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13yr old girl strip searched by school for ibuprofen


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The school official was well within his right to request to conduct a search of her backpack, locker, or even ask her to turn her pockets inside out. Beyond that, a parent should have been contacted prior to any thought of conducting a pat down of her person and especially before even entertaining the idea of a strip search, regardless of whether it is done by another female.

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Court to hear case of teen strip-searched for ibuprofen

In its appeal to the high court, the school district said requiring a legal standard of "probable cause" to conduct student searches would cast a "roadblock to the kind of swift and effective response that is too often needed to protect the very safety of students, particularly from the threats posed by drugs and weapons."

Nearly the same reason given by the NSA to bypass the FISA courts.

Is the 4th amendment gone?

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Thats what I was thinking, and also let some dude order a strip search on one of my daughters for some Motrin..... :beating::beating::beating::beating:

  RC51 John said:
Court to hear case of teen strip-searched for ibuprofen

Nearly the same reason given by the NSA to bypass the FISA courts.

Is the 4th amendment gone?

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I known people who use to make straight As and sell drugs at school. Does their grades say that they are not drug dealers? Does it matter if they are male or female? If they sold all their other drugs and all they are caught with are vitamins... Does that not make them a drug dealer? So if we established that any color, sex, age, or education can be a drug dealer... What would you do to catch them?

If your daughter was selling drugs at school and this happened to her, you would be pissed, right? What if she sold drugs and they caught her only after someone overdosed and died? Now your daughter is locked away and you are being sued for everything you own. Would you still be pissed that they strip searched your daughter?

I know there are some LEOs on here... I'd like to hear what they have to say about this.

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I don't care what the school officials "think" the situation is, no one is taking the clothes off my daughter. There is no reason my underage daughter should be stripped and searched at school without my consent. End of story.

  DangBruhY said:
I known people who use to make straight As and sell drugs at school. Does their grades say that they are not drug dealers? Does it matter if they are male or female? If they sold all their other drugs and all they are caught with are vitamins... Does that not make them a drug dealer? So if we established that any color, sex, age, or education can be a drug dealer... What would you do to catch them?

If your daughter was selling drugs at school and this happened to her, you would be pissed, right? What if she sold drugs and they caught her only after someone overdosed and died? Now your daughter is locked away and you are being sued for everything you own. Would you still be pissed that they strip searched your daughter?

I know there are some LEOs on here... I'd like to hear what they have to say about this.

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Seriously? Shot to death! If its guns involved then no teacher should be patting anything, like Issac said, detain the individual and call the police when in question. Teachers TEACH, they do not investigate nor search students persons. Leave that to the police if there is danger involved. You will never prevent all situations, unless you take away all of our rights. I for one am not about to give up my freedom for security.

  DangBruhY said:
What would you say if your kid was shot to death, because the school went with the "no frisk" option? Something could have been prevented, but people like you keep changing the world to be so politically correct.
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