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Navigation unit for $150-200

Trouble Maker

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Me and my sister are going to get my parents a navigation unit for Christmas in that price range.


She has the Tom Tom One 130 and wants to get them that.


I did some research and was thinking about suggesting the 130s that adds text-to-speech for $200.


A coworker also bought a Navigon for his now fiance last Christmas and they really like it. I remembered reading an article about the 2200T. $200 and lifetime traffic, lane assist, text-to-spech, 'real' road signs. Seems like a deal?


It also better have one of the updated GPS chips that are more sensitive. I would hope no one is still using the old chips that can take forever to get a lock on their location.


Anyone have anything to say about any of these units, or any other ones they would suggest in that price range.


We've got $10 in BB rewards right now too... so that would be a slight plus if it's there.



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I bought the lowest end Tom Tom that does the text to speech option at best buy. It was $200 and came with $10 gift card to best buy. It seemed like a good enough one for the price. My wife is going to love it when she opens it on Christmas.
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i worked some time with them and it seems that everyone loved the navigon, you get alot more for your money.


only thing i will say for any GPS regardless of the model. make sure if you have any issues with them just push the reset button (usually need a paperclip to push them) and they will be fine. i cannot tell you how many times people would come in and say their GPS doesn't work right and we would just reset them and send them on their way.


persoannly i have a Magellan dont remember the model and i like it alot, (retail was close to 400) i got it on clearance so the deal wasn't bad


seems anyone that is in the knowlage of the GPS usally says get a Magellan, Garmin, and some say tom tom but they supposedly are not up to date as most.

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  RX7dood said:
Jesse, read any consumer report and Garmin >*

I have a garmin 650 and I really like it



right now they have the garmin 750 for sale at sams club for $198.76.



Just got this for my dad... very good deal. Compare price on newegg.com.

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