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I'm officially a McCain/Palin supporter


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  LJ said:


I think his point, though not well worded, is that Faith is not for Schools to teach. That's what religion is for, and it should be taught by an appropriate figure.


Additionally, it's not for the schools or government to push one particular faith above others. What of the kids who's faith doesn't allow for ID?


Science is for explaining the "how." Religion is for explaining the "why." Whenever one tries to explain the other, problems occur.

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  Draco-REX said:
I think his point, though not well worded, is that Faith is not for Schools to teach. That's what religion is for, and it should be taught by an appropriate figure.


Additionally, it's not for the schools or government to push one particular faith above others. What of the kids who's faith doesn't allow for ID?


Science is for explaining the "how." Religion is for explaining the "why." Whenever one tries to explain the other, problems occur.



As a man of faith, I can accept this. As a husband of a teacher, I want to go back and ask why it's the school's responsibility to teach YOUR kids that the probability of pro-creating if you have sex is reasonalbly high. (Since this is a supposed knock on Palin) This could be covered in a 1 hour lecture at the beginning of the year.


Sex ed is too important to leave a govt beauracracy solely in charge of teaching it to your child. My wife worries about how your kid is going to read, write, add and function when they graduate. She shouldn't have to be concerned with who little johnny is going to impregnate or whose baby little cindy is going to carry.


If you want school to be purely about facts, then leave any moral equivalency questions out of it and teach your kids yourself. It takes two seconds to recommend not having sex till you are emotionally and physically ready. It takes another five mins to tell them that if they are stupid enough to do it early that they better button up.



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^ because sex is a normal part of the functional human existence, directly related to classes such as Health, or even Biology. Not something people should be ashamed of. Certainly not be taught that sex is evil. Theres a reason most of us starting becoming sexually active as teens. Its because THAT'S WHEN YOUR BRAIN IS TELLING YOU ITS TIME !!!


Advising young people of the risks/rewards, and how to be resposible if they choose to have sex is the only logical thing to do. Why do you think the US has such a rediculously high teen pregnancy rate compared (per capita) to other similar countries ? Its not because they're better at being abstinent. I would even wager that Bristol avoided contraceptives out of fear of being caught with them.



/followup rant

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  sol740 said:
^ because sex is a normal part of the functional human existence, directly related to classes such as Health, or even Biology. Not something people should be ashamed of. Certainly not be taught that sex is evil. Theres a reason most of us starting becoming sexually active as teens. Its because THAT'S WHEN YOUR BRAIN IS TELLING YOU ITS TIME !!!


Advising young people of the risks/rewards, and how to be resposible if they choose to have sex is the only logical thing to do. Why do you think the US has such a rediculously high teen pregnancy rate compared (per capita) to other similar countries ? Its not because they're better at being abstinent. I would even wager that Bristol avoided contraceptives out of fear of being caught with them.



/followup rant



I would venture to say one of the reasons is that they are taught they are nothing more than a glorified monkey. If we are animals, why not act like them? Loaded question, I know. Just a thought. (Let the shelling begin)


Again, my point is that YOU made em, You teach em. Going back to personal experience with my wife. She is responsible for basic learning, crazy parents, dealing with homeless kids, dodging knives and bullets and then she gets to teach your kid about the Birds and the Bees. No one is ashamed, its just too much responsibilty to saddle a teacher with. Deal with your own kids. If you can't deal with it, don't make em.

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Speech dissection is in, has anyone else read it? Seems this biotch is full of shit on allot of things, espcially her stance on spending and earmarks.


Question for all that loved the speech and were swayed by it: Hows it feel to learn most of that goos shit was BS? ;)

Not going to read it because you dismiss it as punditry? Or because it's really long? I'll post cliffs later for the lazy folk, but you aught to read all of it to actually be wholly informed.

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  Draco-REX said:
I think his point, though not well worded, is that Faith is not for Schools to teach. That's what religion is for, and it should be taught by an appropriate figure.


Additionally, it's not for the schools or government to push one particular faith above others. What of the kids who's faith doesn't allow for ID?


Science is for explaining the "how." Religion is for explaining the "why." Whenever one tries to explain the other, problems occur.


I disagree... If someone brings it up in class they should be able to explain why ID is not being taught in science class, because it can't be proven by the scientific method, etc. Simply hampering discussion with "I can't talk about it" is very closed minded.


Also, what would be wrong with having a theology class where the basics of many world religions are taught?

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  LJ said:
Also, what would be wrong with having a theology class where the basics of many world religions are taught?


I would be ok w/ this, as long as it was an unbiased class / course, and equal time given to all of the MAJOR religions of the world.





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  LJ said:

Also, what would be wrong with having a theology class where the basics of many world religions are taught?

It's unconstitutional. you can, however, do that in public school. If you were to do a theology class, you would have to cover all of the documented religions inthe world, and you not be allowed to spend more time on one than the other. This would be a 4 year course.

Shouldn't be difficult for christianity, you only have to cover 7 days, should only take about 15 mins.


