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Pulled from LimitedSlip7's post... Im in shock

Clifford Automotive

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Just downloaded it. Off to watch. I'm a little worried I'll be mostly unaffected. Due to some things experienced and seen growing up, I've grown a little "thick", so to speak. I'm almost excited (for lack of a less disgusting way of saying it) to see this vid. Honestly, just to see if it illicit's some kinds of emotion. I mean, if all of you are this affected, there's a good chance I'll be, I guess. Ok, off to watch.


(Scanning the file for badness...) This better not be an incredibly elaborate rick roll...


Ok, that was pretty fucked up. I kind of anticipated what they would do. Really, it wasn't so much the violence that bothered me. Wondering what this victim was thinking was more affecting. The victim wondering what else would happen and why, wondering if he'd live and eventually, wishing he would die. The hammer at the end was the most merciful thing to happen to him at that point.

And now, I'm over it. It's sad but, I don't know. Guess I've gotten too good at shutting things out. Might be why I have so many relationship problems. Not emotional enough. Been accused of it before. At least, I know if it were my daughter or my dog I'd be affected.

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Guest tbutera2112
Just downloaded it. Off to watch. I'm a little worried I'll be mostly unaffected. Due to some things experienced and seen growing up, I've grown a little "thick", so to speak. I'm almost excited (for lack of a less disgusting way of saying it) to see this vid. Honestly, just to see if it illicit's some kinds of emotion. I mean, if all of you are this affected, there's a good chance I'll be, I guess. Ok, off to watch as I'm getting too personal.


(Scanning the file for badness...) This better not be an incredibly elaborate rick roll...


you wont be the only one...the video only bothered me for a few minutes, now im over it...yea it sucks the guy died, but thats the world we live in

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you wont be the only one...the video only bothered me for a few minutes, now im over it...yea it sucks the guy died, but thats the world we live in

Honestly, thank goodness. Sometimes, I'm genuinely concerned with my lack of emotion about things considered fucked up.

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Guest tbutera2112
Honestly, thank goodness. Sometimes, I'm genuinely concerned with my lack of emotion about things considered fucked up.


yep...although, 2g1c is still fucking disgusting and i cant watch it...i feel sick thinking about it lol

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Wouldn't suprise me if this wasn't more of an "ethnic cleansing" going on. I thought I heard Russian being spoke, but not sure. Seen plenty of bodies on the back of trucks in Iraq with similar torture/brutality done. It's a fucked up world, but I'd like to think us in the United States live by ethics and morals.
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Guest tbutera2112
You can see at the end how big of pussies they are. Trying to wash himself clean of what he did and running like he's scared.


yea they are russian...the news story behind it was posted somewhere in here...first page maybe, i think the OP actually... ukraine i believe

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Guest tbutera2112
After watching the other death thread and the man with the glass in his ass...I'm going to pass on watching this.


this video is the same video from the 1 guy 1 cup thread, the murder video posted in there

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Guest tbutera2112
i saw a video of a beheading in a prison...prisoners went after some guy and sawed his head off with some kinda shank then held it up in front of the security cameras...dude was a child rapist or something
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  • 2 weeks later...
this is Jasons gf and he told me and my friend to watch this and you guys say its that bad and it changed your life. thats life though some poeple are really that crazy and messedup in the head. and in some countries they do it for fun and it leagal or a tradition to do it and torture people in worse ways then that. im sure you guys have seen hostile and if u havent you need to watch it because those are true stories and that kinda shit really happens. people pay to kill other people for fun becaue its so easy thats why its so fun to some poeple.
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Guest tbutera2112

NWS link because it has the video in it...but i thought this was a more indepth reading for anyone who was still interested in this


If you have seen the Beheading of Eugene Armstrong, it will probably not seem as bad once you have seen this video. This is a real snuff video, recorded by Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs - a group of your Ukrainian teen boys who filmed themselves murdering a guy with a hammer and a screwdriver. This is a horrific, real snuff video, likely the most graphic and violent video on the net. Be warned, the video is upsetting.


The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs was a group of three 19 year old boys. Within a span of one month, the teens brutally murdered 21 people. They started off torturing and killing cats and later moved onto killing people. Their first victim was murdered by beating with metal rods, but since it took him a while to die, they’d used hammers to finish him off. Hammer must have seemed like a decent tool for killing as they’d continue with their killing spree using hammers as primary object with which to kill. They would video tape their murders on a cell phone camera and would attend the funerals of the people they’d killed.


One of three teens later on quit but the other two continued with murders. The police eventually tracked Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs down and detained the teens, which brought immense relief to the people of Dnepropetrovsk and the rest of Ukraine who watched with terror as there was one brutally murdered victim after another. The computer that was seized by the police contained videos of 21 murders and over 300 photographs, including images from funerals as the boys would capture themselves flipping off the graves of their victims.


The police did not reveal how they caught Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs but investigation on motives uncovered brutal truth - the teens were killing as a hobby. They were murdering people to have a collection of memories when they get old. Each of the boys, who were classmates and come from wealthy families admitted that they were killing just for fun. They were picking their victims at random - mostly people who looked like they would not fight back.


The names of Dnepropetrovsk killers are:


Igor Suprunyuck

Viktor Sayenko

Alexander Hanzha


English translation of what the killers are saying:


“Hold on, hold on. Be neater, fuck!” likely saying that to watch out for the blood.


“Hold on, hold on, hold on, don’t hit him, don’t hit him. Watch him…” the rest of the sentence is indistinct, but he’s likely telling the guy to watch for the blood as he’s zooming in to capture the close up

The following audio is unclear.

[After the screwdriver stabbing]

“What? With what?” as the cameraman responds to the boy who stabs the victim

“What, he’s still alive?” says the guy stabbing the victim

“He’s still moving his arms after I ripped up his intestines” the cameraman muffles indistinctly

“He’s having a fucked up day” says the stabbing guy after he’d stepped on his stomach.

[More muffled talk as he proceeds to stab him in the eyes with the screwdriver]

“Get over here fast. Kill him already.”

“What?” says the stabber

“Kill him already.”

“I already put the hammer back. He’s already dead.”

“I poked out his eyes and he’s still not dead” says the cameraman

“Get the knife” cameraman continues

*Proceeds to bludgeon him then interrupts by saying something indistinct*

“More, more” cameraman telling the other guy to keep bludgeoning him to make sure he’s dead

“Hold on, hold on”

*They start walking back to the car*

More muffled talk from the blond killer

“Wash your hands” cameraman says and tells him to spray cleaning chemical on the hammer

“I’ll hold it”

*Muffled talk from the guy washing the hammer*

*More muffled talk from the guy washing his face and walking back from his car*

“I stuck the screwdriver in his brain” says the camera man

*Muffled talk from the guy washing his hands*

“I got him in the nose from his eye” or something along those lines

“I don’t understand how he was alive? I felt his brain” says the camera man

“I was holding the screw driver like this *muffled/don’t understand*”

Before the video ends the blond guy says “Alright, let’s get a picture”



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