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Street Racing Charge On WBNS 10TV


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How can they say George wrecked due to racing.


going by what was reported to have been said


"Staton's wife and neighbor told investigators that the other man called Staton and challenged him to a race. When asked about the race the driver told police that his car "started breaking loose, so (he) let off the gas," allowing Staton to speed past him.


Staton's neighbor, who was following behind with Staton's wife, said that "after the race was over they both hit their brakes to slow down." The neighbor said it was "5 or 10 seconds later" that Staton lost control and crossed the median, 10TV's Glenn McEntyre reported."


I'd say the above plus other things I'm sure they have is reason enough to say there was racing involved.


For all we know is that George and Brandon were just driving down 70 and george lost control and brandon turned around to help and now he is getting charged.


technically you're right...for all we know....but they don't need to "prove" anything prior to charging him for the crimes. they do have sufficient evidence to let a judge/jury decide and that's the path they are going down.


]This is the major reason why I have been seriously thinking about not posting on here anymore. There are to many people not taking responsibility for their actions. People need to man up and stop putting the blame on others.


I'm confused....if you're all for taking responsibility, why would you be afraid of posting here...unless you don't want to be held responsible for what you say? Just curious.

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I was more confused with the idea that you actually agree with the drinking analogy and how the bartender and establishment are at fault? :confused:


Seriously, how is it in anyway, their fault?


They're just trying to run a business. It's not their place to decide how much alcohol you can handle.


Great conversation topic....thus why eons ago I suggested a legal / traffic forum....however, I don't want to drag this post OT and end up locked in the kitchen.


Bottom line, yes the establishments are responsible and meet the definitions of Inv. Maslaughter in the death of a patron. If they continue to serve drinks to patrons thus putting that person in a position of harms way or harming others they are responsible. It's amplfied in the courts by the fact that they are making money by doing this.

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She didn't make a full recovery. She's still messed up badly...


Gun manufacturer...as a manufacturer no. However, if you and a buddy robbed a bank and your buddy killed someone with a gun, I would support the prosecution going after you as an accessory to the murder. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.


Ok, but Brandon did not kill George. He did not cause that woman her pain and suffering.


By your argument, you should be able to prosecute GM for making Georges car as it directly aided in his death.


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going by what was reported to have been said


"Staton's wife and neighbor told investigators that the other man called Staton and challenged him to a race. When asked about the race the driver told police that his car "started breaking loose, so (he) let off the gas," allowing Staton to speed past him.


Staton's neighbor, who was following behind with Staton's wife, said that "after the race was over they both hit their brakes to slow down." The neighbor said it was "5 or 10 seconds later" that Staton lost control and crossed the median, 10TV's Glenn McEntyre reported."


I'd say the above plus other things I'm sure they have is reason enough to say there was racing involved.




technically you're right...for all we know....but they don't need to "prove" anything prior to charging him for the crimes. they do have sufficient evidence to let a judge/jury decide and that's the path they are going down.




I'm confused....if you're all for taking responsibility, why would you be afraid of posting here...unless you don't want to be held responsible for what you say? Just curious.



First off, how do you know that Georges wife is saying that they were racing to help not get george charged with anything. Maybe taking some of the heat off of her. I dunno. Like I said none of you were there and you cannot make statements saying that they were racing. If I go to court again and tell the police that you were there and you were racing with them and didnt stop should we all believe what you say or what the police who are trying to charge him are goin to say.

And I am and always have taken responsibility for anything I posted on here. I am saying that because now you cant post anything without it being seen by the police. So I feel like there is no need to post anything useful on this site or anything pertaining racing.

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So by this logic (tying it back into this thread) if you are robbing a bank with your buddy and he shoots himself you will be charged with his death...


don't know....I doubt anyone would give a crap about a dead bank robber.......but the one who lived would be put away for quite a while.


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Great conversation topic....thus why eons ago I suggested a legal / traffic forum....however, I don't want to drag this post OT and end up locked in the kitchen.


Bottom line, yes the establishments are responsible and meet the definitions of Inv. Maslaughter in the death of a patron. If they continue to serve drinks to patrons thus putting that person in a position of harms way or harming others they are responsible. It's amplfied in the courts by the fact that they are making money by doing this.


Please stop posting. KTHNX

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First off, how do you know that Georges wife is saying that they were racing to help not get george charged with anything. Maybe taking some of the heat off of her. I dunno. Like I said none of you were there and you cannot make statements saying that they were racing. If I go to court again and tell the police that you were there and you were racing with them and didnt stop should we all believe what you say or what the police who are trying to charge him are goin to say.

And I am and always have taken responsibility for anything I posted on here. I am saying that because now you cant post anything without it being seen by the police. So I feel like there is no need to post anything useful on this site or anything pertaining racing.


Just curious but why does your statement have a lot of weight in this? where you actually there, or just showed up later? You dont have to answer i was just wondering.

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Great conversation topic....thus why eons ago I suggested a legal / traffic forum....however, I don't want to drag this post OT and end up locked in the kitchen.


Bottom line, yes the establishments are responsible and meet the definitions of Inv. Maslaughter in the death of a patron. If they continue to serve drinks to patrons thus putting that person in a position of harms way or harming others they are responsible. It's amplfied in the courts by the fact that they are making money by doing this.


Agreed. We'll save this conversation for another thread.

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Just curious but why does your statement have a lot of weight in this? where you actually there, or just showed up later? You dont have to answer i was just wondering.


