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work out guys - supplements


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so for a while now, i've been hitting the gym 2-3 times a week. lost quite a bit of fat, and seem to be gaining a little muscle. seems like im at a plateau now.


what should i be taking to gain some more lean muscle? i know protiens from food are good, but with my schedule, i leave work, go to the gym, and head home. what i've read/heard, its best to take protien within 30 minutes of working out, which isn't really possible.


is there any good protien shake mix i can throw in my gym bag to take after im done working out, and get it in that optimal time?


also, anything else i should consider? so far all ive done is hit the gym, do what i can, go up when i can, and try to watch what i eat so im not consuming junk, or anywhere close to the amount of fast food i use to down on a weekly basis

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I'm not a huge workout guy. However, I do firmly believe that your success will be not be found in a bottle or powder. My suggestion is to mix up the routine. You've hit the plateau and now need to shock your body once again.


I've lost a fair amount of weight by doing the exact same thing with my diet. Others will chime in I'm sure, but it's my beliefe that your body is like a cars ECU. It will eventually adjust to what you're fueling it with and how your working it out. Change it up and keep up your workouts and good diet.


so for a while now, i've been hitting the gym 2-3 times a week. lost quite a bit of fat, and seem to be gaining a little muscle. seems like im at a plateau now.


what should i be taking to gain some more lean muscle? i know protiens from food are good, but with my schedule, i leave work, go to the gym, and head home. what i've read/heard, its best to take protien within 30 minutes of working out, which isn't really possible.


is there any good protien shake mix i can throw in my gym bag to take after im done working out, and get it in that optimal time?


also, anything else i should consider? so far all ive done is hit the gym, do what i can, go up when i can, and try to watch what i eat so im not consuming junk, or anywhere close to the amount of fast food i use to down on a weekly basis

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Don't need supplements. If you need protein, just get yourself a box of Power Bars an eat one immediately after working out.


If you need advice on how to gain muscle mass, I'd be happy to help.

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Don't need supplements. If you need protein, just get yourself a box of Power Bars an eat one immediately after working out.


If you need advice on how to gain muscle mass, I'd be happy to help.


im all ears. im not looking to get overly huge, but a little more than im at now. really like to be able to look in the mirror and notice a bit of muscle/definition, instead of just being able to see it when i flex a certain muscle group.

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I'll find what I wrote months ago. It's just a basic outline but, it will give you an idea of stuff you can do.


I can give you some advice, but I can't write you a workout. Too many people quit when I put them through the types of workouts I do.


Stick to the basics, that means try staying away from machines.


Chest- For a defined strong chest you'll want to do different exercises. Try to mix in flat bench, decline bench, and incline bench presses. Also adding dumbbell flies will help a great deal. Your dips also help.


Biceps- It's basics here, stick to curls. Do regular curl with a bar and dumbbells. Also do some hammer curls to round everything out (these will also help forearms).


Triceps- French curls work great, but I prefer skull/nose crushers and close grip bench presses. Dips also work great here.


Shoulders and back- Military presses work great for your shoulders and upper back. Bench pressing will also help with proper form. Shrugs will nicely round out your traps and hugely improve your grips. Good mornings are another great exercise to add for your back. With a machine it is a good idea to do lat pull downs.


Core (abs, etc...)- Regular/reverse crunches, situps, and flutter kicks will do wonders. Nothing fancy is really needed.


Legs- Squats and deadlifts are incredible not only for legs, but for your entire body. Squats work nearly every muscle.


Form- Form is everything. If you don't have proper form, you might as well not be doing the exercise. If there is a personal trainer around, ask them just to give you pointers. They're usually willing to help. If I said an exercise you aren't 100% on, ask. I can coach some over the interwebs.


Workout makeup- You should try not to overwork your muscles. I would suggest splitting things like this...


Tuesday- Heavy flat and decline bench presses, biceps/triceps, abs, and cardio.


Thursday- Squats, deadlifts, military presses, lat pull downs, shrugs, and cardio.


Saturday- Light/speed flat bench press, incline bench, biceps/triceps, abs, and cardio.


Try to add in two more days of cardio just to even things out. You'll want at the very least 22 mins at your target heart rate (220 minus your age minus your average resting heart rate).


Flexibility- Stretching before a workout is usually enough to maintain your flexibility. If you can add the extra two days of cardio I suggested, try stretching exercises on those days too.


Repetitions- On heavy days, I would recommend 6-8 sets of 3-6 hard reps after a warmup. That is on the main exercises (i.e. squats, deadlifts, flat, and decline benches). For accessory exercises I would recommend 10-12 reps in 4-6 sets. For abs I do sets of 25-50 depending on difficulty. For your light flat bench I would suggest doing 1 warmup set and then 8 sets of 3 at 55% 1RM with 30 secs rest between sets.


Finally, make a workout and stick with it for 4-5 weeks. After that, make some changes, just not drastic ones. Shock your muscles with a big change after about 12 weeks.


I won't say anything about nutrition as there are tons of resources. Just make sure to get good protein within 30 mins of your workout.


