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Plumbing Question


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Alright so on my way to work last night wife calls crying stating that she just clogged up the kitchen sink. Im thinking no problem she's done it before fixed it in five minutes. Yea not this time. Wife put left over turkey into the garbage disposal and didnt wait long enough before shoving more in. The crazy girl just shoved it all in. The problem I have is that the clog is about 2-3 feet inside the wall. I was up for several hours this morning after work trying to unclog it. I have an old pumbing snake and was using that but I was wondering if anyone knows of anything else that might work. Oh yea the clog is so thick that the water that I left in the sink since 6:30 am it's still there when I just got at 11:30am to goto work.


Any thoughts or I idea's would be helpful.



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Call a professional if you cannot access back that far to cut the pipe apart. If can access it it should be as easy as 123 to cut it and put it back together. I am an advocate for doing it yourself but if its that bad I would either rent an electric snake or call a professional. On second thought, can you remove the trap and drain so you have a straight shot at the clog?
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I have the trap off and I'm into the wall about 2-3 feet now the only problem is that I got everything cleaned out but I'm at the end of the pipe. I hit the end and now the pipe is going down and I think there is more that made it down into the pipe. If she wasn't really sick I would be really pissed off about this but now I'm just laughing about it.


Thanks for all the input I will try to put it to good use, either that or I will just F'it all up and then call a professional to fix it. LOL

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is the garbage disposal moving at all? meats are a bitch of a clog. this is the most busy time of the year for clogged sinks for this same reason. my brother;s company is getting mad calls right now to fix shit like this. if disposal isn't moving and water is backing up theres a spot on the bottom of it you can turn with an allen wrench and basically reset it and it'll be straight. as far as clearign the rset of the clog up if it's really not just that, you shouldcall a professional. you don't want to fuck with shit that deep into the wall yourself and risk further problems. i know a good place to call if you're wanting to go taht route.
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Well, its finally fixed called the old man for some insight and he told me to cover the one side of the sink bowel and to fill the garbage disposal with hot water and then turn on the garbage disposal and it will act like a hose and force water down the drain. Well what do you know the old man was right again. It cleared the clog and the water is draining nicely. However I did pull about two fist fulls of turkey out of the drain before I did this. If this did not work I was going to call a professional for help.


Thanks for all the input from everyone I'm able to have a little less stress today before I goto work.

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