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Transmission Question.


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I’m not sure if this is considered a Tech question so I’m posting here. My Transmission is starting to slip and I’ve notice it get a little worse over the last few weeks. I’m assuming that if I keep limping it around it will probably last me MAYBE another month or so. Most transmission rebuilds are at least a grand from my experience which I don’t have right now and in all likelihood probably wont in a month or two either. So now for the question…


Is it better from a financial stand point to get the trans looked at and repaired now while it’s still drivable or just save some money and wait until it bights the dust and have it repaired then? Obviously if there is more damage then there are more parts to replace, but what about general labor, do shops consider a trans rebuild a complete rebuild regardless?


And finally, any recommendations as to where to go?



Thanks for the help!

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Automatic trannys have clutch packs in them, and when they are worn they slip. It really won't make much difference if you wait until it quits, but then you'll have a tow bill. If you can feel it slipping I think it lasting a month would be optomistic.
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if it gets too bad then you get metal flakes and then you need a torque converter. better to repair now before you jack more up. pull it out and bring it to me and i'll get you done cheep.

I wouldn't go through the hassle of a tranny rebuild without doing a torque converter. If it doesn't have metal flakes in it, it's full of clutch shit. Screw re-using that.

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throwin this out there, before my trans went, it wouldnt shift from first to second unless u took it to like 3.5-4grand and let off and gave it time to shift but this is reguarding to the changing the fluid issue, did a drain and fill on mine and put some lucas transmission fix in it and it would no longer shift from first no matter what. First to park ok, no reverse 2nd 3rd 4th etc...
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