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Is this what we can expect from Palin?


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Ryan, you're wasting your time here. Any of those left to argue with you aren't going to care what evidence you show them. It won't matter what you say as they'll spin it around to their advantage; screw logic.


All I read in here is excuses for her behaviour. So what if she has kids? If I have to go on a business trip or a vacation, am I to expect my work to pay for it? Fuck no. Idiot fucking logic.


Someone else (again, I could go back and look, but "who" is unimportant) actually said... You know, I have to quote this. Be right back.

So fucking what? She did what she was allowed to do!!!!! Do you hate her OR do you hate the fact that she is ALLOWED to make changes??????? Which is it?


If anything, this article shows that she isn't smart enough to figure out who to legally cheat. She has to be told that she can get away with shit. That will be a change to DC where all those fuckers know how to cheat taxpayers.


So, I guess you proved John right when he said she will bring change to DC.

Are you fucking kidding me! lol Is this really your argument? Do you actually think before you type? Aw, fuck. :rolleyes:

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Apparently Christian can't fucking read.


There are NO rules or laws REPEAT ******NO FUCKING LAWS RULES OR REGULATIONS****** stating that Palin did anything wrong by changing her expenditure forms so that she could have her kids with her.


The assholes who don't agree are making this an issue BECAUSE they can - that's all! Not becasue it SHOULD be an issue, but becasue they are spinning shit.


Just becasue you're too fucking stoooopid to have your own thoughts, keep using others to make invalid and useless points that have nothing to do with nothing.


Just becasue you aren't smart enough to own your own business and use tax laws to your advantage, don't hate on those of us who do. And guess what, when I go see my kids in another state, it's a business trip and the gas I buy comes off my taxes, so fuck you haters!

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Just becasue you aren't smart enough to own your own business and use tax laws to your advantage, don't hate on those of us who do. And guess what, when I go see my kids in another state, it's a business trip and the gas I buy comes off my taxes, so fuck you haters!

I take my family to Hawaii almost every year, ON BUSINESS EXPENSE.

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The poor just don't get it. The same rules that apply to us, apply to them - they're just ignorant!

I agree. the tax code is set up to reward those that take risk and not reward those who don't take risk. Owning a business is not for everyone. Some people are better off being employees. Being an employee is not bad, it just does not come with the perks that being the owner does.

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