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red light cameras


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idk if any of you guys are from around chillicothe, but they have put up some new red light cameras on bridge street and main street... they get you for speeding and all that good crap too... my mom got a warning for running a red light, even though it was a right on red... just an fyi...
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I just got fucked by one of these in springfield. I was haulin ass through a intersection at night and all of the sudden I see flashes going ape shit behind me. I did however find out from an officer I know in sprinfield that told me they have nothing to do with the bmv, and do not effect your driving record. It is a private company and if you do not pay it they can't come after you, however it does report to your credit.
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im torn on these things.


i fucking hate red light runners, but at the same time these cameras are an obvious money grab.


although i guess its kind of a toss up... t bone accidents go down at camera equipped intersecitons, but rear endings go way up.


i just wish that they would put those dont walk signs that have a countdown on them, so you know how long youve got before it changes.

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im knocking on wood as i type thiis. i have had those lights flash on me a few times,but its funny cuz they also get you if your through the intersection. anyway the solution to your problems is......... plate covers. usually dark ones or mirror tinted because the flash reflects off the cover making the id numbers very hard to make out. its not immpossible, but it makes there job a lil more difficult in identifying your plates. just a small tip.
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  John said:

although i guess its kind of a toss up... t bone accidents go down at camera equipped intersecitons, but rear endings go way up.





Accidents at these intersections INCREASE as the time delay between a yellow light and a red light is increased in order to catch more people running red lights and in turn earning more money for the city.

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  Epic Phail said:
the solution to your problems is......... plate covers. usually dark ones or mirror tinted because the flash reflects off the cover making the id numbers very hard to make out. its not immpossible, but it makes there job a lil more difficult in identifying your plates. just a small tip.


Not necessarily true. Most of them don't just shoot photos, but they record a video too. I know for sure the ones here in Columbus do as my wife got caught turning right on red and we watched the video. IMO, the only thing you can do is use a plate flipper of some sort and hope for the best.


My neighbor got busted too and he came over to log onto the internet as he's a 75yr old guy and is internet dumb. He was amazed at the clarity of the video as he ran the yellow light :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Plate rule from the DMV:







  intriguing_olds said:
they get you for speeding and all that good crap too...


And no red light cameras write tickets for speed in Ohio. In Scottsdale, Arizona Yes, Chilicothe, Ohio, No.

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  tbutera2112 said:
im pretty sure 0 and O are the same on license plates....can you even use O? ive never seen it



My license plate has a O following a 2, so it looks like 20...sometimes I actually forget which one it really is haha.

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  ada922 said:
if your on a bike and u run the redlight going toward the red light cameras and they flash, they cant get u right? Since motorcycles have no front plates?


they catch you on the way through the intersection from the rear too. they aren't just still shots either....the ones I've seen have rolling video. I know, I watched my wife and neighbor as they both got nailed on a right turn on red downtown :o


Just pop a big wheelie as you roll through so your plate points downward :p

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i wish they would fix some of the lights that are not timed right. I know on noe bixby the light right by sedalia food center has got to be the worst I have ever seen. its a 35 zone and that light changes from yellow to red in like 1 second. I ave gone trough it so many times on the way to school last year. at some points there is no way you can make it but you can not stop in time without really slowing down and hope to not get rear ended.
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  SpaceGhost said:
meh only 8 or so on the 101 along Scottsdale. Not everywhere. It's not that bad there, I go there a lot.



No, its wayyyy worse, almost every exit on the 10 has them now as well as the 17. The article says should have up to 100 cams by Feb.



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  • 2 weeks later...
You can go out and get 2 of those little battery powered LED flashlights that are on a strap you wear around your head when your walking or riding a bike. Then go to radio shack and get little IR emitters, get how ever many IR things as there are LED's in the light. Then all you have to do it take the lights apart, un solder the LED's and solder in the IR's and find a way to mount them above or next to your license plates. The IR makes it so cameras cant see it, it just looks like a spot light coming from your plate but its not visible to people. Works with video or still.
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