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WTF OSU game?1!!?!?!111?!!?


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As much as I hate to say it, OSU will get trounced by Penn State playing even remotely like this.


Agreed. If Beanie is productive, he really balances out Boeckman. I think we need to access our option in the second half for passing.


Our special teams and Jenkins are having kick ass games though.

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Agreed. If Beanie is productive, he really balances out Boeckman. I think we need to access our option in the second half for passing.



Tressel pretty much straight told the press/announcers that if Beanie is healthy Boeckman will be the starting QB again.

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No...he said if Beanie had STAYED healthy, that Bellizwickman would still be the starter.


Oh my I'm sorry. Close the fuck enough.


Doesn't look like Beanie is going to STAY healthy anyways after rolling his ankle on that run.



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Was at the game today sitting up in C deck. The crowd at this game was lame, not much cheering or noise being made. The offense is hands down one of the worst I have seen at OSU in a very long time. Tressle must play fantasy football cause he sure does love the FG! I have never seen a coach that litterally runs plays everytime that setup field goals. Oh well least in 2 weeks im sitting in 37AA Row 10 for the Penn State game. My first night game at OSU
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Jenkins is a beast, with him, Laurnaitis, and the speed of Chekwa the D is looking good but sometimes misses plays that perplex me.


I don't think Boeckman is coming back, not full time anyway. Beanie next to him helps him a lot but with the offensive line as bad as it is, Pryor will be the guy against Penn State.

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Link to Tressel saying Boeckman is coming back or perma ban for you is what I say. Cause there is no way in hell Boeckman is coming back as the starter, the offense has somewhat of a pulse when Pryor is in the lineup and none when Boeckman is in there. I dont care if its with or without Beanie. Boeckman lacks a deep arm and brains added on top of the concrete in his shoes.
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I watched the high school all-star game, Pryor has a cannon when he's got someone down deep to throw to. He's still got a long way to go though, like the announcers talked about he maybe needs to relax a bit and quit trying to be a perfectionist and just go out there and use his athleticism and have some fun.
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