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New ford 65mpg car not sold in states


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Guest tbutera2112
we aren't getting the diesel because our emissions laws suck dick.

according to the article, theyre not bringing it because the cost of diesel is too high due to a tax that is aimed for truckers, the prius is around the same price, same mpg, and cheaper to fill up due to using gasoline

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also because it was developed for europe, who's emissions are much more leniant than ours(because our lame ass gument thinks we should be "role models" for the world or something). look at every new diesel car currently available, they all have some expensive emissions crap(trucks, with their expensive ass DPFs that also hurt MPGs considerably, and cars with their urea tanks that have to be refilled at every oil change). i would put money on the statement from the article being purely PR influenced. more and more manufacturers are selling diesel cars in america(bout damn time too), and smaller cars such as the jetta TDI are rolling off the showroom floor in droves.


basically, its our gubments fault(safety and emissions regs) that we dont get all this good shit from around the world. we are FINALLY starting to see some of it come our way though.

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