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Is a PS3 worth it for Blue Ray and Games?


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Hi guys,


I currently have a Wii and a 56" 1080P TV and was thinking of getting a PS3 down the road so I can play a few games plus have a Blue Ray Player.


I'm not a gamer by any means, what is your opinion on the PS3 platform? The old PS3 combo with Metal Gear was ok (even played PS2 games) but cost $500.00.


I really want a Blue Ray player but $300 for a dvd player is kinda high plus a PS3 can do both.


Is it worth buying or should I wait till the Blue Ray players come down in price and buy more Wii games?



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ur kids are still too young to play the ps3 ide just buy a nice quality blueray an enjoy the time with the fam with the wii since you all can play most all the games just my 2cents



Paul, my son is already playing the Wii, I was thinking a PS3 for him as he gets a little older plus I can play it now.

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My girlfriend has a PS3 and she bought it mainly for the BR player. I have played a few games for it that i also have for my 360 and they are almost identical except the play online is different story. The PS3 network may be free if you already have internet but more than half the games get closed or lag out.
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If you have a 56" TV and no high def movies... then you should have bought a tube tv instead.


WTF is that suppose to mean?


Been watching TV in HD for over a year now. I get HD through my cable. I want to get a Blue Ray Player in the future so I can watch HD movies on my HD TV.

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Get the PS3


If you don't care about playing games at all, think of it as buying a blueray player that you can surf the web with, youtube, CR...whatever AND ITS FREE wired or wireless. You can store movies and mp3's on the hard drive and it will link with other computers on the same network so you can play song/movies whatever off of them. You can install Linux on it and turn it into a personal computer...even install windows on it through linux. Lots of possibilities there.


If later down the road you feel like getting a game you think might be fun to play, you can. And for the statements that have been made about it not having any good games...that's the only ammo xbox fanbois have and its not valid. It shares most games that other consoles have, no you cant play halo (its over rated anyway).


The controllers recharge using the system so you dont need batteries, playstation home is about to be released, you can send people instant messages, chat with bluetooth etc etc...


Why spend similiar money on a blueray player that cant do ANYTHING but play movies?

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Its worth it for the bluray player by itself. Plus with Littlebigplanet coming out next week, thats also worth the purchase all by itself.


I want a PS3 :(


I am very pissed they pushed back the release date. It's probably a good thing though because a lot of other good games came out this week too.

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WTF is that suppose to mean?


Been watching TV in HD for over a year now. I get HD through my cable. I want to get a Blue Ray Player in the future so I can watch HD movies on my HD TV.


it was meant to be a joke not a smack towards you hah

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Get the PS3. It's the best Blu-Ray player out right now. Being firmware based, it's able to be updated so it'll work with any new blu-ray changes, and its upscaling is excellent. At the time I was looking for a BR player, the PS3 was actually the cheapest player available. Since them, some have come down in price. But really.. Why buy a standalone BR player, and then try to justify a PS3 when GT5 comes out, when you can just get the PS3 now?
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My 3 year old is actually quite good with the PS3 already so I'm not sure how old your kids are. Instead of buying games, we just download the demos off the PS Network for free and they keep him quite busy (me too). The demos are a lot of fun and give you a great preview of the game before buying.
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