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Skills every child should know


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I thought this weekend about what really should we teach kids other then basic math and science before they graduate. I came up with the following 10 things. What do you think about my list? I know how to do everything with the exception of 6 and 8. I don't have much firearm dismantling experience. Maybe someone on here can help me. I have high skills with a bow and arrow though.


1. Basic repair and troubleshooting of common cars/trucks. How to drive a car.

2. Basic repair and troubleshooting of computers

3. Basic repair and troubleshooting of common household appliances

4. How to clean clothes without using a major appliance / how to iron clothes

5. How to safely camp outside (setting up a tent, starting a fire, searching or chopping down firewood etc)

6. How to safely shoot and dismantle common pistols, rifles, and bows.

7. How to swim and rescue someone in the water

8. How to perform CPR

9. How to safely hunt and cook small to medium animals in the wild.

10. Banking 101. How to make money via stocks and bonds. How to save money for the future.

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I thought this weekend about what really should we teach kids other then basic math and science before they graduate. I came up with the following 10 things. What do you think about my list? I know how to do everything with the exception of 6 and 8. I don't have much firearm dismantling experience. Maybe someone on here can help me. I have high skills with a bow and arrow though.


1. Basic repair and troubleshooting of common cars/trucks. How to drive a car.

2. Basic repair and troubleshooting of computers

3. Basic repair and troubleshooting of common household appliances

4. How to clean clothes without using a major appliance / how to iron clothes

5. How to safely camp outside (setting up a tent, starting a fire, searching or chopping down firewood etc)

6. How to safely shoot and dismantle common pistols, rifles, and bows.

7. How to swim and rescue someone in the water

8. How to perform CPR

9. How to safely hunt and cook small to medium animals in the wild.

10. Banking 101. How to make money via stocks and bonds. How to save money for the future.

The only problem that I see with your theory is that it makes too much sense, and who the hell wants to do something like that? I know that I wish I would have been taught all of those things in school but, then they could have sent me out into the world prepared and thats just dumb.

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The only problem that I see with your theory is that it makes too much sense, and who the hell wants to do something like that? I know that I wish I would have been taught all of those things in school but, then they could have sent me out into the world prepared and thats just dumb.


Just trying to reduce the number of stupid people in the world...

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How about they know how to:


1. read

2. write

3. mow the grass

4. make moonshine

5. speak another language

6. stack cash

7. NOT exceed their fucking cell phone minutes

8. be responsible for their actions

9. listen to their parents

10. stack enough cash selling moonshine to take care of their parents when they can't walk anymore

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1 2 and 5 are already taught in schools. Please revise your list.


Well, you said basic math and science. You didn't say they learned to read and write.


Besides, I think kids should have to go to school year round, like all the countries who smoke our asses in educational stats. Therefore, my list would take up about 14GB of bandwidth to post and I don't think the admin who like that very much.

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How about they know how to:


1. read

2. write

3. mow the grass

4. make moonshine

5. speak another language

6. stack cash

7. NOT exceed their fucking cell phone minutes

8. be responsible for their actions

9. listen to their parents

10. stack enough cash selling moonshine to take care of their parents when they can't walk anymore


Unfortunately, our education system can't even teach the first two adequately, as demostrated by a large number of people on this forum.

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all can be solved with http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/kungfu.jpg

and also this




edit: god I'm glad I'm not the guy in the first pic. I wanna know where that came from.

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How to cook a meal that isn't conveniently enclosed in a single package.

How to perform basic First Aid as defined by the Boy Scouts and the Red Cross.(i.e. how to stabilize a victim until medical aid arrives, up to and including emergency tracheotomy)

How to fix basic home maintenance problems like bad outlets, clogged sinks, cracked drywall, runny toilets, etc...

How to drive a stick-shift.

How to DRIVE rather than just how to obey traffic signs. Let's bring back Driver's Ed, plus advanced driving courses.

Basic Marksmanship. Beyond just being able to fire it SAFELY, we should teach them to fire ACCURATELY. Add a basic course to PE from middle school on up, and offer an advanced class to high-schoolers. A competitive shooting team should be offered alongside football and b-ball for extracurricular sports.

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Are any of you boy scouts also Order of the Arrow brothers?




yessir, tossed into the woods with nothing but a blue tarp during a rainstorm was a great experience, followed by hard manual labor and fasting.


but yeah, I am

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