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anyone been to atlanta?


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thinking about heading down for a couple days next week while im on vacation...thinking about checking out the big aquarium they have there.


can anyone point me in an area to check out a hotel in? i dont know the atlanta area and i dont want to stay in a shitty part of town, even if its only going to be for 2 nights.

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Peachtree City. It's a bit south of ATL, but it's probably their equivalent of our New Albany or Powell areas, only bigger and more spread out. My company has their training center there, i've been down there 4 or 5 times, and I will say that it is a VERY nice area. As for ATL itself, I have no idea, as I've only been there long enough to leave the airport.
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I just got back from the real Atlanta.. it's a sea of ghetto surrounding a few nice areas. They have some really cool bars, but some of them aren't for white people. Me and some friends wanted to go bowling, just a cheap Friday night at the lanes right? We walk in and are the only 5 white guys in t-shit and jeans in the place, and it's a mid/high-class rap/r&b dress-up bowling alley. Some black chick was yelling at us crackers to get the fuck out followed by other random stares all night, it was bad.


So anyways, research before going anywhere. Every club seemed to have its own click whether race or whatever else.


Freakin white people, they think they can just show up anywhere and ruin a good place to hang out...

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im not worried about nightlife or going out to any bars or bowling alleys. we're gonna drive down monday, stay the night, hit the aquarium tuesday, stay the night, and drive home wednesday


I go all the time. Stay out of Atlanta Underground after dark.


Atlanta is huge, what part will you be in?


thats what im trying to find out. we're heading to the aquarium they have there. as long as its not over a 20-30 minute drive, im not too worried about where we stay, as long as its not in shithole part of town

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i'm down there all the time, the other half of my fam is from there.

if i were you i would stay just north of downtown Atlanta right off of I-85 in Marietta/Kennesaw, very nice suburb with lots of things to do and places to eat, only about 15-20 mins from the middle of downtown. Stop by the mall right there as well, MY GAWD the girls!


also hit up the coca-cola factory downtown, big as hell and good way to kill some time.


thank me later,


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