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Street Racing Charge On WBNS 10TV


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yea, im insured as a driver, my car is not... they wont cover me if im driving a vehicle i own that is not on our policy, so i cant pay for my probe and drive my stang, but if im driving someone elses car and wreck it, its on me... and the only people i have let drive my car i have made sure they are insured first in the event they wrecked it, they would be covering it


Tyler, you're taking the thread off topic... again :p

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I think he means something in the city limits.



Thanks for clearing that up. And as far as noise complaints, there have already been talks of turning Cooper Stadium into an auto racing facility. A track wouldn't have to be right in the middle of down town, heck even being just outside the 270 ring would open a lot of options. Trails isn't too far away, but another option would be great, and would just provide ANOTHER place to get people off the street. I would also love to see the CPD do a "Beat The Heat" type of event. That could be a lot of fun.

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Something to think about..

Person A is about to race person B. Person B loses traction at the starting point leaving person A to race alone. Now that person B is no longer racing the prosecution has to prove that they were racing to a predetermined "finish line", and/or they would have to prove that the crash happened soon after person B forfeited the race. If there is no predetermined "finish line" then shortly after person B forfeits the race it has to be determined if he still has a part in person A's continued acceleration. (Note: Someone accelerating at a high rate would put a large distance on someone that is coasting or losing speed indicating the race was won unless there was a predetermined "finish line".) At this point if person A decides to continue accelerating is it racing or is it speeding/reckless op?


The prosecution will have their hands full with this one...


Most races are usually to a predetermined speed or as you said finish line. Now, they would have to prove that the race was set up this way. There is talk that it was set up online, now i cant see it being more than hey ill 40 roll your ass this year. I would suspect they were friends otherwise they wouldnt be out together. This could of been just friends out riding together. I would think that they would need to prove that this was an intentional race and this is where there case has a weakness.

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This could of been just friends out riding together. I would think that they would need to prove that this was an intentional race and this is where there case has a weakness.


depends on what was said. according to the artical in the begining of this post, there were plenty of lips moving. I'm sure there were other witnesses too. it's not like the road was empty. I would think they could have determined his speed too.....hell, his car was broken in half....that shit doesn't happen too often at 65mph.

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the thing about all of this is the jury. do you think the jury is going to assume that they weren't racing? i dont. juries work fine in theory, but i doubt anyone goes into the court room with an open mind. the facts dont matter, its all about who can make the jury believe their side, whether its right or not.

best of luck to brandon, sure sounds like he's getting a rap that he certainly doesn't deserve(he drive george's car into monica's car/aim the gun and pull the trigger).

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Dude quit being an idiot.


Brian I totally agree with you. That is the problem is that they have one person saying one thing when there are mutliple possibilities on what could of led to the crash.

I've been on the freeway and seen a race go by me before. Now I'm usally driving quicker then I should. Now if the cars got in a wreck am I at fault?


I'm damn sure I would get pulled over because of what my car looks/sounds like.


Not a single member on here who's went to a cruise can claim they've not been around atleast 1 person horsing around.

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Sorry Mike, but I'm going to reopen this as long as it remains civil.


Do we know there's law enforcement on CR? Yes, there always has been. It's called watch your ass. Is it a reason to quit posting? No.


I'm sorry for Brandon, he was a kid caught up in the moment. We've all been there. Some of you need to remember back a few years and also realize it could have been ANY of us.


Keep this clean.



I will say one positive thing has came out of this. CR has had more trackdays this year then ever. I hope we keep this trend. I know some of us would love to see autocrossing and more.


Allot of people in this thread have a past that we left behind. Shit we used to video us playing Gran Turismo 3 and brag and post that shit up. If you don't know what that is you are not old enough.


Now that being said. A LOT of those people have grown up. Some have not. But many have.


What happened to George changed the way I look at the whole racing scene as it did allot of people on here. Hence the increase in track days.


It's a shame Brandon is being made an example of. I don't feel he deserves the charges he's had placed against him. I hope he has a GREAT LAWYER.

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the thing about all of this is the jury. do you think the jury is going to assume that they weren't racing? i dont. juries work fine in theory, but i doubt anyone goes into the court room with an open mind. the facts dont matter, its all about who can make the jury believe their side, whether its right or not.

best of luck to brandon, sure sounds like he's getting a rap that he certainly doesn't deserve(he drive george's car into monica's car/aim the gun and pull the trigger).



so the $64,000 question......who is at fault in all of this? Keeping it respectful and clean now.....

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Not a single member on here who's went to a cruise can claim they've not been around atleast 1 person horsing around.


I've BEEN that person before (sadly), and I saw others make that mistake around me. It's a shame that my own personal speeding (MY OWN stupid choice) could be viewed as a "race" and that if I would have wrecked through my own error someone just driving next to me could go to jail.


I was given a ticket for speeding that day (which I deserved) and luckily not for drag racing (which I did NOT deserve, but almost got anyway). Since then I have not done shit on the streets, its just not worth it.

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so the $64,000 question......who is at fault in all of this? Keeping it respectful and clean now.....