This is just a guideline I would use to form an excellent base. There are other ways to do get in great strong shape, this just happens to be my way.

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sounds like the guy i was working out with had me on something similar to that


he's had me doing


monday -

shoulder press (seated, dumbells from shoulders to over head)

straight bar curl

leg curl (which i've stopped currently, bothering my lower back from car accident)


chin ups

shrugs (eased up due to back)

seated row

leg lifts


wednesday -

flat bench

incline bench

dumbbell bench

hammer pull down

dumbbell curls

dumbbell shoulders (single dumbbell straight out from hip forward, both dumbbells from hip up on side, then one seated, dumbbells under legs, and lifting, almost like a bird flapping)



extensions (dumbbell behind head, up and down)


and i've been doing 2-3 sets of 50-60 crunches both days


ill try to work out a schedule to try that out, as i may be having my issues from doing this for months now. been doing 1st 2 weeks, 2 sets 20 reps, low weight, next 2 weeks 3 sets 12 reps, more weight, next 2 weeks, 3 sets 8 reps, more weight, 3 sets 6 reps, and max on the 10th week or so


how much protien should i be trying to get in daily? i've heard some people say 1/2 your weight in grams, and some say your weight in grams...so that varies anywhere from 90-180 gr/day

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^^^^^He has got some great advice going on. I though am one who like the added help of different supplements. They wont make or break your body but they might compliment it. Just get a shaker and fill it up with your protien powder to take to the gym with you. When your done for the night, add in 8 ounces of water and shake the hell out of it so you can chug that nasty shit down.


My opinion is diet. Your muscle and tone is going to come from 75% of your diet and 25% of your workout. It is deffinatly a time consuming task to stay on your diet and at first a struggle but once you get into a nice flow of things its easy. I was dieting hardcore during the spring and working out with some big gains but as soon as summer hit i lost time and ambition so I got fat. I am about to start again and way more strict this time. With a strict diet and workout you can get 10% better gains naturally than some do unaturrally. I have done the steriod thing and other unatural things so I can attest to what diet can do. I have found a lot of good diet info here. http://forums.steroid.com/forumdisplay.php?f=6 and no this forum is not 100% for steroid users. I do not use them anymore and still frequent. It is a lot of reading and a lot of research but it will hopefully be worth it to you. There is also a good section in there about different lifting techniques.

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I just get the cheap plastic tub of whey protein powder from Meijer or whatever. It's made by a company called Body Fortress. I get the chocolate powder and mix with white milk in a blender, and it's not bad tasting at all.


I don't know if it helps much, but it's cheap, and it surely doesn't hurt.

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I dont know everything about it so someone can maybe chime in to clear it up, but from what I have always been told is that protien and other supplements aren't governed or approved by any association. Therefor you could potentially be buying a bunch a useless powder in a tub. It has always been told to me to go with a bigger brand that has a known name and has been around for awhile. I stay strickly with Optimum Nutrition, and specifically their pro complex blend. I don't know how much truth there is to all of it but again I have been told the same many of times. I also always got used to drinking with water only. Milk just complicates the breakdown of the whole process.
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I just get the cheap plastic tub of whey protein powder from Meijer or whatever. It's made by a company called Body Fortress. I get the chocolate powder and mix with white milk in a blender, and it's not bad tasting at all.


I don't know if it helps much, but it's cheap, and it surely doesn't hurt.


I did this back when I was about 265lbs and not talking fat, but big. You add a little ice cream to that combo and its even easier to drink. Eat foods that are high in protein. Also the one thing that has been left out and i cant believe is Genetics...some people take a lot longer to start noticing gains then others, due to genetic composition. Also working out everyday on the same part of the body is not good, you gotta mix it up like has been stated above. Do arms/chest one day, then do legs, then arms/chest, then legs. Or your body will never recover, thus never gain mass or strength.


If your wanting to get toned I would reccomend Hydroxy Cut Hardcore, that shit does wonders. I have a buddy the marines who uses it religiously and he is now built like a brick shithouse. I also have another friend who lost 60lbs using that and just working out alone. So it burns fat, but also tones. Add that with the Whey and your good to go.


If your trying to get your bench press up start with shoulder exercises, without strong shoulders your bench press is not going to improve. Pushups are also a good workout that are often forgotten since they are "old school"


If your worried about the off brand shit, dont be. Just look at the back of the labels of the Generic brand and the 60dollar tub and see how it compares. That will be your real answer.

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I did this back when I was about 265lbs and not talking fat, but big. You add a little ice cream to that combo and its even easier to drink. Eat foods that are high in protein. Also the one thing that has been left out and i cant believe is Genetics...some people take a lot longer to start noticing gains then others, due to genetic composition. Also working out everyday on the same part of the body is not good, you gotta mix it up like has been stated above. Do arms/chest one day, then do legs, then arms/chest, then legs. Or your body will never recover, thus never gain mass or strength.


If your wanting to get toned I would reccomend Hydroxy Cut Hardcore, that shit does wonders. I have a buddy the marines who uses it religiously and he is now built like a brick shithouse. I also have another friend who lost 60lbs using that and just working out alone. So it burns fat, but also tones. Add that with the Whey and your good to go.


