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Take a moment for 9/11.....


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I was out at that California Fittness on Sawmill. We had just got there when the first tower had hit and it was on TV. Started working out a bit and the second one hit. After I left, I ended up toatling my car. Cops wouldn't come out because they were too busy. Never got cited for the accident, even though some bitch on a cell phone was swerving in and out of my lane, so I was paying more attention to her than the truck in front of me that was slowing for a right hand turn. In all fairness I only had my DL for a month at that point. On a plus note, it is the day of my sister and her husbands anniversary.
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I was a senior in High School in religion class when we saw the first TV report of it. For some reason I knew it wasn't an accident, and the middle east had something to do with it. I think that day solidified my mind with joining the Army. I pray to God another 9/11 happens ever again. And God Bless all those that died, their families, and those overseas taking the fight back to those that did it.
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i was in school, got home packed up with my dad and went to NY. 7 hour drive and was on top of tower 2 at 1:45am 9/12/01. saw alot of things that i will never forget and hope no one ever has to see.




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i have alot of pictures, those are just some from the second trip. we were there 3 days and came home and got more people to help and went back 4 days later and were there for 5 more days with 35 more LE men and women.

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I was in middle school. The teachers started freaking out saying that america was under attack and we where all just kinda like what?? We werent sure what was going on then the teachers turned on the tv's and we watched as the second plane flew into the buildings. Then we got it.
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I was working at Brown's Fairfax Mazda in Fairfax, VA. Watched the second plane hit the WTC, then watched as 13 different fire companies drove past the dealership on Lee Hwy. 10-15 minutes later, I watched the reports about the Pentagon crash 15 miles away from where I was. I left work immediately to pick up my son from daycare. When I left work, they were still trying to land all US air traffic, and were reporting that there could be as many as 20 more hijacked flights with unknown targets. My mom was working at EDS in Herndon, the FAA shares property with EDS. Scary day for sure.
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Has everyone on CR worked here at some point?




I was running late and saw the news when I was leaving for work that the first one had just hit. I thought it was a small plane that had some sort of bad accident.


I got to work(uunet) in time to see the second plane hit.. then spent the rest of the day watching the news.


My girlfriend worked for gahanna at the time and spent the day under the flight plan for the planes all landing. She said it was amazing seeing the lines of planes coming in, one after another.

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I was in 7th grade, and had just walked into the room to see the second plane hit live. I feel so ignorant looking back because I remember thinking, "What is the world trade center and why is it such a big deal?" That day was a very rude awakening for my young and naive mind.
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this comment has been brought to you by the department of redundancy department.


hey brian, no ones accusing you of being unamerican, but damn man, its not like you didnt know what was going to be in this thread. thorne might not buy into the same shit i do, but he doesnt go into my "merry christmas" threads and tell me hes sick of it all. if i had a girlfried that looked like yours, im pretty sure i could find something to do with the time i spent making up that goofy story. :)


Thanks for the complement. He does spend way more time playing on CR than playing with me.

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