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House temp????

V8 Beast

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Looked into foam insulation?



Our house isn't insulated for SHIT. I have our set to 74 upstairs and ever since I remodeled the basement and insulated everything it's much warmer and keeps the warmth down here.


However, 74 on the thermostat equals 70 degrees in the kitchen thermometer.


I need to find an inexpensive way to insulate the rooms upstairs without tearing out all the drywall :(.

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How warm do you keep your house/apartment in the winter? I keep my house at 72-75 degrees and people are always telling me thats way too hot???



during the winter 70-71 during the day/evening. 68 at night and 67 when we're gone. I'm a hot person so 72-75 would kill me.

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Due to the design of our house, 1.5 Level (Loft style), once the low teens hit, the Furnace runs CONSTANT to keep the house at ~68. Once the temp hits ~65-66, the Kerosene HEater comes out.






Our is a bi-level house. You walk in the front door and go up 5 steps or go down 5 steps. One main trunk line runs the house and we have a vent (or two) in each room. The downstairs is fully insulated now and that helps a TON. The upstairs I know is just wood and then siding. It sucks balls.


What's dumb is that I got rid of my wood/coal burner years ago but that's good because i wouldn't have the room in the basement I have now.

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Nope.. Is it something I can do myself?


Not sure, HD or Lowes might rent out the machines. My dad and I did blow in insulation. The blown in was pretty straight forward. Ive heard that you can do the foam from the outside. Not 100% on how it works though. If your intrested have somebody make you a quote. Might save enough money over a couple years to justify it.

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Not sure, HD or Lowes might rent out the machines. My dad and I did blow in insulation. The blown in was pretty straight forward. Ive heard that you can do the foam from the outside. Not 100% on how it works though. If your intrested have somebody make you a quote. Might save enough money over a couple years to justify it.


Hmmmm...... I might be interested in some work.


Call me..... PM sent.



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Our is a bi-level house. You walk in the front door and go up 5 steps or go down 5 steps. One main trunk line runs the house and we have a vent (or two) in each room. The downstairs is fully insulated now and that helps a TON. The upstairs I know is just wood and then siding. It sucks balls.


What's dumb is that I got rid of my wood/coal burner years ago but that's good because i wouldn't have the room in the basement I have now.


A good friend has the same layout (actually the guy that bought your brother's Jimmy), and he just insulated his upstairs last year. His was also wood and siding. It made a WORLD of difference. His family is happier.


He's also debating selling the Jimmy, fyi.

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Nope.. Is it something I can do myself?


No, Unfortunatly not. I called USA Insluation and had them come out and give me a quote. 5700 for the whole house plus up to R49 in the attic (just about 5 inches of rock wool was up there before).


Its expensive and I would not recommend trying to insulate your walls with foam yourself. You can easily break drywall or bow out a wall if you do not do it correctly. You could do blowin in fiberglass in your walls DIY. I wouldn't do cellulose.


Yes cellulose is more "green" and I am a hippie but 40 years from now your fiberglass insulation will be insulating almost the same as it was freshly installed. Cellulose is also treated with chemicals that helps its fire rating and helps with rodent infestation these things fiberglass does "natrually."

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A good friend has the same layout (actually the guy that bought your brother's Jimmy), and he just insulated his upstairs last year. His was also wood and siding. It made a WORLD of difference. His family is happier.


He's also debating selling the Jimmy, fyi.




I went here http://www.usainsulation.net/ and filled out my info to get a quote. We'll see what happens.


A quick google search finds that it's about $700 DYI for 600 sq feet of foam insulation. I'd probably be looking at $1500 or so for my house. It would definatley be worth it. There's a cool video on that site too that shows how it's done.


As for the jimmy. How many miles are on it now? Got any recent pics? Just wanted to show my bro what it looks like now :)

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No, Unfortunatly not. I called USA Insluation and had them come out and give me a quote. 5700 for the whole house plus up to R49 in the attic (just about 5 inches of rock wool was up there before).


Its expensive and I would not recommend trying to insulate your walls with foam yourself. You can easily break drywall or bow out a wall if you do not do it correctly. You could do blowin in fiberglass in your walls DIY. I wouldn't do cellulose.


Yes cellulose is more "green" and I am a hippie but 40 years from now your fiberglass insulation will be insulating almost the same as it was freshly installed. Cellulose is also treated with chemicals that helps its fire rating and helps with rodent infestation these things fiberglass does "natrually."


Well shit. It's more than the $1500 I was thinking.


Hell, it would be easier for me to rip out each drywall, throw up some insulation and re-drywall it.

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