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I'm Such A Loser...


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Weight loser, that is. ;)


I don't get out to any events anymore, haven't for the past few years, so it's been a while since I've seen a lot of you guys. Particularly the original crew. I had been steadily putting on weight since I got out of the Air Force in 2000, and finally had had enough. Since this past April, I've dropped almost 70 pounds. :eek: Really watching what I was eating and exercising a lot. Lots of gym time and ice hockey. And it's paid off in a big way. :)


Here's me last year with my brother, playing hockey at OSU:




And here's me now:




So yeah, I'm a big loser... :cool:

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Congrats man, ive lost about 55-60lbs over the last 2 years and kept it off thanks to the gym and hockey.


btw, where's your face cage?!?!? Your asking for it! :(


ahaha, like my buddy from like two weeks ago?


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