If your trying to get your bench press up start with shoulder exercises, without strong shoulders your bench press is not going to improve. Pushups are also a good workout that are often forgotten since they are "old school"


If your worried about the off brand shit, dont be. Just look at the back of the labels of the Generic brand and the 60dollar tub and see how it compares. That will be your real answer.




From what I have used Hydroxycut gives you a big burst of energy and then your crash, Lipo 6X is time released and I feel to have a lot more energy throughout the day.

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Well if he's working out at night then the crashing effect wouldnt be that big of an issue. I've never used Lipo6 so i cant really say one way or the other with it. How much muscle mass are you trying to gain? If your wanting to see more then i'd say 20lbs then you better start juicing or prepare to lift for a couple years. If you look at most college football players they only put on about 20lbs on average from their freshman year to their senior year, and they are on a way better workout plan then any of us could recomend.
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Jesus hell wtf kind of workout is that?

With all those reps youll never get big son.

Heavy weight = muscle

Light weight = leaned and cut

Youll never get big off 2 days a week of working out.




Chest and Back - super set between the chest and go to a back with no rest. break.. then back to chest, superset to back.

Bi and Tri - get the best results from doing these in the same day, super set.




Eat rite... many meals.. 3-4k calories and at a minimal of 1gram of protein per body pound.


And for god sake, make sure you do the workouts correctly. I cant stress enough how much I see repeated failure at the gym due to shitty form. Its usually the younger ones that think getting big = throwing around heavy weight the wrong way.






sounds like the guy i was working out with had me on something similar to that


he's had me doing


monday -

shoulder press (seated, dumbells from shoulders to over head)

straight bar curl

leg curl (which i've stopped currently, bothering my lower back from car accident)


chin ups

shrugs (eased up due to back)

seated row

leg lifts


wednesday -

flat bench

incline bench

dumbbell bench

hammer pull down

dumbbell curls

dumbbell shoulders (single dumbbell straight out from hip forward, both dumbbells from hip up on side, then one seated, dumbbells under legs, and lifting, almost like a bird flapping)



extensions (dumbbell behind head, up and down)


and i've been doing 2-3 sets of 50-60 crunches both days


ill try to work out a schedule to try that out, as i may be having my issues from doing this for months now. been doing 1st 2 weeks, 2 sets 20 reps, low weight, next 2 weeks 3 sets 12 reps, more weight, next 2 weeks, 3 sets 8 reps, more weight, 3 sets 6 reps, and max on the 10th week or so


how much protien should i be trying to get in daily? i've heard some people say 1/2 your weight in grams, and some say your weight in grams...so that varies anywhere from 90-180 gr/day

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OK, I just back from the Army Recruiting office


they said I need to loose 20lbs and 20% of body fat



Now IM looking for the quickest/safest/healthiest way possible to do this


any tricks/tips you guys have for me IM going over to Planet Fitness here in about an hr to get a membership so I can start working out




Thanks guys I really appreciate



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OK, I just back from the Army Recruiting office


they said I need to loose 20lbs and 20% of body fat



Now IM looking for the quickest/safest/healthiest way possible to do this


any tricks/tips you guys have for me IM going over to Planet Fitness here in about an hr to get a membership so I can start working out




Thanks guys I really appreciate






ill work out with you, let me know, ill get you as far as you can go, but 20 lbs is a lot to loose. more than likely youll drop 8-10 in 2 weeks just from water weight and caloric shock, but the other 10-12 are going to be a bitch

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By when? Tons and Tons of cardio are in your future for sure.

I would recommend chicken and salads for meals and veggies for snacks. Lots of water.




OK, I just back from the Army Recruiting office


they said I need to loose 20lbs and 20% of body fat



Now IM looking for the quickest/safest/healthiest way possible to do this


any tricks/tips you guys have for me IM going over to Planet Fitness here in about an hr to get a membership so I can start working out




Thanks guys I really appreciate



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Thanks Phil I will let you know when I start working out, and whenever your free evenings/nights are we can hit the gym together.


And John IM looking to enlist as soon as I possibly can, I drink Soda when i go out to eat and that' basically like once a week I will have a glass of soda and the rest of the meal its water, I drink a lot of juice and water throughout the week.


any other tips/tricks would be appreciated

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Thanks Phil I will let you know when I start working out, and whenever your free evenings/nights are we can hit the gym together.


And John IM looking to enlist as soon as I possibly can, I drink Soda when i go out to eat and that' basically like once a week I will have a glass of soda and the rest of the meal its water, I drink a lot of juice and water throughout the week.


any other tips/tricks would be appreciated



no problem

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Lift heavy

Eat the right diet


I lifted periodically on and off for months and never really saw any progress through college. Once I got the diet worked out and started lifting heavy I saw much larger gains and dropped about 15lbs of weight. went from 190 to 175. I did this on about a 200g carbs/200g protein/60g fat a day. No HFCS, and try to eat only non-enriched whole wheat breads when I ate bread. Most of my protein came from chicken, sirloin, and then supplemented protein shakes


listen to hal, he knows whats going on.

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