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Is this what we can expect from Palin?


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This is in response to some of the posts here titled "Is this what we can expect from Obama..." where spending his campaign budget is compared to how he will spend taxpayer dollars. A lame argument at best.


So... Palin expenses travel for her family and clothes to the taxpayers! Where are the angry posts here at CR?!?! :mad:






Since it appears you can request to have threads locked, then let me request that now! Thanks.

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Wow two off-topic replies. Great job.


They weren't off topic.


You were bitching about a woman's clothing.


Since you even asked this question means you don't understand women.


Then I realized why...because you drive a Cobalt.


That means you have a little dick and are so pissed off at the world that no woman in their right mind would be with you.


Therefore, your life sucks and you bitch about a woman's clothing on a racing site.


The GOP's $$$ is not taxpayer $$$ so whatever they buy her, it's none of your business.

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do you ever know when you talk about Republicans there always excuses come back thats so funny If that was Obama wife oh hell would have broke loose but well see were her ass is Nov 14 Back in Alaska

I quoted that, so we could further analyze the improper use of the English language.


Remember, democrats vote on November 14 this year.

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do you ever know when you talk about Republicans there always excuses come back thats so funny If that was Obama wife oh hell would have broke loose but well see were her ass is Nov 14 Back in Alaska

there is no money spent on cloths to make that hag look good. :gtfo:

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The GOP's $$$ is not taxpayer $$$ so whatever they buy her, it's none of your business.


OK let's forget the clothing that you are so adamantly defending...


What about the travel expenses? Is this the sort of abuse of taxpayer money we can see if she becomes vp?


Oh wait, I shouldn't worry though... because she won't be vp. Because McCain isn't going to win.

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OK let's forget the clothing that you are so adamantly defending...


What about the travel expenses? Is this the sort of abuse of taxpayer money we can see if she becomes vp?


Oh wait, I shouldn't worry though... because she won't be vp. Because McCain isn't going to win.


So the 3 SENATORS, who are campaigning, while the TAXPAYER is paying their salary, isn't worth mentioning? It's a shame that you hate women so much to pick on a MILF.

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So the 3 SENATORS, who are campaigning, while the TAXPAYER is paying their salary, isn't worth mentioning? It's a shame that you hate women so much to pick on a MILF.


Spoon-feeding time for the republican...


Their salary is not an erroneous charge that was left for the taxpayers to take care of.


I don't let frivolous things such as looks determine my vote like some dumbasses. :gtfo:

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Spoon-feeding time for the republican...


Their salary is not an erroneous charge that was left for the taxpayers to take care of.


I don't let frivolous things such as looks determine my vote like some dumbasses. :gtfo:


Her expenditures aren't erroneous or illegal.


Please explain why you don't mind paying for John, Joe, and Nobama to spread lies and blow smoke up your ass? So, you like our Senators to vote "Present" on bills without ever creating anything on his own. Not voting for or against, just Present. Are you sure you're not a dumbass?

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Why don't you read the article? Also note that I never said "illegal." Thanks for changing what I said. Typical scared republican.


More spoon-feeding. Funny how I have to keep doing this for you:

Gov. Sarah Palin charged the state for her children to travel with her, including to events where they were not invited, and later amended expense reports to specify that they were on official business.

The charges included costs for hotel and commercial flights for three daughters to join Palin to watch their father in a snowmobile race, and a trip to New York, where the governor attended a five-hour conference and stayed with 17-year-old Bristol for five days and four nights in a luxury hotel.


In all, Palin has charged the state $21,012 for her three daughters' 64 one-way and 12 round-trip commercial flights since she took office in December 2006. In some other cases, she has charged the state for hotel rooms for the girls.


The list goes on and on! Where is the outrage!? Oh wait, she is "good looking" so it is ok. LOL.

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That link gives a statement. They don't say that there is a problem. You are assuming there is an issue here. That makes you look like a dumbass.


Taylor Griffin, a McCain-Palin campaign spokesman, said Palin followed state policy allowing governors to charge for their children's travel.


And here is why there is an article:


"There was no valid reason for the children to be along on state business," said Knowles, a supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. "I cannot recall any instance during my eight years as governor where it would have been appropriate to claim they performed state business."


There did I type slow enough for you?

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Is it so bad that her family travels with her? She has children dude

And you don't seem to care that the former governor bought their own private jet, then palin sold it and put that money back in, so if you ask me she saved the taxpayers money.

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The plane story conclusion is detailed below. Let's all just overlook the ludicrous nature of these expenses because we are blind parrots. You are slowly winning me over! :rolleyes:


The problem is this... Palin is a hypocrite who touts change in Washington while she is no better. The point of me posting this thread was to show how the republicans act when damaging allegations are brought up in conversation -- UNLIKE the lame attempts to tear down Obama that I have seen on this board. There are some that are so wrapped up in defending their view at all costs it is a joke. I gladly absorb all sorts of information to make better judgements in my life... and *gasp* change my viewpoint sometimes! Wow, what a concept.


"There was no valid reason for the children to be along on state business," said Knowles, a supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. "I cannot recall any instance during my eight years as governor where it would have been appropriate to claim they performed state business."


Knowles said he brought his children to one NGA event while in office but didn't charge the state for their trip.


In February 2007, the three girls flew from Juneau to Anchorage on Alaska Airlines. Palin charged the state for the $519.30 round-trip ticket for each girl, and noted on the expense form that the daughters accompanied her to "open the start of the Iron Dog race."


The children and their mother then watched as Todd Palin and other racers started the competition, which Todd won that year. Palin later had the relevant expense forms changed to describe the girls' business as "First Family official starter for the start of the Iron Dog race."


The Palins began charging the state for commercial flights after the governor kept a 2006 campaign promise to sell a jet bought by her predecessor.


Palin put the jet up for sale on eBay, a move she later trumpeted in her star-making speech at the Republican National Convention, and it was ultimately sold by the state at a loss.


That left only one high-performance aircraft deemed safe enough for her to use — a 1980 twin-engine King Air assigned to the public safety agency but, according to flight logs, out of service for maintenance and repairs about a third of the time Palin has been governor.

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So fucking what? She did what she was allowed to do!!!!! Do you hate her OR do you hate the fact that she is ALLOWED to make changes??????? Which is it?


If anything, this article shows that she isn't smart enough to figure out who to legally cheat. She has to be told that she can get away with shit. That will be a change to DC where all those fuckers know how to cheat taxpayers.


So, I guess you proved John right when he said she will bring change to DC.

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Of course it was sold at a loss! A brand new jet was sold used on ebay, the problem is that the last governor bought the damn thing!

So the other plane is out for maintenance a lot, is it a shitty plane or are you trying to say its some kind of conspiracy, ooooo! If I could fly alaskan airlines I would to...


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