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So my puppy.....


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Dude you are so clueless. Dogs are not as important as children ever. I feel bad for your kids.

He isn't showing less love for his children. He is showing the same you do to your child, only he shows more-than-average respect to an animal, which is the way it should be.

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Fuck you Charles, if you don't want opinions don't post your bullshit here, want me to delete the whole fucking thread because you can't take criticism? Just say the fuckin' word.


Holy whoa!!! That was unexpected....no smileys either...lmao.!! You need to call me to discuss something else on your mind?? Delete the thread, Ben...If you think at any point of my day I care what threads remain on CR, it'd behoove you to think again...You go, Ben...GO...You delete this thread....You show me and CR who's boss. Also, I take shit from others just as well as I give it....You on the other hand....can't, obviously. You had to expect me to retort, so instead of explaining again..I said eat shit....Insert that pot, kettle....ahhh, you know the rest...Enjoy ya night, Ben.!!!


Oh....PC > MAC

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interesting responses here for sure....my contributions as a fellow boxer owner x 2 dogs currently....


1. Good thing no one was hurt

2. Dad reacted as I would and as expected

3. Keeping your cool....good move

4. Please get a fence or keep your dog on leash


The last part is a pet peeve of mine. Our 11yr Boxer has had three encounters with other dogs in her life and all were other dogs off leash. It really pisses me off.....and one of them is a neighbor who otherwise, I'm fine with and have beers with on occasion. However, he still keeps his dog off leash in the front yard like a reckless dumbass. One of these days I will end up running the bitch over with my car.


Again, good thing no one was hurt.


As a resident pic whore, here are thumbs of the family.







Was in the yard yesterday and two snotty nosed little kids walking home from school walked passed my house and did not see him until they were right up on him....what did they do.....take off running...what did the dog do...picked one and took off after her. Fucking kid running between houses screaming at the top of her lungs...literally bloody murder...Fiance and I are yelling stop running. She was running hog wild and the dog was just running behind her. The other kid managed to get to their home and alerted the dad that her sister was being attacked by a dog...The damn kid had ran down the road and another neighbor came out in her back yard and told the girl to come here and pulled her over the fence into their yard. By that time I got there I grabbed the dog with great force for running off and gave him to fiance to take home..As we round the corner of the house, the dad of the girl is flying down road in jeep. Of course he was out of control and I calmly told him I realize he is upset, but his tone was not one I was willing to deal with at the moment...a lot had just happened...He is outraged and calls 911. Within minutes cop cars, patty wagon, all kids of shit is in front of my house...No cars could get by...road blocked. He told the cop he wanted us cited for leash law violation and charges filed for his daughter falling down...Her school uniform was dirty. I told him i'd pay to clean it or buy her a new uniform, if it was damaged w/ several apologies and explained he's a pup and thought he was playing chase...that he couldn't understand. Cops had to check license of dog...told him to go home and told us make sure always on leash...blah blah...
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SpaceGhost you have mad issues with moderating an internet forum like you're fucking Hitler.




Better watch your ass, you might get the BAN HAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My brother has friends who go to St. Charles. It never fails, our new dog (adopted, very cool dog) always goes after them. None of the Watterson or DeSales kids, just the St. Charles ones. It's great. No biting, I just tell her she's done, then proceeds to sit down and wag her tail at them.
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WTF people? Just because I have a title of "mod", I am not allowed to post my opinion? Do mods have to just lurk once they become one? -


"All of you can kiss my rebel dick."

-Doc Holiday


PS Besides, Joe is gone, getting married, someone had to step up and be a fucking dick for a while.

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WTF people? Just because I have a title of "mod", I am not allowed to post my opinion? Do mods have to just lurk once they become one? -


"All of you can kiss my rebel dick."

-Doc Holiday


PS Besides, Joe is gone, getting married, someone had to step up and be a fucking dick for a while.


was no longer you opinion when you threatened to delete the post.


its ok thou we still <3 ya. :)

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I have my dog on the treadmill right now and have her swimming laps in the pool to build her strength up. Also I do take a drimel from time to time and sharpen her teeth. I am building her into a murder dog to kill stupid people. Let me know where your neighbors live.

I need one of those

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