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Sweet Jeebus....Jessica Simpson!


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Dude...tilt your head to the right...



I dunno, guys...it looks alot like Olly to me.



hahahahahhahahahaha great ive been takin over by short lil bastards and there taking me to there temple and doing all types of craaazy lil things that i have no idea whats goin on and i like eating babies with Franks redhot it goes good with anything!!!!! plus i jus saved alot of money by switching my insurance to geico!!



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Im sorry, but I honestly couldnt do it... she is WAY to fuckin annoying. Do you know what I would have said if she'd asked me if tuna was chicken or fish? "Get out."


I couldnt stand that kind of crap on a regular basis but this might be one exception that I would get over it real quick.

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