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Need some advice on guns


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My gf's neighborhood has had 4 break in's in the last 2 weeks and her and her mom don't feel safe. She wants to purchase a gun that will be easy to use, easily accessible in case of a breakin and will pack enough punch to do some damage. She doesn't wanna spend $500 on a brand new gun if she can avoid it. The likelihood of her having to actually use the gun is low, but she wants to be prepared if needed. I am a MAJOR NOOB when it comes to guns and wanna help steer her in the right direction. Anyone have any good guns for sale that she would be able to handle and use???


Thanks in advance.



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if she is looking into a hand gun tell her to get a 9mm or bigger. i bought my girlfriend a bersa 380 (great gun) and she loves it but she can handle a 9mm and a 40. she said her next purchase will be a 40. if she is looking into just home defense a small barrel shot gun would be nice and would put someone down fast. more accurate then handguns but harder to maneuver but if she is shooting someone down a hallway less chance she will miss. there is alot of good brands out there spend a little more for a nicer version (meaning i got a S&W Sigma and i should have bought the M&P instead).
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My gf's neighborhood has had 4 break in's in the last 2 weeks and her and her mom don't feel safe. She wants to purchase a gun that will be easy to use, easily accessible in case of a breakin and will pack enough punch to do some damage. She doesn't wanna spend $500 on a brand new gun if she can avoid it. The likelihood of her having to actually use the gun is low, but she wants to be prepared if needed. I am a MAJOR NOOB when it comes to guns and wanna help steer her in the right direction. Anyone have any good guns for sale that she would be able to handle and use???


IMO /thread.




I hope never to, but have it ready to roll because if anyone kicks in my door, the alarm will whale, the dogs will likely got to town on them but I will deflate their heads with this bad boy.


Easy to use, packs more punch than she'll ever need and IMO is much easier to handle in a panic situation where someone is woken up from a door being kicked in.


Two hands steady, seven shots strong and again, once she fires it, I pretty much guarantee if they aren't dead, the will set record speeds running the fuck away.

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seriously, tell them they need to GTFO, there are too many nice, safe neighborhoods around Columbus to have to worry about shit like that. Of course, this is assuming they are in an apartment and moving is reasonably easy.


If for whatever reason they can't move, a dog is a great deterrence. Rottweilers are very loyal and very protective.


If they are dead set on just getting a gun, so be it. But make them practice with it, and get at least a small amount of training.


Shotguns are large and have a good bit of recoil, which can be a problem for smaller women. The other thing is that contrary to popular belief, they do indeed need to be aimed.


Handgun would be easier to use. Get something that's fullsize and has night sights, or invest in a good flashlight.


My suggestions for around or under $500 (new or used, look around)


-Rock Island (I love mine)

-Springfield GI

-Charles Daly


Springfield XD


Bersa Thunder


Ruger P-Series (a bit chunky for my taste, but cheap and reliable)


These are all semi-auto guns. If they decide they prefer revolvers, check out S&W and Taurus. Their best bet though would be to go to Blackwing, talk to Greg to see what they have in the price range, then rent them to try them out and see what they like.

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seriously, tell them they need to GTFO, there are too many nice, safe neighborhoods around Columbus to have to worry about shit like that.



So did I just hear you say move from crime? Where is this place that crime doesn't happen....tell me please.?



Not big on guns...Get a .357 revolver. No worry with tight slides and mags. Some women have issues with those.

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So did I just hear you say move from crime? Where is this place that crime doesn't happen....tell me please.?


Apparently where I live? In the two years that I've lived here, the only crime that I've heard of was one night someone went around and stole whatever they found in unlocked cars (didn't even bother breaking in).


There are plenty of places where crime is rare which is plenty good odds. 4 break ins in a week that they've heard of, sounds pretty bad.


Another thing to keep in mind, is that a thief wants to break into an empty home. If you can make it look like there is always someone home and awake (lights on) then you are less of a target if the person is looking for easy targets. If they are casing the neighborhood to the point of learning people's daily habits, it won't matter. Again - big mean dogs are more effective, or a good alarm system.

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if she is looking into a hand gun tell her to get a 9mm or bigger. i bought my girlfriend a bersa 380 (great gun) and she loves it but she can handle a 9mm and a 40. she said her next purchase will be a 40. if she is looking into just home defense a small barrel shot gun would be nice and would put someone down fast. more accurate then handguns but harder to maneuver but if she is shooting someone down a hallway less chance she will miss. there is alot of good brands out there spend a little more for a nicer version (meaning i got a S&W Sigma and i should have bought the M&P instead).


My Brother bought a 380 Bersa for his wife to have while he carries his S&W. Its nice, small, cheap and REALLY easy to shoot, especially for females who may have smaller hands. I think brand new he spent 230$ but be careful, you get what you pay for when it comes to guns. Not to mention the 380 caliber is smaller than a 9mm and doesnt really have a big punch per say.


If shes dead set on something with a punch look for a used Mossberg 500 (as pictured in tim's post). I picked mine up for only 300$ and it sleeps next to my bed every night :)


Oh and above all else, if she can...move. If you can avoid an area or take yourself out of a situation before it ever happens then why not?

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Bersa 380 would be perfect. I second on the you get what you pay for so be careful. The Taurus millennium pro 111 would be a great one for her also. That is around 350 or 400 I cannot remember. Better yet, take her to the range and let her try some out. Always the best route to go. They will guide you through what she needs to know etc..
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Bersa 380 would be perfect. I second on the you get what you pay for so be careful. The Taurus millennium 111 would be a great one for her also. That is around 350 or 400 I cannot remember.


The only reason I didnt pick up that Bersa was because it was so cheap. I would rather save my 200$ to buy a Glock or M&P or XD. The latter of which I shot the 9mm version of and loved it. Damn i want that gun.

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The only reason I didnt pick up that Bersa was because it was so cheap. I would rather save my 200$ to buy a Glock or M&P or XD. The latter of which I shot the 9mm version of and loved it. Damn i want that gun.


I will be adding the XD .40 here shortly. I am still at a toss up for my carry though

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i was looking mainly for something that is a nice compact that my girl freind could hold tightly and not have alot of recoil seeing that it is a small compact. i havent had any problems with her bersa shots straighter then my junk S&W Sigma. only problem so far is the magfs are on back order and i think shes ready for a bigger caliber.
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