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Most fucked up thing ever happened to me last night


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Glad to hear he's ok. I know exactly how you feel. I had a diabetic GF, I was holding her looking into her eyes when she went into a seizure. Its very emotional to watch someone you love's brain completely disconnect from their body.
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Ass.... Erik... please god tell me some one gave him an MRI or otherwise THOROUGHLY examined his brain and it's blood vessels.


Earlier this year, a coworker sitting next to me in a meeting stopped mid sentence and slumped back in her chair, like the switch had been turned off.

She looked like she was in a very distressed sleep, puked a bit, responded to no one. Paramedics got her to talk a bit, but she thought she was 35 year old (closer to 65).

Golf Ball sized aneurysm. If she wasn't surrounded by people and less than a mile from an ambulance, she'd be dead. An aunt of mine had the same thing happen to here, at home, alone. 4 days, that's all I want to say on the subject.

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Guest 614Streets
Sorry to hear about that , hope he gets well. At the zoo car show the guy with the black nova and the 6-71 was telling me he died 4 times so far , he has that defib implant. Wild stuff.
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Ass.... Erik... please god tell me some one gave him an MRI or otherwise THOROUGHLY examined his brain and it's blood vessels.


Earlier this year, a coworker sitting next to me in a meeting stopped mid sentence and slumped back in her chair, like the switch had been turned off.

She looked like she was in a very distressed sleep, puked a bit, responded to no one. Paramedics got her to talk a bit, but she thought she was 35 year old (closer to 65).

Golf Ball sized aneurysm. If she wasn't surrounded by people and less than a mile from an ambulance, she'd be dead. An aunt of mine had the same thing happen to here, at home, alone. 4 days, that's all I want to say on the subject.

they did all the tests and mri. Thank you for the heads up tho.

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My inlaws are in town and they came to visit last night. All went well until they get ready to leave. My wife's dad stands up to put my daughter down and then all of a sudden falls back onto the couch eyes wide open and gurgling. Everyone screams and I run out the front door screaming for my neighbor who is a nurse.Then run back inside and call 911 tell them the details franticly. Tell my wife(flipping out) to take daughter and niece down to neighbors.... I get over to my father in law and still no breathing. I start to lay him flat to start CPR when his pace maker and defib shock his heart. After the second shock he comes to(fucking crazy, makes the whole body move)....Ambulance comes take him away. He's in hospital in stable condition, Dr's said his heart did completely stop....I almost had a dead father in law in my house. Freaky as fuck.I thought it was all over


When you started the second sentence with "All went well until..", and then you said you layed him down to start CPR...I totally thought this was going down the road of..."and as soon as I started the first breath he came to and said "Get the FUCK off me!"...lol. But I'm glad things worked out man, I definitely would have been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Way to handle it :thumbup:

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Ass.... Erik... please god tell me some one gave him an MRI or otherwise THOROUGHLY examined his brain and it's blood vessels.


Earlier this year, a coworker sitting next to me in a meeting stopped mid sentence and slumped back in her chair, like the switch had been turned off.

She looked like she was in a very distressed sleep, puked a bit, responded to no one. Paramedics got her to talk a bit, but she thought she was 35 year old (closer to 65).

Golf Ball sized aneurysm. If she wasn't surrounded by people and less than a mile from an ambulance, she'd be dead. An aunt of mine had the same thing happen to here, at home, alone. 4 days, that's all I want to say on the subject.


Similar situation with my father. 38 years old, big happy fella, suffered from Wolf Parkinson's White syndrome and didnt even know it. He worked weird hours and would come home from work at 11am when everyone was at school or work. Fell over in the dinning room and died from a massive heart attack. Had it happened 4 hours later my oldest sister would've been home. 4 hours prior and I would've been home. Odd to think what "could have" been. It is what it is I suppose.


Ass, I hope that (heaven forbid) Im ever in a situation like that I can react the way you did. Cool, calm and collected. Do what needs to be done and dont worry about other shit good job.

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wow, that is crazy. sounds like you handled it well though. so his pace maker did that on its own?


AFAIK there are three things you can get those to do. They can pace the heart, if it's running at too low of a pace. They can be a defibrullator, which is just like the paddles. Only like someone else said, not completely as strong since it's on the hear and not through the chest. This can only be done (in adults) when the heart has stopped. Or they can do cardioversion which takes care of abnormal or fast heart rates.


These are all three different functions and require different types of shocks. I think there are even more differentiations and types of shock included in these, but I don't know the details. Just those are the three 'major' types and three different things that type of device can do.

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