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People you'd like to see banned

El Karacho1647545492

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  CRAWDAD said:
BRO-RAPE in the works. Everybody sit back and watch!


see this is a perfect example of a no contribution reply. its not funny, you have no idea the history between the two of us on this board (100% animosity). the next time you think about typing something, just throw your monitor out a window.

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  Cavin said:
What the fuck game are talking about, your car is beat and slow....your a turd...id rather rock out a BC edition camaro then your gt500




the bc edition in its prime just before it was released into art's hands

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This thread is gay as fuck, because guess what... the mods dont give a shit who anyone on here wants to be banned. Theres like seventy three moderators, none of which seem to have anything remotely important to do other than pound the refresh button harder than I pound Hal's mom. Believe me, if someone on here deserves a ban, they will be bant... OHNOEZ!



PS: I spit Hot Fiyah.

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Sweet8tooth, and here's more than enough reason, even without the rest of his bullshit:


From the call center thread:

  Sweet8Tooth said:
I still doubt it. Lets look at this realistically: You are talking about comparing a person whos neither has the knowledge or the qualifications to contribute anything to society, who makes a salary that rivals that of engineers, architects, tradesman, small business owners, anyone in the healthcare industry... the list is long for people in that pay grade.


Not to bad mouth anyones "profession", but I guess the economy crash will weed out some of the bullshit jobs around town.


  Sweet8Tooth said:
Truck driving, A TRADE?!? ROFL. Don't offend people that actually work in the trades, please. A truck driver is only a "PROFESSIONAL IDIOT", I don't know how many truck drivers I've cussed in my day, the worst being a concrete truck driver.
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Crawdad, you have only been here for 1 month! and already everyone doesn't like you! what you do you think that says about you, your character and personality? And don't even respond "I don't care what anybody else thinks!" Just shut up, ur a newb.
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  V8 BEAST said:
This made me shed a man tear :(


I'll now turn emo and commit suicide with a rusty butter knife. Then hopefully I'll be reincarnated as the child of a member that joined before 2004 so that I can sneak and read the threads over their shoulder without ridicule. :D



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  GonneVille said:
Sweet8tooth, and here's more than enough reason, even without the rest of his bullshit:


From the call center thread:


Quit running your mouth about me you broke dick. Maybe people should be banned from a racing site when they drive slow piles of shit.

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  CRAWDAD said:
El Borracho & Sweet8Tooth





Crawdad is picking on me!


Instead of just thrashing you outright, I'm just gonna list some of your characteristics and let everyone use their imaginations:


Gay tribal tatoos

westside trash haircut


jean shorts

sleeveless shirt/flabby arms combo

teeth that look like a trainwreck

heavy, slow car

numberous, worthless posts that show how retarded you are

your gay lover sprays N20 into a V6 Mustang

Wannabe hard pics on myspace

gay myspace quotes: "I'm not sayin you can't race, I'm sayin you can't win!"

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  Vander said:
Crawdad, you have only been here for 1 month! and already everyone doesn't like you! what you do you think that says about you, your character and personality? And don't even respond "I don't care what anybody else thinks!" Just shut up, ur a newb.

Its not hard to figure out. If people give me shit I will give it back! If they don't like it, I guess they should have thicker skin! That is what they told me when I joined!

  V8 BEAST said:
Smart ass remarks are pretty much a requirement here lol!

from the OVEN where you all trained me.

  ImUrOBGYN said:
Welcome to the site. Seems you like you have a durable hide and decent sense of humor. :)



Only thing I have done wrong is defend myself, if someone throws a flame at me, I fire back. I guess that I have to sit back like a pussy and let everyone belittle me. Not going to happen here!


Maybe you should be banned because you started shit and now I am giveing it back and you want me banned! sign of weakness, using your last resort to shut me up! quit fucking with me and I will shut the fuck up! I not started one fight, only followed up on them.

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It is kind of funny that everyone is giving CRAWDAD all this sh*t, when all he is doing is what everyone else on here does. At this point I don't know most of the people on here, because they all joined after I stopped meeting up. I guess I'm out of the loop. Let's just say when I was hanging out certain people that are now 20 or so, were little kids making appearences with their dad's at the meets. Crazy to think about. Let's ban Anthony Green :)
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The people I have the power to ban but Anthony wont let me:


MegaDouche - yes, I have tried to ban and Anthony lets him back :(

Thorne - Fuck bug boy

EpicPhail - honestly...this guy is fucking annoying


Kevin - lack of pong skills

Miller - lack of pong skills yet still talks shit

Hefty Jesus...because the bitch moved before cooking something edible


People I would ban and cant:


Jones...because Audi's suck

SpaceGhost...fuck the colts


I'm sure I will think of more...


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  Epic Phail said:
  MadMadMadMaliBUUUU said:
The people I have the power to ban but

Kevin - lack of pong skills

Miller - lack of pong skills yet still talks shit




i just want to say i beat kevins ass in b.p, when are we going to play ?


Whenever, really.


I dont frequent campus partys like I should anymore and no longer have my own table. What we really need to do is have a set double elimination tourney this winter.




*Oh, I did beat Miller twice in a row. ;)

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  MadMadMadMaliBUUUU said:
  Epic Phail said:


Whenever, really.


I dont frequent campus partys like I should anymore and no longer have my own table. What we really need to do is have a set double elimination tourney this winter.




*Oh, I did beat Miller twice in a row. ;)



im in there like swim wear, keep me posted. ill continue practicing at sloopys on tuesdays lol

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I could probably use a ban or two.


I drive a ricy car, only go to meets on a monthly basis, my wing is bigger than Crawdads mouth, my exhaust looks like it could suck up a basketball, oh ya and my wheels are black ... which at this point should be an auto-ban.


Oh and my pong skillz are epic. (we asians got math, and pong on lockdown bitches ... too bad my weiners so iddy biddy, another bannable offense, go ahead ask phils mom)

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