and nothing but lies and basically a popularity contest like in High School. I just hope one day in my life I can find a candidate that makes it to the final 2 and I get very excited about this person running this country, that feeling must be very cool.

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