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Sick ass world we live in!!

DTM Brian

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i dont know if i really consider that a "man" since all that she had done was her titties removed and started taking testosterone. it says she hasn't even had the gender reassignment. all it is to me is a chick with a beard and mustache, and im sure i could find a few of those for you at easton on a friday night.
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A clinical pearl from spaceghost, abortion will help lower the number of wacko transgenders. lol




Perhaps the most dramatic effect of legalized abortion, and one that would take years to reveal itself, was its impact on crime.


In the early 1990s, just as the first cohort of children born after Roe v. Wade was hitting its late teen years—the years during which young men enter their criminal prime—the rate of crime began to fall. What this cohort was missing, of course, were the children who stood the greatest chance of becoming criminals. And the crime rate continued to fall as an entire generation came of age minus the children whose mothers had not wanted to bring a child into the world. Legalized abortion led to less unwantedness; unwantedness leads to high crime; legalized abortion, therefore, led to less crime.

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Wow, preemptive death penalty. Funny how libs don't like preemptive strikes against enemy forces, but preemptive death penalty for those that have no defense is ok.


Please schedule with Johnnybravo soon.


Actually, why are so many against the death penalty AFTER they are born? Wouldnt that lower the crime rate as well?


Just so we are clear..."Kill the innocent before they are guilty. Keep the guilty alive after innocence is lost?"



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Actually, why are so many against the death penalty AFTER they are born? Wouldnt that lower the crime rate as well?


Well, some statistic from my "motherland" will prove that point. The death penalty was removed in 93/94


"The UCA Report on Murder in South Africa reveals that according to the official statistics, in the 44 years from 1950 to 1993, there was an average of 7036 murders per year. This covered the turbulent strife of the apartheid years of warfare, conflict, terrorism, riots and repression.


However, in the first eight years (of peace) of the new democratic dispensation, under the ANC, an average of 24 206 murders were committed each year - officially!. However, if the Interpol statistics are accepted, then the murder rate in South Africa during the ANC years has averaged 47 882 per year."

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First off, who cares? If they're good people and aren't hurting anyone, who the fuck cares? Interesting story, yes, but to judge them on it, is shite. Because of the decisions these people made doesn't mean they'll be bad parents.


You think that is fucked up? Check out this site: http://www.columbusracing.com/

This made me lol alot. :D


You guys are totally insensitive, they have rights to have kids and make sure they are screwed up for life. Now dont judge!

He who lives within a glass house, shouldn't throw stones. ;)

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Actually, why are so many against the death penalty AFTER they are born? Wouldnt that lower the crime rate as well?


Just so we are clear..."Kill the innocent before they are guilty. Keep the guilty alive after innocence is lost?"



Innocent? I thought we were all born into sin? :rolleyes:

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Actually, why are so many against the death penalty AFTER they are born? Wouldnt that lower the crime rate as well?


Just so we are clear..."Kill the innocent before they are guilty. Keep the guilty alive after innocence is lost?"




Not me! I say kill em all and let...um, let...uh, fuck it, just kill em all.:bangbang:

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