I showed up after the crash, I do not know 100% if they were or were not racing. All I am saying is people on here saying that they were is ignorant cause of what the report says cause non of them were there. They are only believing what they are told and not hearing or knowing both sides of the story.

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I was more confused with the idea that you actually agree with the drinking analogy and how the bartender and establishment are at fault? :confused:


Seriously, how is it in anyway, their fault?


They're just trying to run a business. It's not their place to decide how much alcohol you can handle.

Welcome to the idiocy of the US legal system brought on by people inability to take responsibility for their own actions. There precedents and laws on the books that state that if someone leaves a location drunk and then gets into an accident, the owner of that location is responsible.


I'm pretty sure I've heard of people getting dunk at a bar, then getting in an accident on the way home, and then suing the bar for their own idiocy.


NOTE: "locations" includes private residences too.

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But they do give a crap about a "streetracer".. do you see my point?


sure...the standard/double standard happens all the time. everything in life is negotiable and while laws can be seen as black and white, the practice of law usually involves deals and choices. like it or not, life ain't fair.


still stand by my "gut" tells me that they are looking at the girl and doing it for her and her family....but again, they won't go in half-assed.... they will load up all charges that potentially apply to whoever they will stick to.

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sure...the standard/double standard happens all the time. everything in life is negotiable and while laws can be seen as black and white, the practice of law usually involves deals and choices. like it or not, life ain't fair.


still stand by my "gut" tells me that they are looking at the girl and doing it for her and her family....but again, they won't go in half-assed.... they will load up all charges that potentially apply to whoever they will stick to.


I know, but what sucks more than anything else is that Brandon is a good hard working kid. There are plenty of us on here that could have easily been in this exact situation. I've gone on plenty of cruises where a guy goes flying ahead of the pack to show off a little. If they would have crashed do you think they would have believed me if I said I wasnt racing my 600hp car that sounds like a deisel truck :(

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I'm with Sam on this one. How is it fair to say what happened and speculate when no of you were there? I’m sure because this was on CR we all feel like we have something to contribute. But the fact is the best thing to do is just STFU about it. It was a really fucked up situation no matter what happened. I was unaware that the CPD was trolling here so all the more reason not to speculate and stop giving uneducated opinions to feed the fire… But in the other hand it is a public forum for discussion and this is a hot topic.
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First off, how do you know that Georges wife is saying that they were racing to help not get george charged with anything. Maybe taking some of the heat off of her. I dunno. Like I said none of you were there and you cannot make statements saying that they were racing.


I don't follow you on the first point...but that's okay...we're all just responding to what is posted here and on the news...you're right about that. However, that said, this isn't a court of law and inferences will come into play. It's not hard to assess what generally is more likely to have happened. Especially given what was reported to have happened and been said.


If I go to court again and tell the police that you were there and you were racing with them and didnt stop should we all believe what you say or what the police who are trying to charge him are goin to say.


The prosecutor isn't going to just take what the cops say as fact...Ron O'Brian makes the call and it's his decision if they have enough evidence to move forward. Cops can say what they want, they don't decide. Ron will check the facts to insure he doesn't get burned. Personally, I was out of town that week and remember seeing it on the news as I walked in the door that night...so even if I was arrested in haste, the prosecution wouldn't move forward once Continental Airlines confirmed my presence on the flight from NJ.


And I am and always have taken responsibility for anything I posted on here. I am saying that because now you cant post anything without it being seen by the police. So I feel like there is no need to post anything useful on this site or anything pertaining racing.


So long as you're not breaking the law I wouldn't worry about it....but I see your point.

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Personally, I was out of town that week and remember seeing it on the news as I walked in the door that night...so even if I was arrested in haste, the prosecution wouldn't move forward once Continental Airlines confirmed my presence on the flight from NJ.

I think the problem that a lot of people are having is that, with this current streetracing witchhunt, is that in this situation, you'd be required to prove your innocence when it should be the other way around.


Frankly, I'm getting a little leery about driving my WRX around with all the stickers on it. I don't speed and I obey traffic laws and I certainly don't street race at all. But if a cop is feeling a little itchy some day, I worry that I'll be called a street racer and I'll have to prove I'm not. THat's not the way it's supposed to work.

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I know, but what sucks more than anything else is that Brandon is a good hard working kid. There are plenty of us on here that could have easily been in this exact situation. I've gone on plenty of cruises where a guy goes flying ahead of the pack to show off a little. If they would have crashed do you think they would have believed me if I said I wasnt racing my 600hp car that sounds like a deisel truck :(


Beleive me, I'm not saying anything against Brandon. I don't know him, don't have anything against him, etc....just clearing that air....that said, I too have been on cruises where fly-bys happen....every circumstance is different, that's what I meant by life's not fair. Maybe you'd be in the same shoes...but maybe not. we all see that everyday.


All I'm saying is that his being charged is right in line with the law and three points that define involuntary manslaughter given and what has been reported to have been said/occured. The rest is to be decided at trial.

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Even if this forum is being monitored, I don't see how much of it could even actually hold up in court. Seeing as most of it is a lot of people bullshitting. Even if a race was set up online through this website or rc that doesnt mean that it is actually going to happen.


Does that mean that if i set up a race with someone a long time ago and we just happen to be driving next to one another one day and get pulled over im going to be charged with streetracing? I think not.

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