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OSU vs. Texas

Dr. Apex

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I watched the replays, he hit the ground before he lost the ball.

And it's not the fact that he challenged the spot. It's the fact that he DIDN'T challenge the call on the earlier hit, when it was guaranteed that the call would have been reversed. I don't know whether it would have changed the outcome of the game, but right then Texas was losing momentum. Losing that call probably would have ended their drive. Tressel blew that one.


Oh, the ball wasn't out before he was down?


What "earlier hit" are you talking about? (Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about.) Are you talking about the penalty where he got called for roughing the passer, but the replays showed that he actually hit him in the shoulder (and not the head)? I don't think penalties could be reviewed?

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Oh, the ball wasn't out before he was down?


What "earlier hit" are you talking about? (Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about.) Are you talking about the penalty where he got called for roughing the passer, but the replays showed that he actually hit him in the shoulder (and not the head)? I don't think penalties could be reviewed?

That's the one. How the fuck would a penalty not be eligible for a coach's challenge? If that is indeed the case, then it is literally the stupidest thing I've heard of in sports, period.

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"Plays involving the sideline, goal line, end zone and end line, as well as other detectable situations, are reviewable (e.g., fumble/no fumble, pass complete/incomplete, touchdown/no touchdown, runner down/not down, player or ball inbounds/out of bounds, clock adjustments). Most fouls (e.g., holding, offside, pass interference) are not reviewable, except that in 2006, illegal forward passes, handoffs and punts from beyond the line of scrimmage, and too many players on the field are reviewable and the foul may be called after replay review. Also, while the foul of pass interference is not reviewable, it can be overturned on review based on touching of the pass. By rule, pass interference cannot apply if a pass has been touched by any player before the foul occurs, and the touching of a pass is a reviewable call"
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"Plays involving the sideline, goal line, end zone and end line, as well as other detectable situations, are reviewable (e.g., fumble/no fumble, pass complete/incomplete, touchdown/no touchdown, runner down/not down, player or ball inbounds/out of bounds, clock adjustments). Most fouls (e.g., holding, offside, pass interference) are not reviewable, except that in 2006, illegal forward passes, handoffs and punts from beyond the line of scrimmage, and too many players on the field are reviewable and the foul may be called after replay review. Also, while the foul of pass interference is not reviewable, it can be overturned on review based on touching of the pass. By rule, pass interference cannot apply if a pass has been touched by any player before the foul occurs, and the touching of a pass is a reviewable call"


Are these the rules for the one-time challenge a coach gets for each game, or the rules for a regular official's review? Because the referees did review that play on the field, but didn't go to the booth.

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Personally, I think Tressel coached much better than he has in the past big games they lost. When they had I think a 3 and 13 close to mid field in the second half and he ran a homo run play to set up the punt I wanted to punch myself in the face. I thought, "fuck it he's put his tail between his legs, we're done." Then all of a sudden they got agressive and fought back. On the last drive they went after Colt which is what I believe in. Go for the kill instead of being careful. They just got beat.


Oklahoma will get mopped by Florida. Texas would have if they had the chance to play Florida. The real game would have been USC vs UF. THAT would be a classic game.

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Looks like I have a lot of reading to do.


I'll sum this up quickly:


1st play of the game, what the FUCK are you doing showing you intend to use both QBs?


Thanks Big East refs for giving 7 free points away. That didn't effect the outcome of the game or anything. The BS call directly after that causing them to kick a PAT from 10 yard further back totally made up for it.


3rd quarter: Tressel and Heacock - what the fuck is wrong with you? Did we even get a first down? Is hurry up offense really that hard to defend against? Man to man. Say it with me now. Man to man. Do not run zone. See how they're picking you apart every play with zone? Stop that shit.


4th quarter: hole-lee-shit, you actually called a single option play and it worked. Imagine that. No worries though, just do it once, then go back to up the middle bullshit and putting Beockman in to throw deep, that isn't predictable, at all.