The closest compramise I've seen that seemed to work was a "Bible as Literature" class, where you pretty much discussed the book and it's origins. It was an elective, though, not worth a whole lot.


The simple point is this, schools are not being paid to teach you about religion. That's against the law.

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  Science Abuse said:
It's unconstitutional. you can, however, do that in public school. If you were to do a theology class, you would have to cover all of the documented religions inthe world, and you not be allowed to spend more time on one than the other. This would be a 4 year course.

Shouldn't be difficult for christianity, you only have to cover 7 days, should only take about 15 mins.


The closest compramise I've seen that seemed to work was a "Bible as Literature" class, where you pretty much discussed the book and it's origins. It was an elective, though, not worth a whole lot.


The simple point is this, schools are not being paid to teach you about religion. That's against the law.

It seems all of you fucks didn't care to respond to my postings earlier about this subject. You can teach theories of beginnings without even mentioning any religion to date. You don't have to mention "7 days" or anything like that. Quit closing your viewpoints to all but your own. What if a kid asks "Who created the Big Bang Theory?" Do you think the teacher will mention it was a Catholic priest or that all of the early examiners of the theory mentioned how "fixed" and unique it seemed?


The best way to put it is this: imagine religions don't exist and you've never heard the names of any so-called Gods. Forget the word God exists. Imagine going to an astronomy/physics/universal theory course and discussing how it's possible that everything in existence is connected through energy or how everything EVER is made up of exactly the same material. All of you are correct in that religion doesn't belong in school. But what I just explained isn't religion. It's the same sort of faith you have to put in science in order to keep exploring.




Now you may proceed to block out anything you've never heard before and pass it off as bullshit and call me some sort of religious freak though it's completely the contrary.


*waits for Thorne to ramble off his uninformed tourette-induced shit.*

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ID is as much a religion, as belief in the Big Bang. Until a theory is proven with hard evidence, which I doubt we ever will be able to do with the beginnings of Man, then it is nothing more than a theory. And you either believe in a theory, or you don't. Sounds an awful lot like religion to me. Fuck, I've never seen a dinosaur. Not even the remains of one. Yet it is commonly believed that they exist. I do know that they aren't here in my world, so their existence to me, is a theory, and one that I feel can be believed in.


Oh, and teacher's should be able to answer any fucking question a student gives them. That's the whole point of being there. All of you anti-ID people are talking about straight up censorship in one breath, then switching back to the accusations of Palin trying to pull books in the next. Fucking hypocrites.

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  Draco-REX said:
I think his point, though not well worded, is that Faith is not for Schools to teach. That's what religion is for, and it should be taught by an appropriate figure.


Additionally, it's not for the schools or government to push one particular faith above others. What of the kids who's faith doesn't allow for ID?


Science is for explaining the "how." Religion is for explaining the "why." Whenever one tries to explain the other, problems occur.


Dude can i take you everywhere you've got the best Thorne to English translator I've seen yet.


100% dead on

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  copperhead said:
ID is as much a religion, as belief in the Big Bang.

I'm talking common religions like Islam and Christianity. I'm also not saying ID should be taught because most people believe that implies something directly drew up the human race and created when I'm really referring to ID in the sense that something HUGE can exist that sparked the universe(s)' beginning.

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  OSUGT said:
As a man of faith, I can accept this. As a husband of a teacher, I want to go back and ask why it's the school's responsibility to teach YOUR kids that the probability of pro-creating if you have sex is reasonalbly high. (Since this is a supposed knock on Palin) This could be covered in a 1 hour lecture at the beginning of the year.


Sex ed is too important to leave a govt beauracracy solely in charge of teaching it to your child. My wife worries about how your kid is going to read, write, add and function when they graduate. She shouldn't have to be concerned with who little johnny is going to impregnate or whose baby little cindy is going to carry.


If you want school to be purely about facts, then leave any moral equivalency questions out of it and teach your kids yourself. It takes two seconds to recommend not having sex till you are emotionally and physically ready. It takes another five mins to tell them that if they are stupid enough to do it early that they better button up.





Because procreation is science and thats what school is for. Your honestly telling me that you think joe blo whos mom is on crack and dad is not around is going to be taught that shit? No they are going to fuck like rabbits have 4 kids that live on welfare.


The same republican that bitch about welfare are the same ones who don't wish to take steps to provent it

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  OSUGT said:
I would venture to say one of the reasons is that they are taught they are nothing more than a glorified monkey. If we are animals, why not act like them? Loaded question, I know. Just a thought. (Let the shelling begin)


Again, my point is that YOU made em, You teach em. Going back to personal experience with my wife. She is responsible for basic learning, crazy parents, dealing with homeless kids, dodging knives and bullets and then she gets to teach your kid about the Birds and the Bees. No one is ashamed, its just too much responsibilty to saddle a teacher with. Deal with your own kids. If you can't deal with it, don't make em.


unless there parents did not know better. I just got a call from my buddy btw. telling me his girl was pregenant again. I asked him about rubbers, His response was classic.


I thought if i pulled it I was safe.

