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Job security... no one is safe anymore

V8 Beast

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Job security has always been a myth. That is why I choose not to be an employee. I would rather rely on myself. When you are an employee, you are relying on the companies ability to go out and provide you work. No thanks.
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Job security has always been a myth. That is why I choose not to be an employee. I would rather rely on myself. When you are an employee, you are relying on the companies ability to go out and provide you work. No thanks.


You speak the truth. Either they are trying to find a way to get rid of some of the union, or they are not managing their finances properly.

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You speak the truth. Either they are trying to find a way to get rid of some of the union, or they are not managing their finances properly.

Plus paying taxes as an employee sucks. I like to buy things plasma Tvs for the office with pretax money *cough, cough, wink, wink*

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Job security has always been a myth. That is why I choose not to be an employee. I would rather rely on myself. When you are an employee, you are relying on the companies ability to go out and provide you work. No thanks.


Truth. I hope I can say that for myself one day.

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unfortunately there are a lot of companies using 'these times' as the excuse and reasoning behind getting rid of folks. it's more politically acceptable to wipe out the expense of higher paid senior folks today that it was just a few years ago when times were good.

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AT&T is actually losing a shit-ton of customers on the land-line side of things. Basically, who the hell needs a landline when you have a cell-phone? And dial-up internet is slowly dying out, so there goes another reason to keep a landline.

At the same time, AT&T and Cingular, who they bought out, are losing market-share to Verizon, Sprint, Nextel, and all the various smaller cell companies.

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AT&T is actually losing a shit-ton of customers on the land-line side of things. Basically, who the hell needs a landline when you have a cell-phone? And dial-up internet is slowly dying out, so there goes another reason to keep a landline.

At the same time, AT&T and Cingular, who they bought out, are losing market-share to Verizon, Sprint, Nextel, and all the various smaller cell companies.


AT&T made way more money than Verizon Wireless last Quarter, and are in position to do the same this quarter. They are also growing their cusotmer base at a nice pace. The landline side is losing a hell of a lot of customers though.

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honestly, nothing has changed in my business...

I am noticing the insurance carriers are getting a little slower to pay. Seems like they are trying to hold on to $$ a little longer. Since insurance companies put the premiums into investments, I am sure they are hurting.

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You should transfer down here. There is a huge IR facility on the lake.


I'll check job openings down there on Sunday. I hate what I do here anyway.


Edit: Doesn't look like anything all that cool right now, but I can only see what non-employees see for job postings until I go in to the office. I'll have to look again.

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Ingersoll Rand/Trane


Who do you work for? Not welding anymore?


I still have the same gig at Speer Mechanical. We sell, install, and service some of your units.




As far as job security, I'm not worried. There is only a small handful of people that can do what I do.

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I still have the same gig at Speer Mechanical. We sell, install, and service some of your units.




As far as job security, I'm not worried. There is only a small handful of people that can do what I do.


Speer mechanical hugh. Do you work at the shop or in the field?

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