God it sickens me to see a squad that is clearly better than Texas lose due to inept play calling and horrid defensive decisions.


Fail. Fucking fail.

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One last note: Thanks Fox for smearing your corporate feces all over the game. First down? Fuck it. Commercial. Oh, you've seen this commercial already twenty times in the last 5min? Fuck it. Watch it again.


Though, I really enjoyed the Tostitos commercial. I could watch that a million times. Want. To. Touch.

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If they weren't aggressive, then we'd be sitting here saying, "Wow, we just sat back and allowed Colt McCoy to pick us apart!!1!1!"


The thing is, we should have sit back and played pass coverage on that play, they had nothing on the ground all night anyway.


Great game. OSU may have lost but I think it settled the arguement of Texas being a National Title contender or not.

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I'm proud of OSU. They showed well. I was very worried about that third quarter, but even though they didn't win they lost to a "national title contender" by 2. What happened to Penn State, again?
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I'm proud of OSU. They showed well. I was very worried about that third quarter, but even though they didn't win they lost to a "national title contender" by 2. What happened to Penn State, again?


That's a good point. If they had to loose, I'm glad it was in a close game and not another thrashing.

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OSU is a great team with coaches that are scared to put their necks out every now and then. Sometimes you have to go after it. Playing not to lose is the reason why they have their losses. Hopefully next year they'll come out looking for blood early then go conservative after running up the score in the first half. They have the talent, all they need now are the coaches to get their heads out of their behinds...


The real game would have been USC vs UF. THAT would be a classic game.


#1 VS #5 :confused:

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A couple things I noticed:


First, OSU has the ball and a lead toward the end of the game with a little over 2min left (my memory may be a bit off) They went 3 and out so f'n fast; it was like he wasn't even trying to run the clock off! THen the final play of Texas scoring... why would you fake a blitz and then not even have your linebackers drop back to to at least the first down line leaving only a safety to stop the touchdown?! It also seemed they stopped calling the same blitz packages that was rattling Texas all the first half. IT's like as soon as something doesn't work once, they fall back to conservative play calling out of fear.


Well, I'm still already excited about the USC/OSU game next year. Should be a good one finally... thanks to the players of OSU who will do well despite the playcalling of their coaches.

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A couple things I noticed:


First, OSU has the ball and a lead toward the end of the game with a little over 2min left (my memory may be a bit off) They went 3 and out so f'n fast; it was like he wasn't even trying to run the clock off! THen the final play of Texas scoring... why would you fake a blitz and then not even have your linebackers drop back to to at least the first down line leaving only a safety to stop the touchdown?! It also seemed they stopped calling the same blitz packages that was rattling Texas all the first half. IT's like as soon as something doesn't work once, they fall back to conservative play calling out of fear.


Well, I'm still already excited about the USC/OSU game next year. Should be a good one finally... thanks to the players of OSU who will do well despite the playcalling of their coaches.


I disagree, OSU is graduating a boatload of seniors and that doesn't include Beanie who will go also to the draft. They'll have a good team as usual but it wont be on par with USC. It may be a closer game than this year though but how difficult is that?

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Run that shit and then field goal.


I just got done reading all 22 pages, and this post summarizes my entire feeling about the game.


Let's face it, our FG kicker is our greatest offensive threat lately. When we were down 2 point with 2:30 to go and on the 20 yrd line, why does Tress have to get crazy with his playcalling then???? Yes, running wide to the left was "crazy!"


Run out the freakin clock, make TX burn timeouts, and kick the FG as time expires or with like 20 secs to go.


As soon as Boom hit the end zone, I said, "too early" I wasnt jumping up and down thinking we had won the game.


Some of you will say that I'm nuts for not wanting to score. Thats cool. Just ask yourself which you would rather see...OSU kicking a 20-30yrd FG for the win as time expires or Colt McCoy running a perfect 2 min drill on a Jim Heacock coached Def.


Game mgt...we need some.

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