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  copperhead said:
ID is as much a religion, as belief in the Big Bang. Until a theory is proven with hard evidence, which I doubt we ever will be able to do with the beginnings of Man, then it is nothing more than a theory. And you either believe in a theory, or you don't. Sounds an awful lot like religion to me. Fuck, I've never seen a dinosaur. Not even the remains of one. Yet it is commonly believed that they exist. I do know that they aren't here in my world, so their existence to me, is a theory, and one that I feel can be believed in.


Oh, and teacher's should be able to answer any fucking question a student gives them. That's the whole point of being there. All of you anti-ID people are talking about straight up censorship in one breath, then switching back to the accusations of Palin trying to pull books in the next. Fucking hypocrites.


That big bang theory. Just wait for the hydron collider

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  Thorne said:
Because procreation is science and thats what school is for. Your honestly telling me that you think joe blo whos mom is on crack and dad is not around is going to be taught that shit? No they are going to fuck like rabbits have 4 kids that live on welfare.


The same republican that bitch about welfare are the same ones who don't wish to take steps to provent it


And then the schools get sued when cindy gets knocked up. Obviously the teachers or the textbooks were flawed.

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  mikehaze said:
It seems all of you fucks didn't care to respond to my postings earlier about this subject. You can teach theories of beginnings without even mentioning any religion to date. You don't have to mention "7 days" or anything like that.

Ohhh! you mean history class? Yes, you will learn about the basics of religious beliefs in world history class, not is science class. So, no need to put it in science class.


The arguments that scientific theories are on par with religious beliefs is absolutely absurd, especially in the case of the big Bang. Any scientific theories proposed in the text books found in public schools are going to have actual observations and repeatable data to support them... not "Some guy said this happened".

Anyone who thinks that the Big Bang is in the same category as ID obviously doesn't understand the data supporting the big bang. To these people nothing short of a time machine going back in time to show it to them will do. "I didn't see it happen, so I will never believe it."

-The content of the universe is expanding from a common point, if you have the right equipment and can do the math, you can see this to be the case for yourself.

-If you have the right equipment, you can hear the "echo" created from the massive event.

-The heat signature from the event was discovered way back in 1965.


No one said "I think there wuz a big bang!" and set out to prove it. Instead, evidence piled up over time before anyone stuck their neck out and said; "Hey, this stuff all points to a central massive event."

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  MadMadMadMaliBUUUU said:
Anyone else think it's funny that the only times E-rok posts a lot is during elections? What a propagandist!!!! (albiet a propagandist with an attractive sister) :p









*ducks the ketchup and ninja sword



It's 5:40pm and Marc is still gay...no offense :)

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  Science Abuse said:
The arguments that scientific theories are on par with religious beliefs is absolutely absurd, especially in the case of the big Bang. Any scientific theories proposed in the text books found in public schools are going to have actual observations and repeatable data to support them... not "Some guy said this happened".


I observed a Big Bang just last week. Watched a whole new universe create itself out of nothing.

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  Science Abuse said:
Ohhh! you mean history class? Yes, you will learn about the basics of religious beliefs in world history class, not is science class. So, no need to put it in science class.


The arguments that scientific theories are on par with religious beliefs is absolutely absurd, especially in the case of the big Bang. Any scientific theories proposed in the text books found in public schools are going to have actual observations and repeatable data to support them... not "Some guy said this happened".

Anyone who thinks that the Big Bang is in the same category as ID obviously doesn't understand the data supporting the big bang. To these people nothing short of a time machine going back in time to show it to them will do. "I didn't see it happen, so I will never believe it."

-The content of the universe is expanding from a common point, if you have the right equipment and can do the math, you can see this to be the case for yourself.

-If you have the right equipment, you can hear the "echo" created from the massive event.

-The heat signature from the event was discovered way back in 1965.


No one said "I think there wuz a big bang!" and set out to prove it. Instead, evidence piled up over time before anyone stuck their neck out and said; "Hey, this stuff all points to a central massive event."

You still don't get it nor did you succeed to expand your mind.


I believe in evolution and I believe in some sort of Big Bang because like you said , I've seen the data and it all fits in. However, I still sense that you're stuck in your elitist set out to disprove religion, when yet, I don't even consider this a religious issue. I said earlier, THIS ISN'T ABOUT A GOD OR INTELLIGENT DESIGN, it's about other forms of creation or existence outside of the set of physics and universe you have come to know. This is about string theory, alternate dimensions, universal theories, astronomy and chemical energy.


I don't know you, but I thought you to be a rational and intelligent person, but right now you're just flying with the flock of people who are sold on what has been discovered in the past 60 years.(and nothing else)

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  MadMadMadMaliBUUUU said:
Anyone else think it's funny that the only times E-rok posts a lot is during elections? What a propagandist!!!!

It's the only shit that you goons talk about anymore that I can identify with... or against. :p


  copperhead said:
I observed a Big Bang just last week. Watched a whole new universe create itself out of nothing.

What goes on in yer turlit don't count. ;)

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