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Idk I mean its not a bad time, its just not what I thought it would be. Last time I went to a game day I was like 15 and it was for OSU vs Michigan and it was awesome. But the crowd for the most part is kinda quiet, if you want to get close to the stage they check your signs and if you mentioned Diapers on Joe Pa or anything like that they tore them up. They make it seem like a party on tv, but atleast the one today wasnt really like that. Outside of watching the taping there is nothing to do.


It wasnt the worst thing i've ever done, but I dont know if I would wake up at 8am to go stand around for 4hours to see something that I can watch on tv haha. Lebron being there was pretty cool, im suprised Corso picked OSU, thought for sure he'd go with Penn State.


There were some very damn funny signs in the crowd though.

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New AP poll:


1. Alabama (40) 9-0 1,498

2. Penn State (14) 9-0 1,437

3. Texas Tech (6) 9-0 1,409

4. Oklahoma (1) 8-1 1,290

5. Florida 7-1 1,268

6. USC 7-1 1,232

7. Texas 8-1 1,227

8. Oklahoma State 8-1 1,066

9. Utah 9-0 1,018

10. Boise State 8-0 958

11. TCU 9-1 862

12. Ohio State 7-2 843

13. Missouri 7-2 794

14. Georgia 7-2 693

15. LSU 6-2 683

16. Brigham Young 8-1 591

17. Michigan State 8-2 516

18. Ball State 8-0 503

19. North Carolina 6-2 359

20. Georgia Tech 7-2 289

21. Maryland 6-2 243

22. California 6-2 192

23. West Virginia 6-2 172

24. Florida State 6-2 150

25. Northwestern 7-2 120



Games of importance this week:


#12 OSU vs #25 Northwestern (OSU by 10)

#13 TCU vs #10 Utahn (Thursday Night Game TCU wins lol)

#1 Alabama vs #15 LSU (Bama by a ton)

#3 Texas Tech vs #8 Oklahoma St (Oklahoma St by 3)

Cal vs #5 USC (could be the upset special)


1 team for sure is going to lose in the top 10 and poissibly Utah which would put OSU back in the top 10

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Honestly at this point I see a Florida vs Penn State matchup. I dont think Texas Tech is going to run the table and I think Florida will beat Bama by 20. Oklahoma shouldnt go above Florida in my opinion. If anyone has the talent to beat SUC it would be Florida and I think SUC is the best team in the country
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New BCS out:


1 Alabama 9-0 1 2798 .9818 1 1498 .9823 .9600 2 .975

2 Texas Tech 9-0 3 2644 .9277 3 1409 .9239 .9600 7 .937

3 Penn State 9-0 2 2689 .9435 2 1437 .9423 .9000 3 .929

4 Texas 8-1 6 2322 .8147 7 1227 .8046 .9400 1 .853

5 Florida 7-1 4 2391 .8389 5 1268 .8315 .8100 8 .827

6 Oklahoma 8-1 5 2366 .8302 4 1290 .8459 .7900 4 .822

7 USC 7-1 7 2273 .7975 6 1232 .8079 .6600 5 .755

8 Utah 9-0 9 1864 .6540 9 1018 .6675 .7700 10 .697

9 Oklahoma State 8-1 8 2021 .7091 8 1066 .6990 .5900 9 .666

10 Boise State 8-0 10 1797 .6305 10 958 .6282 .7000 11 .653

11 Ohio State 7-2 11 1576 .5530 12 843 .5528 .5600 12 .555

12 TCU 9-1 12 1560 .5474 11 862 .5652 .5200 13 .544

13 Georgia 7-2 14 1380 .4842 14 693 .4544 .6700 6 .536

14 Missouri 7-2 13 1416 .4968 13 794 .5207 .4600 14 .492

15 Brigham Young 8-1 16 1179 .4137 16 591 .3875 .3200 20 .374

16 LSU 6-2 15 1241 .4354 15 683 .4479 .2300 19 .371

17 Ball State 8-0 17 1053 .3695 18 503 .3298 .3700 16 .356

18 Michigan State 8-2 18 857 .3007 17 516 .3384 .3700 21 .336

19 North Carolina 6-2 19 670 .2351 19 359 .2354 .3200 22 .263

20 Georgia Tech 7-2 20 561 .1968 20 289 .1895 .1800 0 .189

21 California 6-2 21 432 .1516 22 192 .1259 .0600 0 .112

22 Florida State 6-2 24 237 .0832 24 150 .0984 .0800 15 .087

23 Maryland 6-2 23 249 .0874 21 243 .1593 .0000 0 .082

24 Northwestern 7-2 26 212 .0744 25 120 .0787 .0900 0 .081

25 West Virginia 6-2 22 369 .1295 23 172 .1128 .0000 0 .081


Bucks could see the top 10 by end of the weekend with a win at Northwestern as 1 team for sure above OSU will lose and Utah could possibly lose to TCU

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Watched Ball State tonight and I must say for a small school they are pretty good. I dont think they will compete in a BCS game if they make it to one but they are pretty decent none the less.


Oh btw buckeye fans, they just suspended WR Ray Small. He's either going pro or transfering according to him and his dad.


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yeah well he is the best punt returner the bucks have this year...plus they need all the help they can get. But oh well theres only 3 games left and it frees up some room for the younger WR's to play and another scholorship for next years class.


Some sources are saying that Brandon Saine might be the next to transfer. For some reason OSU cannot use guys with speed. Saine ran a 10.3 100m dash that is rediculous and Small was a 4.3-4.4 guy in the 40yd dash

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Hes afraid to get tackled how can you give him the ball when he's scared. There is talk of him going to FB as well lmfao that will not work at all. I think slot reciever would be a good thing for him as well, but not at OSU. They are loaded at WR in the next couple years with Washington, Posey, Thomas, Sanzenbacher, Stoneburner...then you got Carter, Fields and Jackson with a chance of Marlon Brown the #1 WR in the country just in this class alone.


If you look at the running back situation you got Beanie(if he stays), Boom, Jamal Berry (#1 RB), Carlos Hyde (#27 RB) and Jordan Hall (Pryors h/s teamate) all coming in next year.

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I swear to god there is talk of it! They were talking about it this spring and it never happened but talk is stirring back up and its Tressel thats starting the conversations about it. They would call it the Pony formation where they'd have Pryor, Saine and another RB all in a row the D would not know who the hell to go after.


Im starting to question Tressels coaching more and more each day. They have tried Saine as a returner and his numbers are lackluster I think something like 12 yards per return or some shit. How can a guy that runs 10.3 not beat everyone else in a foot race lol

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LOL, agreed. Depending on the formation I can see him occasionally being used as a second runningback out in the backfield (kinda like the spread or a basic pro-set) but certainly not a traditional fullback in any variation of an I-formation, lol. Can you imagine Saine trying to pave the way for anyone? Dude would get crushed. He's certainly not much of a pass blocker either for that matter...
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