Responsible for which part? The fact that George is dead, or the girl that is injured? This may sound horrible, and I hope everyone knows I say this with the most respect that it can be said with. But it's Georges fault. He took his life into his own hands when he got behind the wheel of a car, and NO I'm not referring to wether or not he was drinking, or racing. We all take our lives into our own hands EVERY DAY when we get behind the wheel of an automobile. We take that risk, anything can happen at any time. Saying it's someones fault for getting in an accident sounds horrible, so I really wish I didn't have to use such wording. As I said previously, this is an awful situation for all involved. George has already paid the ultimate price, why must they (the state) continue to search for someone to blame.


In the end, if I went out and got in my car right now, was driving down the road at the speed limit, hit some ice, lost control, hit something, and died...it's my fault. Not the person behind me, not the person that comes across the scene.

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Responsible for which part? The fact that George is dead, or the girl that is injured? This may sound horrible, and I hope everyone knows I say this with the most respect that it can be said with. But it's Georges fault. He took his life into his own hands when he got behind the wheel of a car, and NO I'm not referring to wether or not he was drinking, or racing. We all take our lives into our own hands EVERY DAY when we get behind the wheel of an automobile. We take that risk, anything can happen at any time. Saying it's someones fault for getting in an accident sounds horrible, so I really wish I didn't have to use such wording. As I said previously, this is an awful situation for all involved. George has already paid the ultimate price, why must they (the state) continue to search for someone to blame.


In the end, if I went out and got in my car right now, was driving down the road at the speed limit, hit some ice, lost control, hit something, and died...it's my fault. Not the person behind me, not the person that comes across the scene.



Best post so far. I totally agree they should of let this be.

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why must they (the state) continue to search for someone to blame.


In the end, if I went out and got in my car right now, was driving down the road at the speed limit, hit some ice, lost control, hit something, and died...it's my fault. Not the person behind me, not the person that comes across the scene.


This wasn't a case of one car just out by themselves in a single car accident.


The prosecutor is just doing his job. According to the law, George wasn't the only one at fault. It takes two to tango as they say...and while he paid with his life, the state is going to go after the other party involved as per the law.


No doubt there will be a civil suite or two. Afterall, the girls insurance company shouldn't have to pay...their driver didn't do any wrong...why should they get stuck with a lifetime of bills? Their client was just going home from work. She didn't lose control or cause any of her injuries. It wasn't like the other cars were just cruising along the highway. His car broke in half due to a pretty massive impact and the underlying cause is what they are looking at. Questions don't just go un-asked/un-answered....not when something like this happens.


Also, what about George's family? Who's taking care of them? He's gone....is that it? Sorry about your husband, but it was a complete accident and you're SOL? My guess is that's not likely how it's being left. His insurance will pay/has paid out, but they too are going to look to others that are involved as is his family....we don't know that, but there were two victimes, even if one was perhaps involved as the cause to the other. I doubt his family is going to stand by holding the bag alone.

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Best post so far. I totally agree they should of let this be.


I gotta wonder if the family has been pressing the PD to go after someone. Especially since Monica has gotten a lot of air time of the past 11 months and building up a plea for help for the most part since no one has been charged.


When it comes to charges from the DA, They pile on as many as they can just to get one of them to stick. Seems shitty but that is how it is in todays society.


I've BEEN that person before (sadly)



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Best post so far. I totally agree they should of let this be.


How could you say that? :wtf: A father is gone, his family is left upside-down and the other victime has massive injuries and had their life changed forever and there are people saying it should just be left alone and not looked into? It's not thread on a message board that can just simply be locked.......


I don't know about any of you but if she were my daughter, the tough questions would be asked and answered come hell or high-water.

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We all should have known this was coming based on statements by Monica's father that he wasn't going to just let this be.


As for the charges, it seems to me that had George called Brandon and not the other way around, that this case would be a lot less likely to go to trial. The prosecution is going to base this on cause and effect. He'll say Brandon's phone call started these events in motion and lay the blame right there regardless of what condition George may or may not have been in from drinking or what the weather/roads were like. IMO, Brandon is going to do some time for making that phone call.


...by the way, I had a daughter at OSU that was exactly the same age as Monica. Had this happened to her, ... I'll just let you use your imagination to fill in the rest.

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Shouldnt George's Insurance company be paying out to George and Monica? I wouldnt think that Brandon would have to pay up shit towards her unless he is found guilty of something involving her.


Sure....I'm sure his insurance kicked in...but they aren't going to sit back and pay for her if he's not the only one involved....they too are looking for justice. Her bills are a lifetime's worth....and their other clients will end up paying for it through higher premiums if they are stuck with it.


I was in an accident that wasn't my fault....State Farm paid out for my damages, but then turned around and went after the other person for their money back as it as ultimately their fault, not mine. When it was all said and done, they mailed me back my deductable too. :cool:

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I know you are, but at the same time ruining an 18 year olds life for something he did not do is not justice.


Giving a kid a Felony for driving a car over the speed limit? Even if he was there, how was he in control of George's car? Fuckin joke of a court system in Franklin County. Maybe the need to find real crimes like the rapist that hasn't been caught instead of a moving violation. I wish Brandon some luck, he doesn't deserve that charge in the least bit.

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