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I'm officially a McCain/Palin supporter


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She wants it taught along side. Discussion for church..



Pallin is a dumb bitch I'm listening to her and shes fucking tard.

I don't know why I am debating this with you


Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both."


Nowhere does it say in the same class...NOWHERE


"I don't think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class. It doesn't have to be part of the curriculum."


"I won't have religion as a litmus test, or anybody's personal opinion on evolution or creationism," Palin said.
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She wants it taught along side. Discussion for church..



Pallin is a dumb bitch I'm listening to her and shes fucking tard.



So you disagree with her on the origins of what you consider to be a 60 million year old universe...what else makes her a "fucking tard?"


We deal with what we have. Do you swallow everything Obama has to offer? I know you dont. I know you are a Ron Paul guy, and I would be too if he had a chance to win.


Abstract "she's a dumb bitch" statements never get any positive resulting dialogue.


As far as the supposed book banning incident goes, I'm torn. I understand the free speech arguement. It's a public library where all points of view should be respected. However, then I hear the ID haters "banning" any point of view that may differ with theirs in a publicly funded school.


Have a good one, Thorne :)

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i dont think its a "banning" of ID ideas... just that religious dogma is not science and therefore should not be taught in a science class.


if you want to have a religions class, thats fine go ahead and teach it there. but dont try to pass it off as science.

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i dont think its a "banning" of ID ideas... just that religious dogma is not science and therefore should not be taught in a science class.


if you want to have a religions class, thats fine go ahead and teach it there. but dont try to pass it off as science.



I'm not sure anyone has tried to pass it off as science. But current law states that if a child asks about ID in a science class, all a teacher can say is that they cannot discuss it. Wouldn't you like the teacher to be able to explain that the theory is not testable through the scientific method and why that is not science?

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I'm not sure anyone has tried to pass it off as science. But current law states that if a child asks about ID in a science class, all a teacher can say is that they cannot discuss it. Wouldn't you like the teacher to be able to explain that the theory is not testable through the scientific method and why that is not science?


thats like bringing up a math question during english class IMO. but i get what you are sayoing.

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thats like bringing up a math question during english class IMO. but i get what you are sayoing.


Not really...


So a child is taught their whole life about how God created the universe. They get to 7th grade science class and the teacher starts talking about the Big Bang and so on. Little Johnny is sitting there going "wtf is this B.S.?" and asks "well what about ID?" and the teacher says "I cannot discuss that in the classroom". Little Johnny leaves the class having learned nothing and thinking that the teacher is a fruit cake... or is horribly upset that everything they know was just told to be wrong.


It needs to be allowed to be discussed so the differences in how scientific theories and such can be tested. I am personally one of the few people that believes in both. There does NOT have to be one side or the other. If open discussion occurs it would allow the kids to take in the scientific aspect of Evolution without freaking them out as much (or writing it off)

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What does it matter about teaching this, she will never get anything on it passed. What a waste of time this argument is... What part of a 3 branch Government do you all not understand?

She never even tried anything in Alaska and the Gov. appoints the state school board

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Lots of the purveyors of so called Christian Science try to pass it off as just that. Science, which it is most definitely not.


Even the words "Intelligent Design" are meant to invoke a relationship between intelligence and religion. Sorry but the words "God made man from dirt", don't inspire anything that can be confused with intelligence.


Plus ID always ends with the same chicken/egg argument. ID proponents state that we as humans are inherently complex beings. Therefore we can deduce that our creator is infinitely more complex than ourselves. Using their own ruleset that the complex must be designed, than the creator (being complex) must have been created by an even more intelligent and complex being. Ofcourse that's where we swim some murky waters. Most creationists throw their own model out the window if you look past the creation of humans. "The rules don't apply to god", that's called breaking a rule, and therefore is not science.

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I know you are a Ron Paul guy, and I would be too if he had a chance to win.

THIS right here, is the problem with our election process right now, and the reason why we keep getting craptastic candidates.


I'm going to vote for Paul. It doesn't matter whether McCain or Obama get in, they're BOTH going to fuck our country over at a time when it can LEAST afford it.


And why are we arguing over books and ID? Who's going to solve the problem in the middle east? Who's going to fix our energy crisis?


Fuck it. BOTH of them are going to cloud the issue with stuff like books and ID and wave their minorities about so that the public doesn't notce that NEITHER have a plan, or their plans are hamstrung by a moronic need to be OPPOSITE the other guy.


Fuck Obama, Fuck McCain, Fuck our politics...


Maybe now's the time to follow my dream of living in a shack out side the Nuremburgring.

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"ID" is stupid anyways..


Evolution *IS* ID.


"ID" proponents just want a puff of smoke and some magic words. They're disappointed that God used such slow and far-reaching and detailed process to make man, and REALLY want there to have been some Gandalf-like magic involved.

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Thought you all would find this a good read. I always enjoy the fact check institutions pointing out what frauds politicians are --




This one also shows a good checkup on the tax plans -- I was actually surprised that Obama's was overall pretty close to the claim as I always thought someone would disprove it as overly exaggerated at some point, but he was a lot more accurate than I thought he would be.



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THIS right here, is the problem with our election process right now, and the reason why we keep getting craptastic candidates.


I'm going to vote for Paul. It doesn't matter whether McCain or Obama get in, they're BOTH going to fuck our country over at a time when it can LEAST afford it.


And why are we arguing over books and ID? Who's going to solve the problem in the middle east? Who's going to fix our energy crisis?


Fuck it. BOTH of them are going to cloud the issue with stuff like books and ID and wave their minorities about so that the public doesn't notce that NEITHER have a plan, or their plans are hamstrung by a moronic need to be OPPOSITE the other guy.


Fuck Obama, Fuck McCain, Fuck our politics...


Maybe now's the time to follow my dream of living in a shack out side the Nuremburgring.



Don't hate the player hate the game?


It's a results oriented game? (Insert additional cliche' here.)




I'll take my chances with McCain.

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So you disagree with her on the origins of what you consider to be a 60 million year old universe...what else makes her a "fucking tard?"


We deal with what we have. Do you swallow everything Obama has to offer? I know you dont. I know you are a Ron Paul guy, and I would be too if he had a chance to win.


Abstract "she's a dumb bitch" statements never get any positive resulting dialogue.


As far as the supposed book banning incident goes, I'm torn. I understand the free speech arguement. It's a public library where all points of view should be respected. However, then I hear the ID haters "banning" any point of view that may differ with theirs in a publicly funded school.


Have a good one, Thorne :)


Bull shit lets teach the Quran then.


School is for science and science related topics.


Music is Science

Math is science

Sports are science


ID is not science


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Bull shit lets teach the Quran then.


School is for science and science related topics.


Music is Science

Math is science

Sports are science


ID is not science






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