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$385 billion in taxes, lost

Science Abuse

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Don't like coperations getting bailouts? How about Rich people cheating on their taxes? This is an interesting read for anyone who still thinks trick-down will work, and the noble Wealthies of the country will disperse their windfalls.



Cliff note: It shows tax fraud dispresion by income braket. It shows that, essentially, the more people make, the more they cheat. Brackets from 1K to 99k have a cheating percent that rises in a fairly linear manner, from 2% (1-5k)to 8%(75-99k). Once it hits 100K, it spikes to 13%. 20% of americans making $200k to 500K cheated on their taxes, and 21% of those making 500k to 1m cheated. That 1 in 5.

It goes down a bit from there, 16% for the 1m-2m bracket, and 11% for 2m plus. I guess at that level, you make enough to stop caring, or you can afford your own tax staff to legally get you out of much of your taxes. it could also be because it's not worth it, i.e. you'd have to try to convince the IRS that you income is half of what it actually is before you'd see a percent drop.


So, not only are they getting breaks from the last 8 years of GOP love, but many had under reported income to cheat the tax code. That's not putting America first. ;)


Something else that's funny: Look at what forms of income are most likely to be undereported.... see it? 62 percent of small buisness owners (brackets 50-75 and 100-200) cheat on their taxes.

So really, if you bend over backwrds to help them out, the best you can hope for is that they embrace the tax cut, stop cheating, and eventually pay in the same amount that they've been paying. :lol:


The study shows that everyone tries to cheat on their taxes, but not everyone is able to. So look around, every fifth person you look at cheats on their taxes. For whatever reason, they think that they don't think that they should have to pay like the rest of us.

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Point being, the people who will be the benificiary of the GOP tax plan are ALREADY pocketing extra cash and not "trickling it down". They're not going to do it with a legitimate break, either.

Are you insane? This post summarizes the difference between a soclialist/liberal and a conservative. You act like it was not their money to begin with. "pocketing the extra cash", it was their money not the governments. You should not cheat on taxes, but it is not the governments money to begin with. Uncle Sam did not make the money, the person did.

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Are you insane? This post summarizes the difference between a soclialist/liberal and a conservative. You act like it was not their money to begin with. "pocketing the extra cash", it was their money not the governments. You should not cheat on taxes, but it is not the governments money to begin with. Uncle Sam did not make the money, the person did.
Freedom isn't free. if you want to live here and reap the benifits of doing buisness here, you pay your f'kn taxes. ;) Think of them a club Dues.


It is pocketing extra money, because it's money that they would not have if they had not cheated.

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Freedom isn't free. if you want to live here and reap the benifits of doing buisness here, you pay your f'kn taxes. ;) Think of them a club Dues.





Eric, we may have some common ground! I agree to an extent! Now can you explain the something like 40% of the people under Obama's tax plan that are gonna get a check back from good ole uncle sam while at the same time not contributing a thing?

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Freedom isn't free. if you want to live here and reap the benifits of doing buisness here, you pay your f'kn taxes. ;) Think of them a club Dues.


It is pocketing extra money, because it's money that they would not have if they had not cheated.

Uhh, again, nobody said that anyone should not pay taxes. Your "point" is hilarious because you assume that the people committing tax fraud are stealing their money from the government. Must be nice to depend on government to live your life for you.

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Uhh, again, nobody said that anyone should not pay taxes. Your "point" is hilarious because you assume that the people committing tax fraud are stealing their money from the government. Must be nice to depend on government to live your life for you.


Umm, no. What they are doing is stealing money from other taxpayers who have to pay more to make up for what the cheaters aren't paying.


And by the way, OSUGT, the solution, the ONLY solution to the unbelievable debt this country is in, is to tax more, and spend LESS, and spend the surplus on paying off old debt. Feel the need to battle that logic?

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And by the way, OSUGT, the solution, the ONLY solution to the unbelievable debt this country is in, is to tax more, and spend LESS, and spend the surplus on paying off old debt. Feel the need to battle that logic?

We could pay off the debt following the constitution and restructuring the Government to follow the original intentions of the Founding Fathers. We were never intended to be a welfare state.

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Umm, no. What they are doing is stealing money from other taxpayers who have to pay more to make up for what the cheaters aren't paying.


And by the way, OSUGT, the solution, the ONLY solution to the unbelievable debt this country is in, is to tax more, and spend LESS, and spend the surplus on paying off old debt. Feel the need to battle that logic?


Actually I do. How about they tax you more and I will lobby for the spending cuts? :)

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Of course people in the low bracket cheat less, they have absolutely no incentive to cheat. IF they even pay taxes, they're not going to make much by cheating, therefore the punishment of being caught is a lot worse.

If you make more, there is a much bigger incentive to cheat to save even more of your own money. If taxes were lower there would be less of an incentive to cheat. If they get caught, they claim ignorance and just pay back taxes...the same money they've been making interest off of by keeping it.

The only way to slow this is to remove the incentive. Either UP the penalty and investigations, or DOWN the taxes. We know what way McCain wants, lower taxes. We know what way Obama wants, UP the taxes. This creates more of an incentive to cheat, therefore Obama must put more money into investigating fraud.

You pick

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Of course people in the low bracket cheat less, they have absolutely no incentive to cheat. IF they even pay taxes, they're not going to make much by cheating, therefore the punishment of being caught is a lot worse.

If you make more, there is a much bigger incentive to cheat to save even more of your own money. If taxes were lower there would be less of an incentive to cheat. If they get caught, they claim ignorance and just pay back taxes...the same money they've been making interest off of by keeping it.

The only way to slow this is to remove the incentive. Either UP the penalty and investigations, or DOWN the taxes. We know what way McCain wants, lower taxes. We know what way Obama wants, UP the taxes. This creates more of an incentive to cheat, therefore Obama must put more money into investigating fraud.

You pick

So we should fight crime by pandering to criminals? Isn't that akin to negotiating with terrorists?


Changing tax rates won't alter the cheating rates in any way, shape, or form. They're not cheating because they're overburdened, they're cheating because they can. A guy whos cheating rate is 20% isn't going to care about 3%, he'll keep cheating.

Secondly, McCain isn't lowering rich peoples taxes, he's maintaining the drop initiated by Bush, effectively changing nothing.

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McCain wants to CUT SPENDING!!!!!!!!!! Obama wants to raise taxes in order to create a larger gooberment and increase spending. That is the difference with the 2 of them.


If you're going to balance a budget, you have to stop wasting money or get more money to cover your excessive spending. Which one can you afford to do in your house?


I can cut out cable and cell phones or I can charge it! Hmmmm, that would probably create a financial crisis though, if I overspent and couldn't pay back my loans. OH WAIT!!! We in that now! Obama wants to keep it this way? Fuck that!

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