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Well, this isn't the alcohol Buick update I wanted...


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No first pass, again...


MAIN THING IS RANDY IS OKAY!!! Thank you Jesus! He is sore but seems okay!



I told him this morning, we can get another car we can't get another Randy, and look what happened...


It had sprinkled some and only and about 6-7 sets of street cars ran. Either something was on the track or the puke can spit oil (which seems to be the case) and things went wrong...


Was only a VERY QUICK PASS, Randy said when it shifted in to high he felt it shake a little and it just TOOK A RIGHT... No fault of his...


Anyway we will regroup. We will fix it. It is just a material item and in the grand scheme of things means little. Randy is okay and no one was hurt... BigWoodRacing, including my main man Jay, we are tough and will work our way out of the hole..


I guess we have no excuse not to find a Carbon Fiber body now....


Thanks for all the kind words guys!!!


Good to hear they're going to rebuild.

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reply to why it puked oil:

Unless the crankcase got pressurized somehow, beats me. We had just emptied the catch can out the run before. Im not convinced thats what happened but its as good a theory as any. There was oil everywhere but given that the car was doing a pinball impersonation, thats not surprising.


I surveyed the damage real quick and HOPEFULLY the chassis only suffered minor damage in the front. The body is trashed everywhere.. nothing is usable except MAYBE the trunk.


Im just glad Randy was okay.. soon as I got down to the crash site and saw him sitting on the guard rail talking to the track officials, I turned my attention on the car. I was concerned what I was going to find regarding him when I got there.. thankfully he was okay.

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