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WalMart will not repair Z rated tires.


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I would not. Ever.


My Mom and Dad and my Aunt and Uncle were on a 1000 mile Corvette Vest Cruise, and my Aunt's anniversary Vette got a flat. Walmart was the only option within 100 miles.


They (the 25 year old manager) told my Dad (the 62 year old owner of a tire shop for that past 35 years) that it was impossible to repair the Z-rated rubber because it was so soft.


But, they could of course, get her right in and put a new tire on.



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I agree with the never take anything to walmart comment. That is your answer that you are looking for. You cant take someone that stocks shelves and then make him go change oil/ tires. It just doesnt work. This one time I was buying ammo at walmart (which was right next to the autocenter) and I was waiting for like 10 minutes for someone to assist me and then this lady who was covered in oil comes walking out from the auto shop and got my ammo out of the cabinet and cashed me out. The only thing I could think to myself was holy shit you should not be multi-tasking like that.
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Now I do know that you're not supposed to repair run-flat tires but I have never heard anything about z rated. And the comment about them being too soft is ridiculous because the only difference in the speed rating is the sidewall thickness/ strength. The rubber compound on a z rated is typically softer due to them being more performance oriented but it is not necessarily always the case.
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It went something like this...


"Do you people have any clue how retarded you sound? Can I speak to someone that knows a car from their asshole?" <<<Think Hank Hill trying to buy a hammer at Megalomart>>>


"We don't want any trouble Sir. If you don't like our rules, that are for your own safety, then leave."

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Well it might depend on how they "repair" the tire. If they just shove a plug in it then I can see them being iffy n Z rated tires......... Of course I think that way is iffy on all tires any way but......


I don't know I use sam's (wallyworld's big brother) a fair amount becouse Kevin "movie guy" works there and I only let him touch them

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plugs are good for most common vehicles, but there is no way in hell i would trust having one in my tire on a car that i will take above highway speeds.


patch or fail.


p.s. would you really want someone that works at walmart touching your Z rated tire for anything other than tire pressure? i wouldnt..

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the reason many places will not repair a z rated tire is becuase the repair voids the speed rating



but it would repair and be safe to drive on, just not under high loads. It is however not something I would do to my tires, as I run the shit out of them and can't risk a failure from stress.

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At Discount Tire we where taught to use the plug and then grind it down flush, and then clean and then put a patch over it to db seal it. If it was close to the side we wouldn't do it. Tires are something to be cheap about.
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At Discount Tire we where taught to use the plug and then grind it down flush, and then clean and then put a patch over it to db seal it. If it was close to the side we wouldn't do it. Tires are something to be cheap about.


This makes absolutely no sense unless you are talking about just plain patches with no plug attached to them? If so, why not just buy the damn patches that you pull through from the inside like everyone else in the world uses.... :confused::confused:

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At Discount Tire we where taught to use the plug and then grind it down flush, and then clean and then put a patch over it to db seal it. If it was close to the side we wouldn't do it. Tires are something to be cheap about.

Hmm, everywhere else taught me not to be a moron.

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At Discount Tire we where taught to use the plug and then grind it down flush, and then clean and then put a patch over it to db seal it. If it was close to the side we wouldn't do it. Tires are something to be cheap about.

Remind me not to have this guy patch any of my tires. Tires are the only thing holding your car off the road. Not something to be cheap about.

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the reason many places will not repair a z rated tire is becuase the repair voids the speed rating


Any link to proof of this? I ask in a sincere really-wanting-to-know tone, not being a smartass. None of the salesmen I ever spoke to about their lines of tires ever mentioned this fact.


And for all parties, again, they asked Walmart to patch it.


And for anyone doubting plugs, look up the video where Tech (company name) plugged the SIDEWALL of a tire something like 60 times and then drove it for 100,000 miles.

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